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Member Name: WickedGypsy
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re: Trump the Musical?
 Jan 24 2005, 12:19:55 AM
Thanks CATSNYrevival
But oh God...all hell is gonna break loose...

What do you think would be good on Broadway *like T.V or w/e*
 Jan 24 2005, 12:17:17 AM
Kinda out there but oh well. My last post was about if Trump the Musical was more then just a rumor...people misinterperted it but it gave me a good post idea. What T.V shows/book/movies/etc. do you think would be good on Broadway? I nominate a mystery of some-sort. Like Agatha Christy only a lot more modern.
re: Trump the Musical?
 Jan 24 2005, 12:12:38 AM
Ok, that's even worse then Trump the Musical *however I do like Chenoweth very much*...
I think T.V should stay on T.V...
*Hey, that gives me an idea for a new post...thanks DickonDefysGravity!*

re: Trump the Musical?
 Jan 24 2005, 12:06:29 AM
I'd actually perfer it if Trump *or his shows and what not* stayed away from Broadway. He should stick to real-estate. But it true? Will Trump the Musical happen *just wondering*?
Oh yeah- he does have bad hair...

Trump the Musical?
 Jan 23 2005, 11:33:50 PM
Rumor has it that Trump the Musical is being considered as a possible show on Broadway *supposedly like The Apprentice*. Please. I can see it now...
Donald Trump singing "You're fiiiiiired" and then for a romantic twist Robin going out with one of the candidates *hah, Raj from the last season*. What is the world coming to?
Someone tell me this was just a rumor...please?

re: Favorite Show You've Never Seen
 Jan 23 2005, 01:27:19 AM
Rent (the soundtrack has been imprinted on my brain...and my mom's :-P)
Gypsy (love the music)
POTO (seeing it over spring break hopefully)
Avenue Q (possible seeeing as well)

re: Lucy, you got some s'plainin' to do (WICKED)
 Jan 21 2005, 10:26:57 PM
millie_dillmount was pretty right...not great detail...
If you want the plot in detail e-mail me *not PM 'cuz my computer is stupid and it doesn't work*

re: Dream parts/plays
 Jan 21 2005, 10:23:44 PM
I'd kill to be:
Elphaba from Wicked
Mimi or Maureen from Rent
Kate Monster from Avenue Q

Now that I think about it, any part on Broadway would be nice...

re: First time to B-way, What show do I see?
 Jan 21 2005, 10:10:35 PM
senortenor - once people not read? They have tickets to see Wicked (although I agree with you 100%) I'd recommend Avenue Q as everyone else has. Have fun!
re: What was the last show YOU saw? Broadway or otherwise.
 Jan 20 2005, 08:16:23 PM
Last show I was saw was last night, actually, it was the 8th grade performence of Annie Jr. The best part was when after is was over, my friends and I screamed "Yeah Natalie!" During curtain call because she was Molly. She was so surprised I was there because I was sick from school that day.
 Jan 19 2005, 04:45:45 PM
Sheesh, I bet Jessica Simpson doesn't know what "defying gravity" means. However, the whole concept made me laugh, but NO!
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