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Member Name: bway1497
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 Oct 31 2017, 12:57:19 AM

I was also at the invited dress tonight and can confirm that Benanti is hilarious; think her performance in  "SOM  Live" amped up to a hundred. She could absolutely snag a nomination come Tony time. The rest of the cast absolutely hold their own, each with individual great moments, particularly Key in one scene mid-way through.

As a play itself, there seems to be a bit of work to be done. Regardless, it's an awful lot of fun, and I'm sure the w

Jamboree - What A Mess
 Jul 17 2016, 03:39:34 PM

WhizzerMarvin said: "The Egg song was performed by Cesar Alvarez, who did indeed write Futurity (which I missed). Can you explain the context of the song in the show? Thanks


"It's a little fuzzy in my mind at this point, so if anyone members the exact context a little better, feel free to chime in. Basically the show felt to me like a narrative based song cycle of the relationship between creation/birth and death/war. SLIGHT SPOILERS: This song

Jamboree - What A Mess
 Jul 17 2016, 01:18:40 PM

swanjewel said: "BroadwayConcierge said: "Question: did anyone get the "I wrote a song and every egg shattered" or whatever piece at all? Was I missing out on something massively? I was beyond confused."

I didn't get it either. And I don't think many others did. I definitely could have done without the new work. I was just there for Groff really. 


I didn't see the jamboree, but it sounds to me tha

Examples of Musical Theater
 Jun 18 2016, 03:39:02 PM

I would say that "Comedy Tonight" is one.

Grade the Tony performances
 Jun 13 2016, 06:15:29 PM

School of Rock:B-: I warmed up to it as it finished, but I really just think it is a lousy song, lyrically speaking, so that really hindered the number for me. 

Shuffle Along:A-: I loved this! It was messy and disjointed, but that completely heightened the energy and creativity of the song for me. Weird, wacky and wonderful, especially the loopy "rapping" sections. 

Fiddler on the Roof: B-: Certainly didn't hate it as much as everyone else, t

Songs about America?
 Jun 9 2016, 09:40:26 PM

"This is a Great Country" from Mr. President

I wish these cast recordings would get a vinyl release...
 Apr 19 2016, 06:46:46 PM

I've always wanted "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" on vinyl.


Also, not a cast album, but I would KILL for a vinyl release of Mary Testa's "Have Faith" album.

Shows that picked the right theatre
 Apr 19 2016, 06:42:55 PM

laughingplace said: "BBAJ should have choose a smaller theatre


"Funny, I immediately thought of this show for picking the right space. I've never seen a theatre interact, living and breathing, with a show so well. While I'm sure a lot of that had to do with the scenic design, I felt like BBAJ really owned the theatre. Size wise of course, it was indeed a financial mistake.


"Rocky" was huge, but I thought it fi

 Apr 5 2016, 10:43:48 PM

lucillefrank said: "I was there again tonight and they've already cut a song. It's "Live to Tell the Tale," that fun one where the family is beating each other up. But Carolee told me the creative team is still deciding whether they'll keep it that way.


This news really upsets me. While it didn't move the evening forward at all, it was one of the most fun numbers in the show with some of the better music and lyrics of

Best/Worst Tony Awards Performances
 Apr 4 2016, 09:29:26 PM

For me, the ones that I can come back to again and again are Grand Hotel, Me and My Girl, Hedwig, Walking Happy, A Christmas Story, Catch Me If You Can, and what I think to be the best Tony Awards performance of all time: The Full Monty.

Personally, I also love the 2009 Guys and Dolls performance, but it's definitely an acquired taste. 

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