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Member Name: ZONEACE
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Gender: Male
Location: NYC
Occupation: Writer

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re: Okay, whats the greatest performance you've ever seen on stage?
 Jun 17 2009, 03:26:34 AM
Tonya Pinkins in CAROLINE, OR CHANGE.

OMG wow, totally slipped my mind. AMAZING!!! How she didn't ****ing win the tony is just, unforgivable.

re: Okay, whats the greatest performance you've ever seen on stage?
 Jun 17 2009, 12:32:14 AM
Patti Gypsy Alice Next to Normal
re: Billy, Next to Normal, WSS NY Trip!
 Jun 17 2009, 12:13:31 AM
Yeah, the only thing for N2N you would miss is the top tier and its not used all that much. Mostly just in a couple of songs and ONLY by Gabe (Kyle Dean Massey) the overwhelming majority of the show takes place on the lower and middle levels of the set.
re: [ANOTHER!] Next to Normal seating question.
 Jun 16 2009, 08:52:17 PM
Yeah i don't really think there are any truly obstructed seats in that theatre (at least not for this show with this set).
re: James Barbour concert at Hofstra Univ. June 27
 Jun 15 2009, 02:48:13 AM
Ugh, the acoustics in Adams Playhouse are TERRIBLE.
re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
 Jun 15 2009, 01:48:31 AM
While i don't miss it, i don't regret having seen Eden, Ramona and Karen in early roles.
re: Could one consider Drood a significant musical of musical theatre?
 Jun 14 2009, 09:55:34 PM
Well its certainly not a significant musical of kabuki theatre.
re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
 Jun 14 2009, 09:15:11 PM
i miss In My Life more than Bklyn
re: Does anybody else miss BKLYN?
 Jun 14 2009, 09:11:34 PM
re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Jun 14 2009, 07:36:23 PM
Meh, the "odd and alarming sexual feelings" is a throw away line. At Second Stage it was "bad taste in clothes and sexual partners" Which was funny, but didn't fit the flow of the song so great.

Its clear that the relationship is Oedipal, but there's away to be Oedipal without being creeping, when I saw it at Arena it was ****ing creepy and I couldn't stop thinking "why is gabe trying to **** diana?"

re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Jun 14 2009, 07:23:00 PM
All i can say is I'm glad he's toned it down since Arena cause when i saw the show at Arena i left feeling REALLY uncomfortable with the level of sexuality he was portraying.
re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Jun 14 2009, 06:58:18 PM
i think it's the background that's throwing them off. Which looks like some old black and white phot of the grand canyon or something.
re: Bret Michaels' Issues His Own Response To Tony Award Injury
 Jun 13 2009, 09:41:26 PM
even if thats the case, tis still his fault for not attending the rehearsal.
re: Bret Michaels' Issues His Own Response To Tony Award Injury
 Jun 13 2009, 09:16:24 PM
The mention of the 5 second delay has more to do with his pride being hurt from him hitting knocked horizontal on live tv than with him being injured.
re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Jun 13 2009, 03:48:08 AM
That's terrible and hilarious.
re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Jun 13 2009, 02:52:35 AM
There's nothing in the script that eliminates Emily based on her physicality. I think she'd fit in great as an unstable mother.
re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
 Jun 13 2009, 02:33:19 AM
the two people I've been interested in recently as possible replacements are Emily Skinner (saw her in a NYMF show a few years ago about a group therapy and she handles the intricancies of mental illness welland she can sang) and Kaitlin Hopkins (i can actually close my eyes and see and hear her sing I Miss the Mountains).
re: 2 Different Pairs of Rush Tix to 2 Different Showings On the Same Day of the Same Show?
 Jun 12 2009, 11:28:23 PM
you can't have a friend wait in line for the second pair?
 Jun 12 2009, 08:36:12 PM
I sat across the train from Bryce on my way to work today.
re: Bret Michaels' Representatives Issue Statement Regarding Tony Award Inj
 Jun 10 2009, 10:56:14 PM
there were reports after wards that he made it fine during the rehearsal. so i don't know how he wouldn't hav eknown about it during the regular show.
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