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Member Name: thebestshowshavetransvestites
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re: Back from Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Apr 26 2005, 02:50:33 PM
Thanks. The newest upload should work now.
re: Back from Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Apr 25 2005, 09:50:40 PM
Thanks, Tartaglia . Still can't really believe it...
re: Back from Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Apr 25 2005, 07:03:22 PM
I know.... grr.. argh
re: Back from Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Apr 25 2005, 06:47:54 PM
If I may direct you attention to my fan photos, there lie pictures of Spamness! The only one missing is the one of me and the cast on stage, but that'll come in time, trust me. I just haven't had the time to scan it.
re: Back from Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Apr 25 2005, 04:48:48 PM
Wow, quite a few BWWers came to the show I was "in"... *feels oddly shy* Yes, I was sad that Tim didn't come out, too... But it was very icky weather, and he's trying to protect his voice/health.

You know... if I ever do get on Broadway (besides that lovely, dream-like debut), as I am working to, they may be able to call Tim a prophet...

re: Back from Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Apr 25 2005, 02:23:44 PM
I will!!! Getting the second one back from development today!
re: Back from Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Apr 25 2005, 12:15:13 AM

re: Back from Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Apr 25 2005, 12:02:03 AM
Sorry for the delay in getting back here!!! (After all that, I needed loads of sleep... and you know, reliving-style dreams) Ok.

Bal - Hank and David were great! They complimented my dress!!!

ShuQ - the seat was $201. Yes, that is me.

bdwaygirl, mabel, starlight, and FOAnatic - Oh, I know!!! Thank goodness... Wee! Back in a second with all I've written on the experience! Hold on!

re: Back from Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Apr 23 2005, 11:46:12 PM
Yes, an insane amount of fun. Did I? Ha... Just in awe of Tim, I think. I can barely remember what he looked like that close-up. I almost... blacked out, I guess. But I remember the sturdying presence of his arm on my back. Sorry I didn't hear you! T'was a great ending to a great show...
Back from Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Apr 23 2005, 10:18:33 PM
I have just returned from a) meeting my idol, Tim Curry, b)seeing Spamalot, and c)experiencing the show from seat A101. I'm too tired to tell the linear story of Friday and today, and, you know, really hyper at the same time, SO... if anyone cares I will eventually do that... Let me know. Or ask me stuff. *hugs Polaroid of self and Tim Curry and cast* WEE!
 Apr 21 2005, 06:03:56 PM
Forgive my dryness, but... is it so much a curse as it is the fact that Elphaba has to use a trapdoor - period? Ok, almost every actress playing her gets hurt; every actress playing her has to use a trapdoor. Every businessman works with paper; every businessman gets a papercut at some point.
re: Spamalot Men all considered Leading, Gleason/Jbara are Featured
 Apr 14 2005, 10:59:53 PM
Eponine, the line from Knights of the Round Table, in the movie anyhow, is "We're knights of the round table/We dance whenever we're able". Thebestshowshavetransvestites, randomly wherever an inane piece of information is needed! *disappears in a whirl of b-rated smoke*
re: Actors - What roles are you currently playing?
 Apr 6 2005, 05:29:42 PM
(Queen disguised as a) Crone - Snow White, and I'm in rehearsals for The Laramie Project... I'm many people for that.
re: Rocky Horror Show
 Apr 6 2005, 12:20:48 PM
Woohoo!!! Power to the fishnets...
re: Spamalot Surprises (spoiler inside)
 Apr 6 2005, 12:16:59 PM
True, JaiRoAngel (yay for Sir Robin!), but what about the obsessive-compulsive fans of Tim Curry that have been living on the prospect and implications of that one seat?! Uh... Not that I'm one of those few...
re: Spamalot Surprises (spoiler inside)
 Apr 6 2005, 12:07:06 PM
My mom paid $250 to get me that seat through the box office. I second the unfairness. Vehemently.
re: Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Mar 18 2005, 06:18:49 AM
Check, double check, and now my lips are sealed from now on. I've squealed enough.
re: Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Mar 16 2005, 08:27:31 PM
Gotcha, LightMyCandle.
re: Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Mar 16 2005, 03:25:38 PM
LoveOfLea - matinee or the later show?

Thanks, starlight!

re: Seat A101 at Spamalot
 Mar 16 2005, 02:56:49 PM
Oooh, I can say Tim and I breathed the same air... Uh, in jest, of course, because that's such a silly thing to be happy abou-oh nevermind, weeeeeeeeeeee!
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