Ryan & Uzele to lead NEW YORK, NEW YORK On Broadway Mar 25
2023, 03:19:33 PM
Agreed. NY, NY isn't taking top honors from K.A., but with some tightening, it'll be very good and probably well-received.
Ryan & Uzele to lead NEW YORK, NEW YORK On Broadway Mar 25
2023, 02:32:46 PM
Sorry, I'm new to this. What's ATC?
FUNNY GIRL on Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Apr 24
2022, 11:21:54 AM
I saw Funny Girl on Thursday! Full disclosure: I never liked the book and I enjoy some of the music. With that said, most of the cast is terrific (especially Ramin). The direction is average, set design is beautiful. Beanie is...nothing that hasn't been said here already. Lacks the big stage charm, hard to believe she's the "greatest star," and her voice left a lot to be desired, which actually distracted me. Nevertheless, she hustles and I never felt like she was phoning an
Company Apr 24
2022, 11:19:24 AM
Agreed. I believe Patti is most authentically Joanne. Simard is so freaking brilliant, but she doesn't make Joanne her own - lots of Patti-isms. I've seen each of these ladies twice as Joanne. The direction is so incredibly clever.
Forbidden Broadway CD? Oct 21
2019, 07:29:53 AM
Haven't heard. But I hope so. I think the others were recorded. I sat so close and Jenny Lee Stern blew my face away with her voice. Also liked the DEH parody and Fosse/Verdon.
Forbidden Broadway: The Next Generation Oct 13
2019, 09:12:44 PM
I saw it the other night. Laughed out loud at most of it, especially the parts with Jenny Lee Stern and Chris Pisano - they're both so funny and work well together. Some funny bits with a kid, but the wittiest lyrics and best delivery with the former two actors.
What is the Off Broadway show to see? Oct 10
2019, 09:55:48 PM
If you enjoy and know Broadway musicals, definitely see Forbidden Broadway: Next Generation. The actress who plays Verdon (Jenny Lee Stern) is hysterical, and it's a fun night out.
What is the Off Broadway show to see? Sep 30
2019, 08:05:56 PM
If you've seen enough Broadway shows, see Forbidden Broadway. It's a hoot.
Forbidden Broadway: Next Generation Sep 30
2019, 08:04:35 PM
Saw Forbidden Broadway the other night, and it's going to be good. Some kinks to work out, but the lyrics to some of the numbers are so funny. Jenny Lee Stern definitely leads the cast, and Chris Collins-Pisano holds his own.
Forbidden Broadway: Next Generation Sep 21
2019, 06:31:54 PM
Hearing good buzz about the return of this gem. Solid cast, but the only former cast member is Jenny Lee Stern (Rocky, A Christmas Story). She's a hoot and quick-witted. Anyone else know anything about the production or see it in previews? I'm waiting til it opens but am curious.