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Member Name: Galahad312
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re: How Broadway Lost Its Voice to 'American Idol'
 Mar 27 2005, 05:48:01 AM
I totally agree with Audryna. I wanted to say that when I took Drama classes years ago our instructor pointed out that Actor`s never half to be models to be able to perform. Many people from many walks of life, age groups and back grounds that encompass the Acting community as a whole and it is this difference that makes the performing arts so beautiful and wonderful. If we continue to follow the Critical remarks of Simon Cowell as a guide for all performances than we have made a huge mistake.
re: What's your job? What's your passion?
 Mar 23 2005, 07:58:28 PM
Childrens Author, Fantasy fiction stories. Im so inspired by Actors always loved the performing arts and theater is a main passion for me. I appreciate all performers and their hard work and dedication in what they do.
 Mar 23 2005, 11:08:57 AM
<------Me, myself the one and only.

(...All I need is love) lol

re: What character would you be best playing in a musical and why?
 Mar 17 2005, 07:13:35 PM
Og the Leprechaun, from `Finians` Rainbow.`
re: ...Are there any Republicans in the arts?
 Mar 15 2005, 11:29:46 AM
Now your going to hear from an American living overseas and Im a Texan. This thread reminds me of what I love so much about New York people and of course all my fellow Americans everywhere. You have free thinking without the feelings of restriction this is always good and never lose this. I admire those that speak what they feel and do so with passion freely. I didn`t vote for Bush. I did vote over here but not for him.
I have seen in Europe where the reputation of my country is not so g

re: PC?
 Mar 10 2005, 05:42:25 PM
No your`re all goofy it means `Police Constable.` lol-just kidding.
re: Currently Listening to?
 Mar 10 2005, 06:09:18 AM
``Moving Right Along,,`` By Fozzy Bear and Kermitt The Frog.
Sometimes its just stuck in my head for some reason.

re: Disney sequels, will they ever end?
 Mar 8 2005, 05:50:13 AM
Thing is Disney never gets rid of their characters they just store them in a box of their own and then recycle them back out again into the public into different settings and time periods. Alot of these classics weren`t written by Disney staff to begin with. They were classic stories they managed to buy out the rights for long ago and slap their Disney logo on them.

re: What are you good at?
 Mar 4 2005, 07:43:38 PM
I like to write alot. My acting is okay, from what I have been told anyways. Im good at laughing at myself mostly.
re: Latifah is denied the role of Effie
 Mar 4 2005, 07:27:02 AM
Yes I agree with Margo also, those would be some good roles for her. She was outstanding in Chicago.
re: Ideas for MUSICALS!
 Mar 3 2005, 05:29:29 PM
Heres an idea, It`s a story about a stressed daycare employee, a pragmatic bandit, and an illogical astronaut. It takes place in an investment company in a town in France. The story climaxes with a miscommunication. The internet plays a major part in the story.
re: Cabaret-- Two Ladies
 Mar 2 2005, 08:26:51 PM
I love the performances of ladies when they are in Cabaret, respectively.
re: Autographs....
 Mar 1 2005, 05:54:04 PM
Oh I totally agree with you there. Theres no harm in the autograph at all. I had this school teacher who had an old friend from Broadway. The school teacher herself was once a broadway performer years earlier in her life. She surprised everyone when she invited her friend Julie Andrews to visit the school on what was a low key visit at the time.
I was lucky enough to have been one of the few students who got to talk to this very interesting lady. This was of course years ago for me but

re: Which current or previous B-way star would you marry?
 Feb 28 2005, 09:23:27 PM
aww theres so many Im always so enchanted when the ladies do Cabaret, to mention one it would half to be Mary Ann Lamb. Very Talented performer.

re: Jerry Springer - The Opera forced to stay off Broadway
 Feb 27 2005, 07:56:19 AM
I totally agree with you. What is happening now is an attck against the arts from religious groups that need to go back to their place and stay away from politics. saddly we do live in a time in which the fundamentalists have gained power in politics.
The Arts should be free from the fundies.
Reminds me of a saying that goes,
``Fire is above water. Fire burns with vigour upwards. Water flows in truth downwards and never the twain shall meet.``

re: Um....John Travolta as Edna, Anyone?
 Feb 24 2005, 01:40:37 PM
yeah theres no question there about him. Hes certainly one of Hollywoods major super contenders.
re: Movies that would make good shows......
 Feb 11 2005, 07:35:57 PM
`Sgt. Bilko` and `The Money Pit` would be funny musicals.
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