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re: Songs That Should Be Sung Only Be A Man or Woman But Not Both
 Jun 4 2005, 11:02:44 AM
I cant keep it down....should not be sung by a woman.

I had a guy in front of me at an audition sing Take me or leave me. It was very interesting :)

You may not have meant to insult, but your ignorance sure did...
 Apr 29 2005, 12:17:16 PM
I dint insult myself I am NOT ignorant. I asked not to be bashed. People post things everyday about how much people suck and how much different shows suck. Did I say rent is going to suck? No I didnt. and for everyone that read wrong when I was talking about "big names" I obviously wasnt talking about the people in the movie. I was talking about when they put pop stars on broadway to sell tickets. I think its a disgrace to broadway and to whatever show they are put into. I know who is in the mov
re: Shows with no real 'roles'
 Apr 29 2005, 11:58:39 AM
your a good man charlie brown, snoopy!, and I did a production of pippin where there were no leads...I think its how you put the show together. I mean, it cant be done with all shows but it can be done with something that may have not been intended to be that way.
re: Which theaters have *AWFUL* partial view seats?
 Apr 28 2005, 10:40:10 PM
whats funny, is we were so excited about the show and were so def and blind by the second act we had to move back it was still amazing!
re: rent movie....dont mean to insult...just want to know if anyone feels t
 Apr 28 2005, 10:37:32 PM
So I guess no one agrees or feels remotly the same. I have read alot I know alot I know what everyone is talking about....blah blah blah. I dont know...something just doesnt seem right to me. but whatever...thanks for the responses.
re: Which theaters have *AWFUL* partial view seats?
 Apr 28 2005, 10:30:11 PM
movin out rush is horrible! They are front row and you cant see below the knee of the point in seeing that show if you cant see their feet!
rent movie....dont mean to insult...just want to know if anyone feels the same way
 Apr 28 2005, 07:17:44 PM
Before I even start I would just like to say I love Rent with all my heart and believe in everything it stands for. Also I would not like to get any nasty responses from this posting, I just want to know if people feel the same as I do.
If you take a step back and look at Rent for what it really is do you think its a good idea to make it into a major motion picture? I just dont think that is the message that Jonathan Larson was trying to get across by writing the show in the first place. I k

re: Footloose
 Apr 25 2005, 01:35:45 AM
I saw it on broadway years back. It was the second worst show I have ever seen! (and I have seen tons on broadway) I would not waste my time unless there is someone worth seeing in it. Save your money and rent the movie!
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