"Rent: The Podcast" and active RENT forums Oct 18
2020, 10:53:10 PM
LizzieCurry said: "As a former mod of Compulsive Bowlers, I can almost assure you there are no currently active Rent message boards."
As a former member of Compulsive Bowlers, thank you for being a mod for us! I met one of my best friends through CB and I really felt like part of a community there.
The only Rent resource I miss more than CB was the Angelfire or Geocities website that had compiled cast lists for an astounding number of Rent performanc
What Are The Greatest Casts You’ve Ever Seen? Jul 10
2020, 09:09:55 AM
Sutton Ross said: "Fun Home - Public Theater
Hamilton - Public Theater
Rent (departing cast) - Nederlander Theater"
Speaking of Rent, the first non-equity tour cast that went out around 2002/2003 was outstanding. It was my first live experience with the show and it was the first cast in a long time that wasn’t filled with Rent regulars (that show loved to recycle cast members for years and years). There was an energy and excitement i
2020-2021 Touring Season Mar 12
2020, 09:00:27 AM
Louisville: Mean Girls (Nov 10-15) To Kill a Mockingbird (Dec 1-6) Waitress (Jan 5-10) Hamilton (Feb 9-28) Cats (Mar 16-21) Tootsie (Jun 8-13) Ain’t Too Proud (Jul 27 - Aug 1) The only one I’m disappointed in is Cats but I’m glad to see were getting TKAM, I’m interested to see the casting for that. I was hoping we would have had Frozen (especially in place of Cats).
Aug 4
2019, 03:03:26 PM
alex814 said: "To my knowledge, there’s no video footage of Hair’s original Broadway Tun but allegedly there are “archival recordings” floating around that haven’t been digitized including a performance of Diane Keaton as Sheila. I would give anything to hear that.
Not sure if these exist but I wish there was video of Haven Burton or Kristen Lee Kelly as Maureen in Rent, Ava Gaudet or Moeisha McGill as Mimi. Antonique Smith as the Seasons of L
Best production of RENT you've seen? Feb 16
2018, 09:43:45 PM
I've never seen anything outside of the tours of the original production so I would have to say that the best of those (to me) was the 2003 non-equity cast. It may have been because it was the height of my obsession with the show but it was during a time when the fanbase seemed to collectively agree that the Broadway production had gone a little stale with a lot of career Rent actors rotating in and out, and the non-equity production had recently reopened with a&n
Breaking News: Oscars to Pay Tribute to CHICAGO, DREAMGIRLS & LES MISERABLES on Broadcast! Jan 25
2013, 08:42:59 PM
CapN: Angela introduced the performance but Jerry and Paige O'Hara actually performed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dj6dky_5eQg I don't remember it when it originally aired (because I was 5...but I discovered it a couple of years ago and remember being impressed that the actual voice actors did the singing).
Memphis The Movie - dream cast Oct 17
2012, 12:29:10 PM
RuPaul and Ron Paul
West End Chicago Closing Jul 13
2012, 04:12:03 PM
Isn't that Ruthie?
Shows That Changed Your Life Mar 9
2012, 09:47:10 PM
It's hard for me to put into words what Hedwig and the Angry Inch had done for me at the age of 14. Trying to sum it up is hard and I've tried and tried for the past 10 minutes but that show/movie just really helped me understand and accept myself and has ultimately made me a stronger person in life. I can honestly say that I think I wouldn't be as happy without having been exposed to that show at that time in my life. Les Miserables is the show that pushed me into loving musicals. S
Eight things I learned watching ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ 25th anniversary concert Mar 7
2012, 09:47:13 PM
I didn't say it was flawless. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/excellent My higher opinion of the show may just be from the low expectations I had when I sat down to watch the concert. Since I didn't expect to even sit through the whole thing I was mainly surprised that I was not only able to sit through it but I was thoroughly engaged. I figured the end was pre-recorded but it was fairly convincing. I kept expecting an obvious change but didn't really hear it until that final note which was just a little too clear compared to the kind of scratchy sounding beginning. Plus that face that Sarah was making while singing those notes was terrifying.
Eight things I learned watching ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ 25th anniversary concert Mar 7
2012, 09:10:11 PM
I also thought the orphan thing was really obvious as well. "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" kind of spelled it out for you. The only real exposure I've had to Phantom before this was the original book, the original movie, and them movie musical. I used to think "The movie musical isn't really that bad. Emmy Rossum is boring and Gerard Butler's Phantom is miscast but it's got redeeming qualities." But after having watched the 25th Anniversary Concert I've changed my tune. <
re: defying gravity lift problem Nov 17
2011, 08:02:20 PM
I love Nicole Parker's retelling of the time the lift didn't work for her on her Obsessed video w/Seth Rudetsky. Something like "you're supposed to walk forward, sing for jesus, and everyone sort of lies flat".
Musical Directors conducting from the Piano Nov 16
2011, 11:48:02 AM
I haven't seen the new RENT but in the original run/tours, the conductor played the keyboard. Boko Suzuki was especially fun to watch when he was conductor. If I remember correctly he rarely, if ever, looked at the score while he was playing.
Reeve Carney Extends in SPIDER-MAN on Broadway; To Take Winter Leave for Bu Sep 15
2011, 09:36:40 PM
I don't think Matt's quite 40, he might be 32 or 33 but he joined the RENT tour in 99 (I think) and he was really young (IIRC something like 18 or 19).
The Patti-Bernadette face-off Aug 5
2011, 05:19:55 AM
Favorite Cut Songs Aug 2
2011, 04:18:33 PM
I really like "She's Gone" which was cut from SideShow. It's on the Ripley/Skinner Raw at Town Hall CD and Alice sounds great singing it. Who was originally supposed to sing it?
The opposite gender role of your dreams May 7
2011, 02:37:47 PM
I've wanted to play Mimi in RENT for so long.
Paz, Lee, Finley & Stone cast in Village Theatre's Jesus Christ Superstar Apr 23
2011, 10:12:05 PM
Jennifer Paz is doing a show other than Miss Saigon?
What is the best production(s) you have ever seen at a reginal theater? Mar 20
2011, 10:24:38 PM
Floyd Collins at Actors Theatre of Louisville was awesome, and had an amazing set. They also did a kick ass production of Hedwig and the Angry Inch a few years ago.
BWW: Please Fix The Mobile Version Of The Site Mar 20
2011, 04:11:08 PM
I had to delete the app from my Android phone, if I opened a thread and then tried to go back to the main page, it would open my browser instead and display the page that way.