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Member Name: charlesincharge
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re: Revising Wicked
 Jan 31 2005, 07:57:44 PM
i couldn't agree with nstar more! the emotion of the show is much more deep then it seems at first. even though i had quibbles with the plotting and pacing, i couldn't remembr the last time i was so moved at a show.
 Jan 31 2005, 07:13:00 PM
hey there. I'm new at this site but i've been reading for a long time and i have to say that i'm a big fan of yr work. however i kinda feel like you just keep spoiling everything involved with the movie. now i know everyone here including me wants to know absoultely everything about the movie but at the same time i'm conflicted cause you just keep giving more and more information. and then i worry that if anyone involved with the movie knew you were spoiling so much wouldn't you get in trouble?
re: Roundabout to bring Sweeny Todd Back to Broadway
 Jan 31 2005, 07:01:23 PM
when you say "interesting show", does that mean interestin good or interesting bad?
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