Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/29/24 Jan 1
2025, 10:26:58 AM
These guys kill me. All the way to the bank.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/29/24 Jan 1
2025, 09:34:11 AM
Terrible shame the Broadway model doesn't work anymore.
John Cardoza held at gunpoint, Michael Stuhlbarg attacked with a rock Apr 2
2024, 06:36:26 PM
It is absolutely valid and necessary to use anecdotal details to craft strategies to address different types of crime. However, only statistical analysis can support a claim like "New York has gotten less safe over the past five years.""
IT appears felony assault has been on the rise for quite some time in NYC. IT's up about 50% in the last 11 years, or so. And a huge jump in the past 2-3 years.
How to Fix the Broadway Model Jan 18
2024, 05:42:06 PM
Some of these shows have grossed billions. Just because many restaurants don't make it doesn't mean the model is bad. Same with writing books. Tons of people don't make any money writing books. But if you hit that nerve, you can be rich. Same with restaurants. Broadway is a tough nut to crack. I'm certainly not implying it's easy to succeed. But, let's not worry about giving financial breaks to the rich on the backs of the working people involved. Bec
How to Fix the Broadway Model Jan 18
2024, 09:16:23 AM
Don't kid yourselves. If the model was broken, producers wouldn't be lining up to get in. It's mostly their own greed that's hurting things. For example we know that small plays can struggle. Rather than cutting costs, how about bringing fewer in simultaneously? And the outrageous ticket prices. The big shows can't possibly carry on if they are netting $1 million dollars a week instead of $1.2 million?Things of that nature. They eat their own.
What Next For The Majestic? Dec 7
2023, 09:32:13 AM
There are doors from the Broadhurst that open into that alley.
Broadway is Dark this Fall Sep 14
2023, 06:08:01 PM
I think there's a very good chance that things go back to the way they were 2 decades ago and before. We're there aren't a bunch of shows backed up every season just waiting for a theatre to open. This is a relatively new thing ( about 20 years, or so) for Broadway.
Will there be any more shows for the fall? Aug 28
2023, 09:16:12 AM
The situation where Broadway had shows lined up every season for every theatre is a fairly new phenomenon. I'd say it began around 15-20 years ago? With all that's happened since then economically and in world events, I won't be surprised if we regularly go back to the situation where there are large gaps between shows in some houses, and not every theatre is filled every season. Maybe for the short term, or longer. Who knows?
Is Investing in Broadway worth it? Aug 25
2023, 01:10:06 PM
Well, if you know anyone with a track history (more than having invested in more than one or two shows) ask them whether or not to believe it. That's why just getting one's money back (recoupment) is a big deal. A show that does nothing more than break even is considered a "hit" in Broadway terminology. One of my closest friends has been a small investor ($25,000 or so) in about 20-30 shows over the past 15 years, and he's always given me the show b
Is Investing in Broadway worth it? Aug 24
2023, 05:19:31 PM
70-80% of all bway shows fail to break even."
I know this is the standard thought about Broadway, but im reality, I'll never believe it. Almost envy facet of entertainment claims to be a losing venture. Sports, Broadway. Even" The Empire Strikes Back" claims to have never made any money. Don't believe it for a second. Are there shows that lose money? Sure. But 70-80% today? No way. It would have dried up ages ago if that were
Where Did All the Broadway Sets Go? Aug 20
2023, 02:04:54 PM
It went into the producer's pockets. While charging the customer the same price. It's a travesty. Broadway. The home of chairs and stairs. Embarrassing.
Should Jewish actors play Jewish role Jun 28
2023, 02:20:50 PM
So, you mean only Jewish roles?
Broadway's Life of Pi Sets Early Closing Date, Will Tour in 2024 Jun 20
2023, 03:36:22 PM
EDSOSLO858 said: "I didn’t know this was a limited run to begin with"
it wasn't.
Broadway prices and uncomfortable seats Apr 21
2023, 11:24:45 PM
Here's the problem- as you all know- but let's put some real numbers to it. The vast majority of seats are either 19", or 20" wide. Now, figure in the center aisle there could be 14 seats across. That's approximately 273 total inches. If we remove 2 seats from the center section, they can average 22.75" each. But, times 20 rows, that's 40 seats. Another 1 on each side section, that's another 40, , and let's say 20 total seats in&n
Broadway shows are becoming embarrassingly cheap-looking Mar 23
2023, 10:25:08 AM
On the other hand, if you want to make the argument that certain *producers* want to minimize scenic costs to the extreme, there's evidence of that."
Yes. This is exactly the argument I'm making. I believe, the article is as well. I don't think anyone is denying some shows are better sparse, and some plays can have a much more dramatic effect that way, and are necessary to the production.
That's certainly fine. Does everyone reme
Broadway shows are becoming embarrassingly cheap-looking Mar 22
2023, 02:15:27 PM
ANewBrainn said: "Broadway prices don't automatically equal scenic opulence. The entire production of A Dolls House was designed for artistic purposes. I'm sure if the director wanted to have a more elaborate set he would have.
I'm sorry, I'm going to disagree with this. Director's many times come on board knowing exactly that the producers want to keep within a certain budget. They're all hoping a show will be a hit with minimal sets. Smalle
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 2/26/23 Mar 2
2023, 02:43:03 PM
Shows have had 2 days a week off in the past. Peter Pan at the Gershwin ages ago had Monday and Tuesday off. There's no extra charge for the stagehands.
Who did Gene Barry Replace in La Cage? Dec 29
2022, 01:03:00 PM
Little OT, just wanted to say, watching George Hearn sing "I Am What I Am" is my favorite Broadway moment of all time. And, Im a 60 yr old straight guy.
2023 Tony Awards to be held at the United Palace Dec 13
2022, 02:42:56 PM
I don't know anything about this venue. But, if this is correct, and the Tony Awards are being held at a non- union venue, it's some disgrace. I'm supposing a deal is possible for local 1 to supply a crew ( and the wardrobe union) for this event at union rates.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending March 27, 2022 Mar 30
2022, 06:05:51 PM
Would seem odd for CFA to go thru January and February just to close in the next month or two.