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Member Name: BroadwayPatriot
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Tony Award Viewership Decline Over the Years
 Jun 18 2024, 01:34:29 PM

MezzoDiva47 said: "BroadwayPatriot said: "

Do you know Colbert barely has2 million viewers a night ? He is not popular and nobody cares about him - 2 million people in a country of 333 million- most people want nothing to do with anything political right or left - Colbert is the worst late night show ever , period and nobody cares about it,"


are you maga

this sounds like a trump social media post


Tony Award Viewership Decline Over the Years
 Jun 18 2024, 12:15:39 PM

Kad said: "BroadwayPatriot said: "Broadway Flash said: "It was also Father’s Day and later than usual this year. Lots of people are on vacation. I didn’t see any ads for the ceremony either. Stephen Colbert should absolutely host next year, I think he’d get the ratings up."

Do you know Colbert barely had 2 million viewers a night ? He is not popular and nobody cares about him - 2 million people in a country of 333 million- most

Tony Award Viewership Decline Over the Years
 Jun 18 2024, 12:05:03 PM

Broadway Flash said: "It was also Father’s Day and later than usual this year. Lots of people are on vacation. I didn’t see any ads for the ceremony either. Stephen Colbert should absolutely host next year, I think he’d get the ratings up."

Do you know Colbert barely has 2 million viewers a night ? He is not popular and nobody cares about him - 2 million people in a country of 333 million- most people want nothing to do with anything politi

Congestion pricing will destroy broadway
 Jun 6 2024, 12:02:29 PM

On weekends when it is implemented it is only like $3 so weekends won’t  be effected - my issue is the MTA itself - you never want to give them an endless pit of money - look at their history , ask any MTA worker who is retired , they won’t talk about it when they are not retired , how corrupt they are , you have to be naive or 12 years old or a  dope from Park Slope or Williamsburg ( clueless hipster) to trust the MTA with billions and expect improvement , if the m

NYP: Broadway sings New York’s blues as crime, costs slow post-COVID comeback
 Jun 6 2024, 11:46:22 AM

Matt Rogers said: "BroadwayPatriot said: "TheatreFan4 said: "BroadwayPatriot said: "Matt Rogers said: "Phantom4ever said: "stagepotato said: "8th Ave between Moynihan and the 40s has gotten considerably worse. It was bad before, but now it’s littered with homeless and drug addicts. Don’t come at me and say this isn’t true because I travel this street multiple times a month and see it every time. I agree the city

NYP: Broadway sings New York’s blues as crime, costs slow post-COVID comeback
 Jun 5 2024, 09:05:51 PM

Jordan Catalano said: "BroadwayPatriot said: "There are Trump supporters everywhere most of them are normal”

No, they’re not.

“It’s the Trump cultist with the MAGA stuff that are bizarre”

No, they all are because they value a fake billionaire/failed reality tv game show host/convicted felon/rapist over the lives and safety of people around them

“my mom likes Trump”

NYP: Broadway sings New York’s blues as crime, costs slow post-COVID comeback
 Jun 5 2024, 08:52:00 PM

PipingHotPiccolo said: "BroadwayPatriot said: "
There are Trump supporters everywhere most of them are normal, it’s the Trump cultist with the MAGA stuff that are bizarre, my mom likes Trump so does several of my gay friends, you would never know in a million years , I like RFK Jr because I’m a thinker not a party linesheep"

This analysis seems appropriate for a 7th grade current events report, and I'd still give it a B- for lazy ana

NYP: Broadway sings New York’s blues as crime, costs slow post-COVID comeback
 Jun 5 2024, 08:49:02 PM

Jordan Catalano said: "BroadwayPatriot said: "There are Trump supporters everywhere most of them are normal”

No, they’re not.

“It’s the Trump cultist with the MAGA stuff that are bizarre”

No, they all are because they value a fake billionaire/failed reality tv game show host/convicted felon/rapist over the lives and safety of people around them

“my mom likes Trump”

NYP: Broadway sings New York’s blues as crime, costs slow post-COVID comeback
 Jun 5 2024, 08:38:09 PM

TheatreFan4 said: "BroadwayPatriot said: "Matt Rogers said: "Phantom4ever said: "stagepotato said: "8th Ave between Moynihan and the 40s has gotten considerably worse. It was bad before, but now it’s littered with homeless and drug addicts. Don’t come at me and say this isn’t true because I travel this street multiple times a month and see it every time. I agree the city needs to get rid of Adamsbut there’s other focus areas

NYP: Broadway sings New York’s blues as crime, costs slow post-COVID comeback
 Jun 5 2024, 06:11:07 PM

Matt Rogers said: "Phantom4ever said: "stagepotato said: "8th Ave between Moynihan and the 40s has gotten considerably worse. It was bad before, but now it’s littered with homeless and drug addicts. Don’t come at me and say this isn’t true because I travel this street multiple times a month and see it every time. I agree the city needs to get rid of Adamsbut there’s other focus areas that need to be worked on as well."


NYP: Broadway sings New York’s blues as crime, costs slow post-COVID comeback
 Jun 5 2024, 06:06:54 PM

kdogg36 said: "BroadwayPatriot said: "people have to reject social justice Socialist types , unless you actually like murder and chaos"

How would you describe the polices of Bill de Blasio? The crime rate reached its lowest point during his administration.

Good question - honestly De Blasio policies took a while to take effect , he is the reason we are seeing the deterioration in Manhattan and the Bronx - he got lucky - Bloomberg was th

NYP: Broadway sings New York’s blues as crime, costs slow post-COVID comeback
 Jun 5 2024, 12:54:36 PM

The truth is in the middle - no the city is not so dangerous you can not walk the streets like the Fox News people claim - this stuff terrifies the bridge and tunnel people and outer borough theater fans - however it has deteriorated in quality of life - I work in the city - in theater and see it everywhere- in fact 10 minutes after I left the Waldgreens  on 8th and West 53 last weekend some thug stabbed the same security guard I said hello to . 
Adams is  ok as a may

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 5/19/24
 May 22 2024, 05:20:03 PM

jkcohen626 said: "Another solid week for most shows.

The dramatic increase for Stereophonic continues to be incredible to behold. It's less dramatic, but Suffs also seems to be turning into a word of mouth hit. Illinoise also saw a nice bump. Three shows I'm rooting for!

I continue to be shocked by the performance of The Great Gatsby and Water for Elephants. I would've pegged both as mega flops, but here they are in the $1 million club week after wee

What is the worst production you have ever seen on Broadway? What is the worst show?
 May 22 2024, 03:51:31 PM

berniesb!tch said: "EvanstonDad said: "Ok, am I the only one who actually kind of wants to see Prymate now?"

I just looked the show up. Seems bonkers and lowkey (highkey) very racist to have a black man play a gorilla with 2 white scientists.

It got worse - someone is raped and someone is injected with a syringe of AIDS, it was mind boggling to see it on a Broadway stage , reminded me of a grind house exploitation movie more than Broadw

What is the worst production you have ever seen on Broadway? What is the worst show?
 May 21 2024, 04:23:30 PM

SeanD2 said: "BroadwayPatriot said: "The worst play I ever witnessed was Prymate in 2004 - horrible nonsense about a gorilla

and in 2008 I saw the worst musical in my history at least called Glory Days - just awful

Finally someone mentioned Prymate! And I'd add The Civil War to the list of worst shows I've ever seen.

In all fairness we might be one of the only people who saw Prymate - I remember the Longacre - around

What is the worst production you have ever seen on Broadway? What is the worst show?
 May 21 2024, 02:51:35 PM

The worst play I ever witnessed was Prymate in 2004 - horrible nonsense about a gorilla 

and in 2008 I saw the worst musical in my history at least called Glory Days - just awful 

What is the worst production you have ever seen on Broadway? What is the worst show?
 May 21 2024, 02:45:14 PM

The worst play I ever witnessed was Prymate in 2004 - horrible nonsense about a gorilla 

and in 2008 I saw the worst musical in my history at least called Glory Days - just awful 

The Historians, the Rape Apologists, and the Bolsheviks: The most absurd lines from Lempicka "critics"
 May 14 2024, 04:42:54 PM

It is hilarious that many critics are angry that communists are not portrayed as wonderful and the rape was a civil exchange- goes to show most of the alleged critics are devoted to ideology first and for most, I suppose they crave a communist sympathetic musical? I saw the show - I liked it but thought it was too long - and Lempika and get lover had no chemistry at all , enjoyed the concept and some of the orchestrations , and the use of the set was outstanding 

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 5/12/24
 May 14 2024, 04:31:38 PM

Gatsby, without the critical accolades, or  Tony recognition is quietly making over $1 million a week now 4 weeks in a row - being entertained matters 

THE GREAT GATSBY Opening Night Critics’ Reviews
 Apr 26 2024, 03:48:29 PM

The main criticism is they didn’t feel the emotional aspect and get the message they got from the book ;  almost as if they forgot they were reviewing a commercial Broadway musical in  which the production has all the right elements:  good songs and orchestrations, costumes, sets and lighting - most importantly- it holds peoples attention , this was social commentary from a long time ago , not 2024, it makes sense why the writers of the adaption focused mor

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