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Member Name: broadwaynoitall
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Merrily video from Digital Theatre
 Apr 28 2016, 04:21:13 PM

I've seen ads for what looks like an amazing production of Merrily We Roll Along from the west end videotaped and sold by Digital Theatre. Unfortunately, it is no longer available for rent or purchase. Anybody know where to find it? 

BOM to launch in another theater?
 Jun 20 2011, 02:58:28 PM
I appologize for all the trouble any of my responses may have generated.

I'm not an ignorant teen or a troll. I'm an artist who creates work through performance (dance, acting) and writing. I was just attempting to discover who the nuances of my texts would be percieved by the high brow theatre goers that frequent these boards. All in the name creativity.

Sorry to Steel Pier Fan and whoever else felt my posts distrupted you're online experience.

Thank you all for help

BOM to launch in another theater?
 Jun 20 2011, 02:20:12 PM
You're welcome Phylis.

And if it weren't for "stupid ideas" there wouldn't be tv, internet, cars, or the Bible.

Watch the way you talk to people. Karma. Just saying...

BOM to launch in another theater?
 Jun 20 2011, 02:12:05 PM

I was thinking of having BOM running at two theatres, side by side. So 2x the people could see it. It's called reading, you should have learned it when you were 11.

BOM to launch in another theater?
 Jun 20 2011, 02:05:05 PM
Thank you Best12bars for presenting a solid arguement with out being a bully. I see your point now.
BOM to launch in another theater?
 Jun 20 2011, 01:59:50 PM
THis is getting OLD

I started posting because like the rest of you I love Bway. I thought I should post because I have a unique perspective on theatre.

I thought this was a place to express ideas, not a place to shut them down. If you guys only want some people posting that's fine, I'll stop. If you want a message board open to debate, than I'm here to stay.

BOM to launch in another theater?
 Jun 20 2011, 01:50:42 PM
Why would you use such a stupid analogy about MandMs?

Theatre saves lives in ways a lot of you wouldn't understand. If it weren't for shows like American Idiot, HAIR, Glory Days, BOM, Wicked, N2n I bet a lot of kids would end up turning to drugs and suiside. You can't pretend it isn't as important as medicine.

And I'm sick of getting PMs asking who I am and being accused of being a sock puppet (lol)?

I'm here because I love theatre. I post because I feel like I have a

BOM to launch in another theater?
 Jun 20 2011, 01:36:03 PM
^Thank you Patash. It's nice to know my idea has a fan.
BOM to launch in another theater?
 Jun 20 2011, 01:30:41 PM
You guys are just upset because you didn't think ofit first. Its not right for the producers to only let a certain number of people see the show. If somebody found a medicine for cancer, shouldn't as many people get it as possible?!?
BOM to launch in another theater?
 Jun 20 2011, 01:23:54 PM
I know we aren't all busness people here but its true that you make money by supplying what is in demand. BOM seems to be the new IT thing that everybody wants. It seems obvious to open an LA production.

Heres another idea. Why not put Book of Mormon in another theatre in New York too. There are enough theatres and enough talented actors. That way, 2x the people could see the show. 100s of theatres in New York sell out Harry Potter shows, so why can't Broadway have two of the same shows

Lea Michelle may lave 'Glee'..does that mean FUNNY GIRL is next???
 Jun 19 2011, 06:03:30 PM
That wasn't directed at you at all. You actually made a good point.

It was for YouWantitWhen. I don't tolerate name calling.

Lea Michelle may lave 'Glee'..does that mean FUNNY GIRL is next???
 Jun 19 2011, 05:53:03 PM
^umm RUDE.

It is true that I have way more time to post in the summer, but that doesn't meet I have never looked here before. All because people see things from a different perspective doens't mean I'm a troll. Trolls are big and ugly and dumb. You assume that because we have different thoughts.

So would call anybody who speaks a different language tall, dumb, and ugly? Didn't think so.

Lea Michelle may lave 'Glee'..does that mean FUNNY GIRL is next???
 Jun 19 2011, 05:46:11 PM
I know I'm new to these boards, but I don't get why you all hate GLEE.

If it weren't for people like Lea and shows like Glee, Broadway would not be nearly as successful. I can tell you now that there is no way a show like Pricilla or actors like Neil Patrick Harris would exist if Glee didn't take a stand about gay people. It has opened to door for gay things to be allowed on Broadway.

What Sondheim recording should I get?
 Jun 19 2011, 01:44:07 AM
I know some people can't turn away from things they aren't supposed to do.

If you have to, get one of the more musical theatre accepted ones like West Side Story.

On i-tunes Glory Days is really good. It's more realistic than any of these other ones.

What Sondheim recording should I get?
 Jun 19 2011, 01:06:42 AM
Are you sure you want to get a sondheim album.

I'm in high school and planning on being a BFA Musical Theatre and then Broadway. I've been looking at these boards a lot to get more information. Everybody talks about Sonheim here so I looked him up.


If you are planning on auditioning DO NOT listen to Sondheim. All the audition people don't like Sondheim. You should look into other writers. It's like if you want to be a ballerina and watch hip-hop. It could mess

Scenes You'll Never Forget
 Jun 19 2011, 12:47:34 AM

I can totally see how you can be confused and think the lyrics are bad. It's a musical about magic and friendship and then they talk about "boulders and streams and woods." It can be like where the _____ did that come from. You don't need that much life experience to get it if you analyze the texts. It's one of those really complicated songs you need to study to understand. It's not bad, I promise.

Scenes You'll Never Forget
 Jun 19 2011, 12:26:09 AM
Namo- Age doesn't matter.

I relate to Wicked a lot because my boyfriend is black. I'm the only girl I know with a black boyfriend so both my and Elphaba are unique.

Anyway, my boyfriend is Elphaba too (because sadly, he's limited) and I am Galinda in the song. Because I know him I've been changed for good. When you live through this type of stuff you'll understand. Till then, you have to wait.

We are all kind of like the characters though. Everybody I know has annoyin

Scenes You'll Never Forget
 Jun 19 2011, 12:04:42 AM
It takes a lot of deep personal struggle to relate. I remind myself of Elphaba/ Glinda so it was really memorable for me. With time, you'll gain life experience and learn to appreciate the genious of the song.
Must Read Plays?
 Jun 19 2011, 12:02:38 AM
Angels in America

Romeo and Juliet


Scenes You'll Never Forget
 Jun 18 2011, 11:59:42 PM
At the end of Wicked when G(a)linda and Elphaba sing FOR GOOD. Most memorable lyrics ever written.

When the BEAST gets turned into a human because Belle kisses him. So mesmorizing.

Not a broadway scene, but when Kurt tells Mercedes he is gay. The writers and Chris Colfer were SO BRAVE. They changed tv forever.

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