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Rush Tickets
 Jul 16 2022, 10:06:08 AM

Rushed this morning. Arrived at 7:20am, first person in line, next person arrived at 8ish. There was about 25 people in line when the box office opened. Got two tickets in Row U center orchestra 

 Dec 24 2021, 12:42:30 AM

Skip23 said: "

Did they cut the big tap number at the end?


No they did not. But Voytko didn’t tap an insane amount so they may have just cut it down. 


 Dec 24 2021, 12:42:28 AM

Skip23 said: "

Did they cut the big tap number at the end?


No they did not. But Voytko didn’t tap an insane amount so they may have just cut it down. 


Music Man Rush Line.
 Dec 24 2021, 12:15:52 AM

Ended up sitting in B16. I saw most of the show I would say and was very close! It seemed like the single rush tickets were much closer to the stage than the double rush tickets. Totally worth $49 for the view I got. Also like 8 seats in the front row was empty but no where else was oddly enough. 

 Dec 24 2021, 12:12:39 AM

HenryTDobson said: "Hugh is such a class act. Did anyone catch the show tonight?"

Yes I watched tonight. The swing seemed completely on point. Before the show the director made an announcement saying Sutton couldn’t come on tonight but didn’t want to cancel the show but to be understanding if something went wrong… but nothing seemed  to go wrong! Only things I noticed, keep in mind though this was my first time seeing this show, was they cut a

Music Man Rush Line.
 Dec 23 2021, 11:13:07 AM

Rushed this morning. Arrived at 5am and was 3rd in line. My friend was 5th in line. I got two tickets at O 40 and O 42 and my friend got one at B 16. I’m not sure how many people ended with the tickets as there was a bit of drama with people line cutting. Ticket is officially partial view but hopefully it won’t be too bad. 

 Dec 20 2021, 10:22:30 AM

Did anyone rush today and if so what time were people arriving and any idea how many seats there were? 

Have tickets for Wednesday. Worried!
 Dec 18 2021, 11:56:38 PM

Both Patti and Katrina were there. But there were about 3 understudies in the show and many of the understudies are the understudy for multiple roles. 

Have tickets for Wednesday. Worried!
 Dec 18 2021, 11:40:06 PM

Company played tonight but it seems like they were maxed out or near maxed in terms of understudies. 

Company Rush Tickets?
 Dec 18 2021, 11:12:17 PM

Rushed this morning (again after yesterday’s show was cancelled) arrived at 8:45am and got the very last rush ticket. I was maybe like 21st in line give or take? They didn’t sell SRO when I was at the box office but I saw a few people standing so maybe they did later…? All rush seats are in the boxes for the $43 price. I think they had some more expensive other rush seats but they only offered me something for $100 so... I was in the house left back box in the seat closer t

Show stopped and cancelled 5 minutes into run time 12/17
 Dec 17 2021, 10:11:11 PM

I was at the show today, and 5 minutes in they had all the cast come off the stage. Patti Lupone and some other came out and talked to the audience for a while before they announced the show was cancelled due to food poisoning… very disappointing as I had rush and also very weird! 

Company Rush Tickets?
 Dec 17 2021, 07:54:44 AM

Currently rushing. Got here at a little after 7am and was 3rd in line. Next person got here about 20 after. First person was here at 5am. I’ll update on if we get tickets/where they are 

 Sep 27 2019, 12:59:13 AM
They have a new space in Hell’s Kitchen that’s just for MCC. It has theaters and also it’s for all their offices. Before their theaters were separate from their offices which wasn’t ideal.
MITB Tony's Reactions
 Jun 10 2019, 01:33:52 PM
Honestly it would’ve taken maybe two seconds of air time to credit the show. They could’ve even done it before the commercial saying something like “up next a new take on Michael in the Bathroom from Be More Chill”.

It’s not a huge deal they didn’t credit them but it’s annoying because it could’ve been done so easily.

2019 Tony Awards Reactions Thread
 Jun 9 2019, 10:07:21 PM
I feel like the Hadestown performance was lacking as well... they had so many others numbers that would’ve been better and more powerful. Not to mention Reeve Carney was the weakest main cast member...
2019 Tony Awards Reactions Thread
 Jun 9 2019, 09:25:46 PM
I saw Oklahoma! And Hadestown and I gotta say I think Stroker deserved it. It was close but her performance felt better when considering the material each actress was given.
rush tickets in July
 Jun 7 2019, 03:39:21 PM
Get Hadestown SRO it’s worth the wait and the standing
First time seeing a broadway show
 Jun 6 2019, 11:09:13 PM
Know I already suggested BoM but on the topic of falling in love with theater... BoM was the first show I saw and it made me want to see more theater. It’s witty, Orginal, and hilarious while also having classical musical elements. However, it is very inappropriate.
Tony Awards Student Tickets
 Jun 6 2019, 02:26:46 PM
I did it last year but they had announced it the night before last year. Waited from 7pm until maybe 10am and got an orchestra seat in the back not on camera.
First time seeing a broadway show
 Jun 3 2019, 03:16:09 PM
If they enjoy comedy Book of Mormon. Very funny but also has traditional musical elements in it.
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