re: Sweeney Todd with a rock re-arrangement Oct 6
2010, 08:09:08 PM
I think Re-interpretation is fine. The problem with a rock Sweeney is that the score wouold have to be significantly changed to be a cohesive piece. I'm wondering how Miracle Elixir and Worst Pies in London would sound. It's written to be in the style of an operetta. It's not written to be played that way, but SUNG that way as well. I can't imagine what something like "The Letter" would sound like on rock voices. It MIGHT work but I'm not sure one could listen to it all night. Also it's a
Erin Davie in ALNM Jul 29
2010, 09:24:23 AM
RE: Hit or Miss I think it's important to note that different audiences laugh at different things. There are some jokes that are universal. There are other jokes that certain audiences wouldn't get. Was her performance similar? I'm just giving her the benefit of the doubt. It might not have been her at all. Comedy is hard y'all.
Fantasia in the Color Purple Feb 14
2010, 08:20:05 AM
IF you can sell MORE tickets with a name, why not? It's not about just selling tickets on a regular basis. It's about selling as MUCH as you can. A name will do that. Especially in THIS show. With regards to Fantasia: I think people are a bit off the mark when they say she has poor work ethic. Poor work ethic is not working your hardest, goofing off and not showing up if you're able. Fantasia's problem is that she's genuinely not able to show up. She's not well! Missing th
re: rOcKS checks up on 'August: Osage County' (with Rashad) Jun 20
2009, 04:08:02 AM
I'm sorry really?? Who are you to tell someone to SHHHHHH. Give me a break. If you can accept that this is the best Violet in his opinion, why is it such a leap to think this is the best performance he's seen by a female. You don't know who he's seen. And even if he saw every known theatre icon in the world, he's still allowed to think it's the best one he's seen. HE can't be wrong, it's is opinion. Now if he said it's the best one YOU'VE seen, then you've got a point. But he didn't and you
re: Twelfth Night - Shakespeare In The Park Jun 13
2009, 04:26:15 PM
It is supposed to thunderstorm. It looks like a 60% chance though. It's supposed to be raining right now but seems fine. Maybe it'll come much later and they won't cancel. We'll see. I feel like it rains much more often during Shakespeare in the Park than any other time in the city. At least it seems that way.
re: AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY re-reviews Jun 13
2009, 02:33:06 AM
Umm isn't Phylicia leaving Aug 13th or something? Did she extend?
re: Marie Christine Jun 13
2009, 02:20:10 AM
When have the Tonys been about the best performance. It's all about buzz...often the 2 line up. But I mean Heather's work while great doesn't match Audra's OR Marin's that year (Kiss Me Kate). Heather was good and had buzz so she one. It's funny people call Marie Christine an opera. My question is what makes it an opera?? It's not sung through by any means. There's some legit singing but a helluva lot of belting from SEVERAL people..including Audra actually. So what was? It was a c
re: Anyone Can Whistle questions Jun 6
2009, 02:30:29 AM
Hey, I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents about this show since I'm one of the few people that's every done this in a professional-esque setting. This show is frickin' cursed! With regards to the miracle: The miracle is staged by placing an electric switch. It's an old pump that had been there. The rig it to pump water automatically. That's how they get away with it. The problem is once Hapgood gets there, there's an electrical screw up. So they end up having to hand pump i
re: Phylicia Rashad begins performances tonight... May 28
2009, 06:35:17 PM
I find it interesting that my English AND Irish friends find the fact that this is even a conversation laughable. LOL God Bless America
re: Phylicia Rashad begins performances tonight... May 27
2009, 12:49:57 PM
Phylicia let go?!!! I didn't see anything "held" about her in Raisin in the sun...ESP during the scene in which Walter tells her he lost the money. That's hardly held. And she was a completely different person in Gem of the Ocean. Actually I can't say I know what you mean by "cool cat, smooth voice". The only thing I can think of is the Witch in Into the Woods... In every play I've seen her in she's played a woman older than herself who's from a lower socio-economic class. No one questioned i
re: Phylicia Rashad begins performances tonight... May 27
2009, 12:56:24 AM
LOL This is America. Apparently it always matters. Beh Rashaad looks half native american in the pics actually. I can't WAIT to see this. This role is gonna become the coveted role for established actresses. I guess a good meaty role for a woman over 50 is kind of a rarity.
re: Audra & Will Swenson in 110 in the a community theatre May 27
2009, 12:54:05 AM
Zoe isn't adopted. She's actually biological. She's mulatto so she's gonna be a little lighter than Audra. I don't see how one can see any resemblance. You can't exactly see Zoe's face. The production of 110 is a benefit so therefore no Equity rules were broken. Lucky lucky people in Utah. Although, I did see her do the role...Ya'll are in for a treat!
re: Esparza, McDonald, Cumpsty complete cast of SITP's TWELFTH NIGHT Apr 15
2009, 02:56:55 PM
DAMN IT...this sucks. Now I'll HAVE to camp out this summer.
re: Minorities and the Theatre: A Discussion Apr 11
2009, 11:05:25 PM
Well it might be a class issue in urban environments but I don't buy it in the suburbs. I grew up in a typical middle class suburban school system where it was VERY diverse. We had immigrants from Turkey and Pakistan, blacks, whites. It was nice. However I think theatre and the arts in general have become less and less important to society. Even people with a rich theatrical history in their culture are going less. I remember going to the theatre 3 times in my entire educational hist
re: Which actor broke their minority barrier on Broadway Apr 11
2009, 04:27:21 PM
Yeah I think he big one was Carousel not Master Class. I mean she wans't reprising a role in that. She also played Ayah (sp) in The Secret Garden. I love her but things like her in Shakespeare aren't ground breaking. Over the roles she's done I think she's changed the way African American women appear on stage. She made it possible for a black leading lady stand up on stage and sing in a smooth legit polished voice. I can't think of too many Black leading lady sopranos before her. While ther
re: Minorities and the Theatre: A Discussion Apr 11
2009, 04:14:30 PM
See I think that has to do with exposure not color. Frankly I think some people don't WANT to understand, they just want to complain. Most of these black plays aren't playing in NY. They're touring. It's advertised and it's just like any other show. Black people go to see Tyler Perry movies. They know his name. They like his stuff. They'll see it. I don't think if you advertised an All-Black King Lear starring Charles S Dutton black people would be knocking down the doors. So it's
re: Audra McDonald in My Fair Lady ? Mar 29
2009, 03:52:51 PM
I of course would love to see Audra do it. I COULD see the argument that she's a little too old for it. A lot would depend on her supporting cast. Those people who say she can't pull off "common" must not have seen her in "A Raisin in the Sun" or her work in "Wit" for HBO and "The Best Thief in the World" for Showtime. If you think she was too refined in any of those roles, than God bless the poor fool who y'all consider common. I'm sure they need some major help!
re: Downsizing Sweeney Jan 21
2009, 01:45:51 AM
Mike, you might get better answers from A) People who are actually musical directors and B)Professionals. Having said that I think it would be helpful to let us know how many pieces you want to do it with. I mean you COULD do Sweeney with 2 pianos if you wanted. It's hard not knowing your budget etc. I know for a fact Jonathan Tunick did reduced orchestrations for 7 players I believe. You can sort of take some of these parts and have them doubled on synth, but that'd be only gettin
re: Emmy Rossum sings (a version of) the ToM cadenza on Bonnie Hunt Dec 23
2008, 01:59:06 AM
lol Ummm well when the role's an operatic soprano who's apparantly better than the Prima Donna, I think it's a pretty big deal. I mean it's like casting Johnny Knoxville in Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet and saying "Give him a break. I hate when people judge based on acting range." My thing is, if you don't have the range (acting or vocal), then you shouldn't be doing it. Also remember most people are saying she sounds BETTER than her film performance...That's kind of a comp
re: Emmy Rossum sings (a version of) the ToM cadenza on Bonnie Hunt Dec 23
2008, 12:08:14 AM
Sure that was better I guess, but she sounds like a work in progress. I know high school girls who sound just like that. I think she needs to give up trying to sing classically. I think she should train classically and sing in a different style because it doesn't suit her. AT ALL.