re: Spring Awakening Stage Story May 16
2007, 08:19:39 PM
"yeah, that seat (AA13) is more available than the others cuz it's always a single...i actually like having the cast on either side, and when they take away the empty chairs to use them on stage...well, you are REALLY out there alone!" 0_o Haha I'm scared! Excited, but scared. I would have liked to see it from the orchestra first, but I was only free for one night while in NYC and I figured this would be a more fun experience. Still, lets hope for no anxiety attacks on my part until
re: Spring Awakening Stage Story May 16
2007, 12:45:54 AM
Haha, talk about coincidences. Mine are for the 23rd. :-P
re: Spring Awakening Stage Story May 15
2007, 11:20:34 PM
Just out of curiosity, I recently purchased an onstage seat in row AA (seat 13) and I was wondering if that is a good place to sit. Having never sat onstage before, I'd be interested in hearing about anyone's experience from that area (view etc). Thanks!
re: Advice on what to see... May 7
2007, 09:25:51 PM
Thanks for the suggestions so far everyone. Rent came to mind, because of the whole Adam/Anthony thing, but does anyone know how the rest of the cast is?
re: Advice on what to see... May 7
2007, 09:07:05 PM
"well what kind of show would you enjoy?" I was thinking about shows such as the Drowsy Chaperone, Curtains or Spring Awakening but honestly, I don't care so much about subject matter as opposed to the quality of the current cast and the overall production. I'd be more willing to buy tickets for a completely unfamiliar show with a highly recommended cast/score then vice versa.
Advice on what to see... May 7
2007, 08:51:39 PM
Hey everyone, I'm going to be visiting New York from California in August and I was wondering if anyone had any advice on what might be good to see while I'm there. I'm already going to see Spamalot but any other suggestions would be welcome. Thanks!
A Very Broadway Holiday Dec 28
2005, 07:53:22 AM
I have to ask Mandi, that pic of Anthony in David Searching, when is that from?? I don't remember that anywhere in the movie and is he playing with a condom? Hehehe I love it! Anyways great pics you guys. On another note, it's 5:00AM right now, everyone else is sleeping and here I am on BWW. Heh, wow.
2005, 07:10:17 AM
Damn! I just saw the movie today and we left a few minutes into the credits to make dinner reservations. Damn. Oh well, another reason to see it again....
Raiding Closets Dec 24
2005, 07:50:24 AM
Haha the tango remains one of my favorite parts in the movie. Just everything about how it was done was awsome and I loved the little quirks like Anthony's infamous one-eyebrow raise and the "Pookie" bits. :-P
Raiding Closets Dec 24
2005, 07:24:50 AM
No, it's Collins who says "Merry Christmas bitches!" near the beginning of the movie. Very amusing bit, I must say. :-P
re: Stephanie J. Block songs added to Scott Alan's website Dec 22
2005, 05:42:12 PM
Great clips, I really do love Stephanie's voice. I had the pleasure of seeing her in Wicked when the tour came to LA and she was incredible.
Hilarious! Dec 18
2005, 04:34:29 AM
Gah, I always miss the good interviews on TV. :-P The Anthony/Taye bit had me laughing quite a bit. Thanks for sharing. Oh and hey everyone, I've been M.I.A. for a while and I probably will be again soon as work has been keeping me at the theatre more then at home (with my laptop) so alas, I can't keep up with the constant updates of this thread. But I just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a good weekend (and for those of us still in school, a happy vacation) in this rare moment
re: Tour Cast Vs. Broadway Cast Dec 10
2005, 02:45:20 PM
I disagree with your friend, I've seen many tour casts with people who I thought were better then the broadway casts. For example, Tari Kelly in LSoH and Stephanie J Block from Wicked. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Kerry, Jessica and the numerous Elphabas on Broadway for the most part but for those particular shows, I found the tour casts to be more enjoyable.
I need to finish my OWN film - I QUIT!!! Dec 8
2005, 02:23:51 AM
Heh seriously, this place is addictive. I have to limit myself and force myself to do english HW and go to work on time. :-P
re: Favorite RENT Quotes Dec 7
2005, 08:53:22 PM
Answering someone's earlier question, I believe the line "I'm lonely, bored and horny" is said by Mark. And I love that bit too by the way. :-P And oh so much to choose from as far as favorite quotes, all of Halloween and WYO, alot of the Tango, Mimi's solos in Another Day, the Mark/Roger fight..... Oh and from the movie, the end of the Tango where Mark makes that face and says "Pookie" as an imitation of Maureen and Joanne makes this disgusted face and says "Shut up!" Teheh.
We're not gonna pay (and can't afford to, anyway) Dec 6
2005, 11:56:09 PM
hehehe I was writing an english creative writing/vocab assignment and the mental strain to not log in to BWW and post was slightly alarming. :-P And even then, my story turned into a very RENT related bit. 0_0 I think I just wrote my first fanfiction without meaning
re: Dec 6
2005, 11:54:45 PM
You should write the letter. Just request that you'd be interested in him coming to your city etc. And I love that icon! "SOON!" That's right up there with the "holla!" quote.
We're not gonna pay (and can't afford to, anyway) Dec 6
2005, 11:51:23 PM
"Must not blow paycheck on scarf, must not blow paycheck on scarf, must not blow paycheck on scarf!!!" Ahhh, the temptation! :-P I'm for the idea of all of us splitting the price and then passing it around. Heheh.
We're not gonna pay (and can't afford to, anyway) Dec 5
2005, 09:37:31 PM
Heheh, sisterhood/brotherhead of the traveling Mark sweater
re: Feeling Electric Question Dec 5
2005, 09:36:18 PM
Thank you very much!