re: Barry Levinson to Direct CITY OF ANGELS Film Adaptation Jan 14
2025, 09:34:27 AM
Agree doubling Stine/Stone could be problematic. Two very different actors work well because Stine so does not see himself as Stone. The psychic disconnect is the emotional core of the story.
Also agree City of Angels has always seemed a natural fit for the movies.
I'm hoping for a much younger cast than most of the suggestions here so far.
Paul Mescal could be wonderful as either Stine or Stone. And though he's no
Name a song from a musical you were sorry to lose in its film version as well as one you were happy to gain. Oct 29
2024, 05:03:59 PM
INTO THE WOODS - No More A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC - The Glamorous Life (film version)
Funny, both are about absent parents.
Romeo + Juliet marketing...? F**ked? Sep 27
2024, 08:33:27 AM
arguably vulgar, not because of the profanity but because it's obvious, i.e, re: the story, way too on the nose too be witty, impactful or even provocative.
THE ROOMMATE Previews Aug 28
2024, 08:50:37 AM
Dolly80 said: "A pair of legends ARE coming….basic grammar."
Actually Dolly, Edclosure is correct. " A pair of legends" is a singular subject which takes a singular verb "is," not "are."
Protesters at Suffs tonight Jul 5
2024, 09:18:02 AM
What exactly is the claim that Suffs white-washes history?
SLAVE PLAY headed to London? Jul 1
2024, 08:39:53 AM
TotallyEffed said: "This play strikes me as a piece that will feel extremelydated in five years."
If by that, you mean that the issues it takes on will be so thoroughly examined by the theatre going public in the next five years making this a play that can no longer stir the imagination of those like me who admire it, that would be a a fantastic thing.
It would also greatly surprise me.
3 female musical theatre songs! Jun 30
2024, 07:01:45 AM
Sing for Your Supper from The Boys from Syracuse
Slave Play. Not a movie. A play. Jun 23
2024, 10:13:43 AM
I love Slave Play. Unapologetically. I find great meaning in it. Unapologetically. I laughed a lot as a white audience member. Unapologetically.
It's a play about intimacy and need, patriarchal and racist baggage, the way we internalize them and navigating all of the above. If some don't find meaning in the themes; in the questions the play raises about sex and intimacy, about boundaries and the consequences of unwillingness to t
Erivo, Graham, Gotay, and more to lead A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC IN CONCERT Mar 25
2024, 11:00:36 AM
Marsha Mason an inspired choice for Mme. Armfeldt. She will command the comedy particularly in the book scenes and, i would guess, also in song.
Next Sondheim? Mar 22
2024, 10:19:19 AM
Winslet as Desiree Karimloo as Frederick Plimpton as Charlotte Ann-Margret as Mme. Armfeldt
Scandal in Oz: Was 'Over the Rainbow' Plagiarized? Mar 10
2024, 12:46:58 PM
Arlen's song stands on its own as a masterwork even if it had been a mindful and credited (or generally if tacitly accepted) adaptation/interpolation of Lund's theme, not an uncommon practice in pop song writing, e.g., I'm Always Chasing Rainbows from Chopin's Fantasie-Impromptu.
A question I have though on these kinds of suits. Leaving aside all other issues, were a court/jury to find that a work is not a delib
Scandal in Oz: Was 'Over the Rainbow' Plagiarized? Mar 9
2024, 08:49:40 PM
Either he hadn't hear the piece and it's a wild coincidence - which do actually happen sometimes, who among us hasn't experienced one? - or he reflected the theme (which begins well into the piece), whether he realized it or not. The similarity is blatant.
Baker's Wife in Into The Woods Arc Feb 27
2024, 10:57:25 AM
This is a great question.
I felt a very personal connection with this character when I first saw the original production so my answer has to begin and end with Gleason. Her performance was utterly natural and almost uniquely comedically economical. Everything she did was instantly endearing and funny. It remains the most charming performance I have ever seen. Period.
So part of the triumphant impact of Moments in the Woods was that she w
Broadway Cares ripped for directing funds to Gaza Feb 14
2024, 10:34:29 AM
Whoever thinks that BCEFA solely supports the acting community, doesn't know the breadth and scope of the great work done by the organization.
I'm sorry but any objections to these donations - comparing them to BCEFA supporting the NRA, really? REALLY?! - are at best showing an ignorance and misunderstanding, at worst, something far worse.
Great songs given to minor/insignificant characters Feb 5
2024, 10:59:02 AM
All I Need Now is the Girl The Miller's Son Not a Day Goes By Sit Down You're Rockin the Boat
FAR FROM HEAVEN reviews Feb 5
2024, 10:56:55 AM
Intrigued that Kelli has played two Julianne Moore movie roles on stage, The Hours and Far from Heaven. She could keep going with this, lol.
Q Nov 6
2023, 11:14:10 AM
Agree Act 2 has exquisite moments. The way the inert inability to exit is staged and underscored is marvelous. The beautiful scene between DHP and RBJ is a pure hypo shot of love. I also loved the bear!
But it is not as fully realized as Act 1--and I don't mean the absence of songs, which I think is spot on! And as a great movie adaptation, loose but still evoking the joy, brilliance and essence of the source, light years away from Act 1's delightful take
Imelda Staunton & Jenna Russell to lead HELLO DOLLY in London Nov 2
2023, 09:51:04 AM
Feeling the need to stand up for Imelda.
The Imelda opprobrium seems to date - after decades of near Imelda idolatry - only from her Gypsy shot for tv. I
I saw her as Rose on stage. Like most, i was awed by her, in her complete grasp and found the show light years ahead of every Gypsy production I've ever seen - which btw are many, including with Daly, Lavin, Lupone and Buckley. Staunton's stage performance was almost if not completely universal
Sondheim/Ives HERE WE ARE @ The Shed Oct 27
2023, 02:40:36 PM
bear88 said: "henrikegerman said: "Act 1 is a delightful surprise, hilarious, beautiful to look at, charming, spirited, fresh and fun. It is a great free adaptation fully in the spirit of Discreet Charm.
In Act 2 not only is Buñuel's subtle atmospheric tone in Exterminating Angel barely recognizable, but, though there are some lovely scenelets (Bay Jones and Hyde Pierce have a quet, funny, lyrical and poignant moment together), the show too often gets b
Sondheim/Ives HERE WE ARE @ The Shed Oct 26
2023, 07:53:54 AM
Act 1 is a delightful surprise, hilarious, beautiful to look at, charming, spirited, fresh and fun. It is a great free adaptation fully in the spirit of Discreet Charm.
In Act 2 not only is Buñuel's subtle atmospheric tone in Exterminating Angel barely recognizable, but, though there are some lovely scenelets (Bay Jones and Hyde Pierce have a quet, funny, lyrical and poignant moment together), the show too often gets bogged down in the tritest most cliché st