The Early Days of the BWW Board: Any Info?? Oct 24
2010, 01:26:17 AM
I agree with NYadgirl, no one ever really leaves...we just stop posting. Although I've been absent from the discussions, I read this site almost daily. And I for one, am completely nostalgic for the old days of this board (circa 6+ years ago). We had some good times...
The Official Best Musical Tony Award Winner 'In The Heights' Love Thread Mar 8
2009, 10:56:01 PM
speaking of understudies and all that, i was wondering if anyone knows if anyone is going to be out this weekend...particularly saturday...?
re: sight singing..... Aug 20
2007, 08:36:24 PM
I am a music student at Ithaca College and sight singing is correct. Both terms refer to the art and practice of reading and or singing music at sight. Traditionally singers sight sing and instrumentalists sight read, but the 4 semester long class is called SightSinging.
re: The 'I LOVE ZAC EFRON' Thread Aug 9
2007, 02:14:07 PM
Peas in a pod. Am I the only one who would love to see the L Word's version of High School Musical? It could work...
re: Where is Stephanie Mills ??? Jul 11
2007, 03:19:44 PM
Weird! Yesterday my friend and I were listening to the Wiz and I thought the same thing to myself. She's fantastic.
re: Should We Petition Sh-k-boom to Record Little Fish? Jul 5
2007, 09:33:33 AM
Only if they get Jennifer Laura Thompson and the rest from the Second Stage production would I be geared up for a recording of this.
re: Monday, Monday Jul 2
2007, 09:53:26 AM
They do I believe. I think their summer schedule has then having off on Sundays.
re: Amy Winehouse as Fanny?? Jul 1
2007, 06:34:51 PM
Try to make me go to rehab and I said No No NOOOOO! or, my feelings for her as Fanny. SJB all the way!
re: Nicholas Rodriguez as Tarzan Jul 1
2007, 12:42:17 AM
I saw Natalie this past Tuesday and her voice wasn't fantastic. But her timing and acting as Jane were perfect.
re: Kelli O'Hara and Will Chase in OKLAHOMA! Jul 1
2007, 12:40:45 AM
HA! Please, Will and Kelli in Oklahoma has been my avatar for days now.
re: Sink Your Teeth In To This Jun 27
2007, 11:03:51 AM
See, now I saw Lestat after having seen Threepenny Opera earlier in the day, and I thought Lestat was AMAZING! However, I still can't figure out if I actually like it or by comparison is was just better then Threepenny Opera. But, I am generally easy to please, so maybe, just maybe I did love it...
Tarzan Tonight Jun 26
2007, 08:49:22 AM
Taking my little cousin to see the show before it closes, but we don't have tickets. How late is too late for Rush? / Do you think the show will be at TKTS? Thanks!
re: Most erotic moment? Jun 23
2007, 12:51:12 AM
Now, those are some erotic moments! How about the end of If I Loved You in Carousel, when Julie Jordan talks about the flowers just comin' down by theirselves...I remember when I did this scene in HS I was all hot and bothered by it.
re: Most erotic moment? Jun 22
2007, 02:20:35 PM
I think a lot of you are missing the point of what an erotic scene truly is. Erotic is something that evokes a sexual feeling, or where there is an underlying feeling of sexual tension, but not something that blatantly shouts "WE'RE HAVING SEX!". A lot of you have stated that Contact from Rent is erotic, however that really is just a song about intercourse, where everything is really out in the open--obviously they are having sex. There is no secret. If I had to pick a scene from Rent, I'd say t
re: Is there life after Castcom? Jun 22
2007, 10:39:36 AM
I really enjoyed the Castcoms (when I could get them to work. how come they never work?) and they made me want to go see the show even more then when I only just heard about it. In reality, yes the show has issues, but the Castcom only intensified my want to go see it. I think more opening shows should do that. It's terribly know, when I could get it to work.
re: Spring Awakening Vacations Jun 22
2007, 10:08:25 AM
TGO is probably on par with all those insane Wicked fansites. When young, tween-aged girls get involved with a show, that's what happens. It's pretty scary actually.
re: What do YOU think the best show of the post-millenium years was (so far Jun 22
2007, 09:01:03 AM
Either Urinetown or Light in the Piazza. I can't pick between the two.
re: Spring Awakening Vacations? Jun 20
2007, 06:41:46 PM
Well maybe she doesn't feel well or is having some outside issues. Not everyone can muddle through if they aren't feeling 100%. Wow, I've gone soft. That is the last time I'm ever going to defend a member of the Spring Awakening cast.
re: Spring Awakening Vacations? Jun 20
2007, 06:32:27 PM
How do you know all these things? You're like a fountain on knowledge.
re: spring awakening ending Jun 20
2007, 10:08:26 AM
Although I liked JulianHookbuck's description of the meaning of the song, I still think that Purple Summer is the worst part of that musical. I think it's cheesy and just stupid. I feel like at this point in the score/show the creators had no idea what to do. I think the lyrics and cheap and trite. Ugh...yes, I agree, the show should have ended on Those You've Known ala Les Mis, since this scene is pretty much the last scene in Les Mis.