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re: Musicals and masculinity
 Sep 11 2005, 12:33:10 PM
PS: I wouldn't burn anyone a copy of Rent - that musical was a turd.
re: Musicals and masculinity
 Sep 11 2005, 12:29:06 PM
"It's much easier to not be defined by the group you fall into when you're in the majority. That's all."

Yes. It is easier not to be defined when you're in the majority because the majority makes the defnintions. Indeed, one can see it in the very colloquially used, yet widely spread, terminology of 'Gay' and 'Straight' - the opposite of straight being bent and, therefore, implicitly wrong. If people are not to be defined by what they are, rather than who they are, there needs to be a d

re: Musicals and masculinity
 Sep 10 2005, 08:18:53 AM
You are, of course, correct. There is no correlation between 'masculinity' and homosexuality. The word was very poorly chosen - one based on cliches, rather than rational thought.

A short anecdote, if i may:

I was talking to my girlfriend the other day and she said that she "loves the company of gay guys." This, to me, seemed completely irational. I concluded this - If people are to be defined by their sexuality, race, religion or sex, then we miss the point at hand about what

re: Musicals and masculinity
 Sep 6 2005, 06:46:41 PM
"it appears that you are trying extremely hard to assert that you are straight by using such terms as 'bird' and 'geezer'"

That's the way i speak, and have spoken since i was 14/15 years old. It has nothing to do with masculinity, more with vinacular.

"How do you think the women that you are referring to as 'birds' feel?"

A word such as 'birds' is merely a slang term, much like 'bloke' is. It is not used in a derogatory manner in any way, shape, or form, by anyone - i

re: Musicals and masculinity
 Sep 6 2005, 06:46:37 PM
"it appears that you are trying extremely hard to assert that you are straight by using such terms as 'bird' and 'geezer'"

That's the way i speak, and have spoken since i was 14/15 years old. It has nothing to do with masculinity, more with vinacular.

"How do you think the women that you are referring to as 'birds' feel?"

A word such as 'birds' is merely a slang term, much like 'bloke' is. It is not used in a derogatory manner in any way, shape, or form, by anyone - i

re: Ben Curtis
 Sep 6 2005, 06:40:07 PM
Whoah. I used to have a mate called Ben Curtis. We used to call him 'Boring Yorkshire Ben' for obvious reasons. Imagin my suprise when i see that he is suddenly 'a stud'
re: Musicals and masculinity
 Sep 6 2005, 07:53:20 AM

If a bird's favourite film is Bridget Jones, she doesn't deserve your attention. What you need is a bird who loves football, Drinks pints of lager, thinks Die Hard is the greatest film ever made, and still looks good bending over in a bikini

re: Musicals and masculinity
 Sep 6 2005, 07:52:35 AM

If a bird's favourite film is Bridget Jones, she doesn't deserve your attention. What you need is a bird who loves football, Drinks pints of lager, thinks Die Hard is the greatest film ever made, and still looks good bending over in a bikini

re: Musicals and masculinity
 Sep 6 2005, 04:31:55 AM
PS -as to the 'can't find any friends who aren't into sport...' I love sport, but still have plenty of friends who don't. I didn't realise that it was that much of a topic of conversation that it precluded a friendship if someone was not 'into sport.'
re: Musicals and masculinity
 Sep 6 2005, 04:29:31 AM
"London Boy, as a gay man, I was not pleased by the statement that your enjoyment of musicals cast doubts about your "masculinity."

Excuse me - you're right. I should have known better than to cast stereotypes based on femeninity purely because of one's sexual orientation. Thank you for pointing out the mistake.

re: Whats your favorite Andrew Lloyd Webber musical???
 Sep 5 2005, 07:39:42 PM
I won't go into why i hate Rent here. I've made that mistake before and found that 'rentheads' are an empassioned and opinionated group who LOVE Rent.
re: best showtune ever
 Sep 5 2005, 07:27:05 PM
wouldn't this thread be better with - your top 10 favourite musical numbers (again!), or something?
re: Whats your favorite Andrew Lloyd Webber musical???
 Sep 5 2005, 07:18:24 PM
hahahaha - i could trash rent until the cows came home. As for Wicked - i've neglected to listen to it yet as the things i have heard were, well, a little bit annoying.

I can be found in the 'Kitch' section at your local WalMart, by the way

re: Whats your favorite Andrew Lloyd Webber musical???
 Sep 5 2005, 07:11:55 PM
Agreed that ALW is vastly overrated, and that Cats lacks a storyline. To be honest i've never seen the production live - Cats left town before i was "into musicals," so i'm really listening to it as an album, rather than a production. The best ALW production i've seen is Phantom with the amazing lighting.
re: Musicals and masculinity
 Sep 5 2005, 07:08:08 PM
Man United? Give me a break, sunshine. I'm a London Boy - Charlton through and through. I'll give you 50quid if Peter Crouch scores more than 10 goals this season.
re: Whats your favorite Andrew Lloyd Webber musical???
 Sep 5 2005, 07:05:14 PM
how can you say Cats is one of the worst musicals ever? It's really endearing with some delightful little tunes. It's better than bloody Rent, which everyone seems to love for some unfathomable reason.

But hey - opinions are opinions, eh?

re: Whats your favorite Andrew Lloyd Webber musical???
 Sep 5 2005, 06:58:27 PM
Cats. Worst is Starlight Express, although the rollerskating was cool.
re: Musicals and masculinity
 Sep 5 2005, 06:54:51 PM
Let's not forget the charm of America. As Noel Coward said: "i've been about a bit, but i must admit, that i didn't know the half of it,'till i hit the USA." Cracking country with some corking people. Love; Reese's peanut butter cups, PBJs, all the great TV from 'Family Guy' to 'Curb your Enthuseasm', the word 'sucka' and how 'sick' means good.
re: Musicals and masculinity
 Sep 5 2005, 06:01:38 PM
Haha - love the slang. Try using 'can't be bothered,' 'round-a-bout,' 'cheers,' and 'nicked' (as in, "i had my phone nicked on the bus")

As for the showers - i think it takes a bigger man to shower with his comrades than in the privacy of his own home.

BTW - Liverpool fans can get stuffed.

re: Musicals and masculinity
 Sep 5 2005, 05:18:56 PM
With regards to the 'fag' comment (besides the fact that in this fair land 'fag' means cigarette), can't you sue for discrimination on the grounds of sex? Here the employer is vicariously liable for the acitons of their employee and, although it may be different in the states, i imagine the general policy and framework is the same. If you need a good lawyer mate, i'm always here.

As for the Potter comment; i did go to an all boys' school, with houses, ties, blazers, and a game only we p

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