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Member Name: chaos_dragon
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Lets face it...we are ALL sasstresses!!!!
 Dec 11 2005, 08:01:13 PM
whoa...AIM chat? does anthony attend? how do i get in?
Lets face it...we are ALL sasstresses!!!!
 Dec 11 2005, 12:22:17 PM
haha....that lj entry....thats my friends

see that picture at the end...the kid in the green aero sweatshirt....yep...thats me...

and yes...anthony rapp had his arm on my shoulder, and i had my arm around his waist....

and ya, the thing about the commentary...yep, i was the one that said that too.

im so lucky!

PS: if anthony reads this, i apologize for making a total fool of myself and overusing the work "wicked" and "like" like a total

re: Rent attendance anecdotes
 Nov 23 2005, 10:16:39 AM
I too was at the Boston advanced screening of Monday. Me and 3 friends left our little town of Bridgewater at 3:30 and arrived at the theater at 5:00. By then, we were pretty much freaking out because we were afraid of not getting in, but when we found a relatively small line of less than 50 people, we knew not to worry. Though, less than half an our later, the line was wrapped around the block.

Anyways, after waiting for 2 of the longest hours EVER and making some friends in line, we f

Welcome Back, Anthony!
 Nov 17 2005, 03:30:12 PM
eh, before anyone goes on believing that story from BBC about that guy that "cured himself of HIV" should read this


Welcome Back, Anthony!
 Nov 16 2005, 09:16:40 PM
haha, im so happy Anthony's back...

and not gonna lie, whoever said he was probably bombarded by PMs....i sadly contributed. I just couldnt keep in my appreciation for him, and figured a PM was the best way for him to personally read it, so I did.

But at least he's back now. I wonder if anyone else from the cast plans on visiting BWW or posting

re: difference between original and revival of Chicago?
 Oct 21 2005, 02:53:45 PM
haha, thanks, i love it when people tell me I got a good part.

And yes, I did figure out its the original. I guess our school was one of the only places allowed to get the rights because its still on tour, or we were the last ones to get them before they froze? I dont quite remember.

And im happy to know that almost everything is the same. Now I can listen to either recording and still be ok (I MUCH prefer Joel Greys version of Cellophane).

and just on a side note, how

difference between original and revival of Chicago?
 Oct 21 2005, 11:38:30 AM
is there a difference? My school is going it this year (I got Amos) but I'm not sure which version. Last year we did the original off-broadway (i think) Anything Goes, which was drastically different than the revival, so I was wondering if the same goes for Chicago...

and just because I want to know...what is the scope of Amos' dialogue/lines? I havent gotten a hold of the script yet

re: The First Time You Ever Sang For Anyone
 Jul 1 2005, 03:25:31 PM
well, i've been in a few shows before, but the most impacting time was last year...

freshman in HS. I've seen the shows my school had been doing since i was in second grade and had seen almost every show they produced. it was my absolute dream to be in one of the high school musicals when i got there.

of course, auditions were quite traumatizing. the music director taught all the guys "Officer Krupke" and part of "Tonight" (we were doing West Side). After we learned it as a gro

Once Upon a Mattress song questions...
 Jun 27 2005, 11:23:56 AM
Alright, this may sound WAAY out there, but:

Which characters sing which songs in Once Upon a Mattress?

It was announced yesterday that the musical at my school next year is Once Upon a Mattress, and I was just curious to see who sings whats, just to get an idea of what part I should possibly work on over the summer (o ya, and im a guy, so obviously a guy part). I would like a lead...or at least, an attention getting part, and there seems to be quite a few (Jester, Dauntles

re: Reefer Madness lyrics?
 May 16 2005, 05:35:15 PM
eh, well i disagree. i thought it was actually very well done and very entertaining. but to each his own i suppose
re: Reefer Madness lyrics?
 May 15 2005, 05:54:19 PM
ah, no one?
Reefer Madness lyrics?
 May 14 2005, 01:06:24 PM

ok, so i watched the Reefer Madness movie on Showtime (the new one), and fell in love with it.

are there any websites with Reefer Madness lyrics on them (for the show or the movie...or both?). I googled it, but couldnt find it

Hello again
 Apr 7 2005, 02:56:55 PM
oh my....cant WAIT for the rent website to come out. Its awesome that its comming out soon. And VERY cool about the video diaries and blog posts.

May I just say, when I see the Rent trailer for the first time, either on TV or, even better, in a movie theater, i MIGHT just happen to spaz out and scream, just cuz. And people already think im weird cuz im counting down the days till November 11th...i think we should make it a holiday

smoke this
 Mar 16 2005, 03:50:33 PM
alright, i dont post here much...but let me just say, i am soooo Fexcited about this movie(the F at the beginning isnt random or a typo....F stands for a rather elicit word used all too often in todays society).

i do have a question though. In all of the pictures i have seen online, i havent seen any that had Rosario, Tracy, or Taye. Are they just now filming this week, or has there scene not come yet? (or have i just not seen the pictures?)

waiting for this movie is crazy like

re: Upcoming Highschool Musicals...
 Mar 4 2005, 02:58:53 PM
Anything Goes
Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School
Bridgewater, MA
May 5, 6, 7

first answers in a while
 Feb 25 2005, 09:54:42 AM
hmm, favorite books? I havent seen it mentioned yet, so i will put it out there, the Harry Potter series. I also really liked the His Dark Materials trilogy and the Everworld books (ya, im a fantasy geek, o well)

and on the topic of To Kill a Mockingbird, we just finished that in school (and im a sophomore in Honors english). I must say, it is the best school book i have read, seeing as Tale of Two Cities wasnt too good and readin Julius Caesar REALLY stunk

Alexi Darling, from buzzline! = Chris Colombus, from hollywood?
 Feb 11 2005, 08:53:19 PM
...ignore the above poster. he seems to be spamming everything remotely RENT related
Funny/Horrible Mistakes on Live Performances
 Feb 3 2005, 09:30:59 PM
it was a few years ago (maybe two?), and I was seeing Hairspray. It was on the night of a big football playoff game (pats vs. someone else....but i AM a pats fan). Towards the end (the finale i think), when Penny's mom walks up through the aisles and climbs onstage, she accidentally tripped and fell into some guys lap. She totally broke character and said something like, "Aren't you happy your getting this view instead of sitting at home watching some silly playoff game?" I cant totally remember
re: What is your favorite part of being in Theatre
 Jan 30 2005, 11:04:28 AM
i would have to agree that my favorite part of theater is getting to be someone else and display a huge range of emotion and feeling, without being judged as being weird (i KNEW there were other people out there that felt like that). I always feel like i can by myself on stage and at rehearsal, its not as uptight as in school.

also, the applause, gotta love that. Though usually you cant see anyone until the house lights come up, seeing all the people is cheering and clapping is amazing.

broadway art/posters?
 Jan 28 2005, 04:17:59 PM
Alright, im sorta redoing my room, and i wanted some posters and stuff. Well, im going to get a Rent poster, but my mom suggested maybe finding a poster or art print thing of just Broadway in general. I know my mom's friend has an art print of times square, but it has all these broadway marquees sorta subtle in the background. I was wondering if anyone knew of any of these art prints or have seen anything in that category. Put a link if you can!
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