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Profile for YvanEhtNioj

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Member Name: YvanEhtNioj
Contact User: You must be logged in to contact BWW members.
Gender: Male
Location: Bushwick, Brooklyn
Occupation: Recruiter

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Broadway Bares Hit the Strip Sunday
 Jun 27 2024, 11:15:59 AM

SeanD2 said: "

Sorry, in 2024 I have no interest in the objectification of the human body to raise money. Between promoting body shaming and creating an environment where assault is possible (DC's equivalent fundraiser had to be shut down due to the behavior of organizers towards participants), it's just not an event BCEFA should continue to hold or benefit from. There are much safer and more inclusive ways BCEFA can raise money."

Please go tou

ON YOUR FEET! movie musical/musical biopic in development
 Apr 24 2024, 04:38:49 PM

We dont need this.

THE WIZ Opening Night Critics’ Reviews
 Apr 18 2024, 06:45:57 AM

I’m shocked. I hated this so much. Good for them I guess. 

 Apr 12 2024, 12:27:07 AM

Just left. I liked the set and sound and lighting, but everything else was meh. I felt no emotional connection. I wasn’t moved. 

Favorite spots for Pre-Broadway Drinks/Dinner
 Apr 11 2024, 04:21:55 PM

I remember there was a thread about this, but I can't seem to find it. Considering many places have opened and closed since the pre-pandemic era, I'm curious to know about your favorite spots to visit before a show (apart from Sardi's, of course).

One of my go-to spots, Vodka Soda/Bottoms Up, sadly didn't survive the pandemic (RIP). Recently, I've been enjoying The Dickens on 8th Ave. It's a new gay bar/restaurant with a cute little rooftop, prompt service, and

THE WIZ Previews
 Apr 9 2024, 12:19:53 PM

CurtainsUpat8 said: ""For today's audiences, this production may be just fine."
This sums up 80 percent of Broadway Shows in one sentence. Our standards have dropped so low. I have been going to Broadway for 50 years.

I think they are banking on the fact that this is a classic to my fellow black people. the average black american grew up with The Wiz and doesnt know good theatre (no shade). They are counting on the fact that black

 Apr 3 2024, 07:49:05 PM

Lots of empty seats..I’m in the mez and it’s only about 40% full. Apparently it’s they sent out an email offering people free tickets, but I found one on the Theatr app (HIGHLY RECOMMEND) for $40 a couple hours ago. 

edit: mezz full. People were just late

 Apr 3 2024, 05:14:57 PM

Seeing this tonight. I’m surprised how quiet this board is about it but figured I would check it out.

THE WIZ Previews
 Apr 3 2024, 03:06:51 PM

WldKingdomHM said: "Do they still make Evillene appear in Act 1?"

Yeah, briefly


also Jordan after the “melting” I had an attitude for the rest of the show. 

THE WIZ Previews
 Apr 3 2024, 02:54:04 PM

I do like that they made several jokes that “only” black people would understand - When the witch dies and they all get funeral airbrush shirts..or when the other witch starts melting and she says the water is ruining her silk press. I thought that was cute. Obviously not enough to save the show. I’m really mad at myself for spending over $100 on seats. This unfortunately can’t be fixed during previews no matter what they do. I wish that they would give the lion and sc

THE WIZ Previews
 Apr 2 2024, 10:38:22 PM

Yeah I assumed so. He still did a great job keeping up with the dancing. 

the show just let out. I really wish I liked this. The cast is so so talented and everyone does really good vocally in my opinion, but the overall production value just feel super cheap and it made me dislike the show.  The lack of physical sets during the dance numbers made it feel like a college recital.

THE WIZ Previews
 Apr 2 2024, 09:15:54 PM

I’m here currently and it’s intermission. While the talent is grew I’m very disappointed as this **** looks super cheap.  I wish there were physical sets. 

the Tin Man is performing with a boot on. 

 Apr 2 2024, 04:05:56 PM

Saw it last night and thought it was cute. I had no idea Shoshanna was in this in her number in Act 2 got a standing ovation. The leading actress has a big career ahead of her - her voice is so light and beautiful. 

I had 2 issues , tho. 
1. The Fallin' "remix" or "reimagining" or whatever you want to call it is trash.
2. If you are going to make commentary about police brutality, race issues, etc..flush it out and commit to it. I love mu

MEAN GIRLS Movie Musical - News & Discussion Thread
 Jan 16 2024, 12:26:30 PM

I feel like it felt rushed. Act 1 (up to when Shug discovered the letters) felt like it was moving too fast.

H.E.R as Squeak felt worthless. "Uh Oh" is one of my favorite numbers from the musical. Without that, her character was literally useless. 

 Aug 14 2023, 01:07:44 PM

I saw this show twice in previews and loved it. Not my favorite, but had such a good time. 
I went back and saw it again 2 weeks ago and I HATE ALL OF THE CHANGES that have been made. Not only that but Salisha as Snow White fell so flat. 

-At the end of act 1 the change from "were going on strike" to "we're going to Flatbush" was a dumb one. TOURISTS HAVE NO IDEA THAT FLATBUSH IS IN BROOKLYN.
-The 3 song doesnt fit
-Gimmie More feels

ONCE UPON A ONE MORE TIME Broadway Previews Thread
 Jun 6 2023, 04:00:17 PM

Lol thats actually kinda funny. 

ONCE UPON A ONE MORE TIME Broadway Previews Thread
 Jun 6 2023, 03:37:28 AM

HeyMrMusic said: "I went tonight. The song “3” was added."

Who sings this? Prince Charming?

ONCE UPON A ONE MORE TIME Broadway Previews Thread
 May 24 2023, 04:54:29 PM

I honestly want to go see it a 3rd time closer to opening to see if they manage to fix act 2. I feel like the changes they made since the first preview didnt help at all. Yeah, Stronger is a better ending than Passengers but overall that **** still feels rushed

Also, this is my first time seeing Aisha in anything and holy f*ck..mama is killing it. 

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 5/21/23
 May 24 2023, 11:53:03 AM

I said this once, and I'll say it again - many people dont even know OUAOMT is a thing. So many people have no idea it exist. 

ONCE UPON A ONE MORE TIME Broadway Previews Thread
 May 23 2023, 11:08:05 AM

I hope, at the very least, they can get her to promote it on her Instagram. Even if it's just once, I think it would be huge. 

Midway through the show my friend turned to me and said "...who is that character saposta' be?" and I said "Clumsy. one of the dwarfs". and he said "...okay?". I think they can do a lot better at explaining that in Act 1 during the book club scene. I'm sure I can't be the only one who didn't understand

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