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Member Name: raccoon5833
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re: Thank you all--Andy Meeks-Rent tour 04-05
 Jan 16 2005, 11:22:11 AM
I'm sitting down, Missy...therefore I can bump it ith my *other* knee!
re: SF Wicked vs. NY Wicked
 Jan 16 2005, 12:08:11 AM
Melissa Fahn never went on as Glinda, from what I've heard.

And I loved her at Bryant Park. I think she would have been fabulous as Glinda. And I don't like Stacie Morgain Lewis at all.

re: Jesus Christ Superstar tour
 Jan 16 2005, 12:02:30 AM
I need to see it again...I actually liked the tour, and he's a friend of my mom's.
re: Thank you all--Andy Meeks-Rent tour 04-05
 Jan 16 2005, 12:01:34 AM
re: Thank you all--Andy Meeks-Rent tour 04-05
 Jan 15 2005, 11:57:03 PM
You were the one that told me to do it!

Me (11:46:03 PM): Bump the post
You (11:46:32 PM): Why don't you?


re: Jesus Christ Superstar tour
 Jan 15 2005, 11:55:53 PM
You saw it there any way you can tell me who Raymond Patterson is currently playing?
re: Thank you all--Andy Meeks-Rent tour 04-05
 Jan 15 2005, 11:48:02 PM



re: Thank you all--Andy Meeks-Rent tour 04-05
 Jan 14 2005, 09:29:51 PM

Sami. S-A-M-I. Sami.

Speaking of Sami, I should go call her.

re: Thank you all--Andy Meeks-Rent tour 04-05
 Jan 14 2005, 05:30:27 PM
Yeah, the tour is totally worth travelling long distances to see...I saw it twice in Philly (and stagedoored two other nights), and I'm driving to Hershey next month and DC in March to see them again.
re: Thank you all--Andy Meeks-Rent tour 04-05
 Jan 14 2005, 11:12:24 AM
Andy! Hey! It's Beckie and Megan from Philly!

We're coming to Hershey next month, can't wait to see it again!

re: After Seeing Wicked, Could You Watch The Wizard Of Oz The Same?
 Dec 21 2004, 10:07:28 AM
I have always loved The Wizard of Oz... but I find it strangely fake now... the scenery turns into a drawing. I dunno, I paid more attention to details to figure out how alike Wicked and the Wizard of Oz really were.

By the way... Elphaba IS supposed to be ugly, though that didn't happen in the play. In the book she has this long crooked nose and a wart.

The Rent Welcome Wagon..
 Dec 5 2004, 12:37:08 AM
Hi people! (Been lurking for a while, but never got around to registering)

Fredi, I have a question but I'm way too lazy to look through all 121 pages to see if anyone's asked it. So don't hate me.

"Always said if I gave up showbiz - I'd open a restaurant (or a hair salon - I'm still torn...)"
Would that restaurant be in Santa Fe?

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