New Musical HELL'S KITCHEN, Based on the Life of Alicia Keys, to Premiere This Year Nov 15
2023, 07:10:03 PM
Hey yall,
My partner has two staff rate tickets for the show tomorrow, November 16, at 7:00 pm that she is trying to sell for $40 each (at cost). We don’t know where they’ll be, but historically public theater staff rate tickets have been solid views. If you’re interested, shoot me a DM! :)
American Utopia - 1 Rush Ticket for Tonight (12/30) Dec 30
2019, 02:27:58 PM
Height of the Storm Preview thread Sep 11
2019, 02:12:00 PM
Curious to see what people think about it over here. I saw it during my time in London and was wildly ambivalent about it. I think dementia/Alzheimer's is one of the more covered topics in plays nowadays and it takes a lot for another entry in this growing sub-genre of play to make an impression. I thought this one falls into a lot of the tropes of shows of this topic, and the ambiguity that defines this particular piece proved more frustrating then effective. Hopefully people like it m
Assassins on vinyl Aug 28
2019, 11:23:40 AM
TotallyEffed said: "Was it ever released on vinyl?" After searching through Discogs, it doesn't seem like it was. It seems like OP may need to make a bootleg themselves if they want it on vinyl.
The Official TDF Thread Feb 11
2019, 01:52:41 PM
To anyone who's bought tickets to see Phantom through TDF, can you comment on how the seats were? Been thinking about seeing the show again.
SELLING-Carmen Jones, 7/03 7:00 PM Jul 2
2018, 11:51:56 AM
My Fair Lady 7/4 at 8pm discount code Jun 27
2018, 10:22:16 AM
Thanks so much! Bought a front center lodge ticket.
Looking to Sell Two Tickets to Sweeney Todd for Tomorrow, May 29 May 28
2018, 04:45:16 PM
I have two tickets to Sweeney Todd tomorrow that I’m looking to sell because I cannot go anymore. They are seats D-9 and D-10, on one of the tables not far from the counter and band. I only paid $100 for the pair, so I’m looking to simply make my money back. PM me if interested.
2018, 04:52:18 PM
Billie Piper to reprise her Olivier Winning performance in Apr 1
2018, 01:33:02 PM
bowtie7 said: "Spoiler Question Click Here To Toggle Spoiler ContentHow does the sound work with the audience and the stage separated by glass? Clearly with all the rave reviews, it is handled very well but I am curious (being only familiar with the NTL version) how the dialogue feels in an actual
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Seating/Pricing Thread Mar 31
2018, 12:49:50 PM
Just returned a ticket for April 14, DRESSC, Row L, Seat 128. $155 a part.
Dear Evan Hansen - Cancellation Line/Lottery Aug 4
2017, 12:09:17 AM
Whitingpc said: "Trying the cancellation line today. Got in it at 10am, there are 5 or so people in front of me. Hoping for the best!
Whitingpc, how did the line go for you?
Present Laughter Lottery Tickets for 5/6 2pm Matinee May 5
2017, 02:07:29 PM
Redeemed the code! Thanks a bunch! Used it for both tickets.
Hamilton Cancellation Line Apr 26
2017, 11:34:14 PM
cybermelli said: "Pm'd you!
also -- a general question for anyone who has done the line lately... this might seem silly but do they allow you to sit? people are talking about waits of 12 hours or more so I assume you're not standing the entire time? do they allow tailgating chairs or is it pretty much the ground or nothing?
As someone who waited the line for t
Sunday in the Park Rush Tickets Mar 30
2017, 09:56:37 PM
coreman009 said: "Megsamegatron said: "For all those looking for Saturday/two day show information:
I rushed this on Saturday March 25, I arrived at 4am and was third in line. The first person got there at 2:30am. The last person in line to get tickets was there at 5:30am. I know this time will probably only get earlier as the closing date gets closer.
Still only at most 10 tickets per show. A lot of people counted their place in line and left kno
Hamilton Cancellation Line Mar 30
2017, 04:56:25 PM
elili said: "is it possible to get a line sitter if we need 4 tickets?
You would probably need to hire two sitters, since you're only allowed two tickets per person.
Hamilton Cancellation Line Mar 30
2017, 12:56:16 PM
gatorgirl2 said: "Hey all, I'm going to be in NYC April 21st and wanted to do cancellation line that day.
I thought I had someone to wait for me but they haven't responded to any of my messages so I thought I would try again.
Anyone willing to wait in line for me on Friday April 21st in exchange for a ticket? I won't get to the city till one and its my only day to see it.
Sent you a PM!
Sunday in the park (rush) Feb 17
2017, 04:53:53 PM
Today I did the rush and was the person immediately after the last person to get front row tickets. I was offered two seats in the rear orchestra (row R, dead center) for the same price as the front row tickets ($41). In case you were wondering, I showed up at pretty much 5:00 AM and was the eighth person in line.