SUNSET BLVD. Revival Jan 29
2025, 06:48:11 PM
I have noticed that since last month they have transposed the material for Scherzinger to a lower key than the CD version. Listen to the second half of With One look. It really takes away a lot from the exciting score. She seems tired. Caroline Bowman and Mandy Gonzalez sing them in a higher key.
Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread Jan 24
2025, 07:16:59 AM
BwayLB said: "I think Idina Menzel should be the Narrator in that Joseph movie Jon M Chu and Andrew Lloyd Webber are trying to get off the ground."
"We all Ndream a laat, some are Nlucky, some are Lnaat"
Dear Evan Hansen Bombs in Australia Jan 23
2025, 05:25:53 PM
The crooked morality of milking the victim role to get attention and to manipulate others was popular for a short while in certain places, but now people rightfully don't accept that anymore, which is a step in the right direction. Especially not in a country as Australia, where people are generally down to earth.
Jamie Lloyd-helmed EVITA revival to play the London Palladium in 2025 Jan 9
2025, 08:55:09 AM
CATSNYrevival said: "Was this the same production where Che strips at the end? Why is that a thing in Jamie Lloyd productions now?"
Distractions and gimmicks.
Jamie Lloyd-helmed EVITA revival to play the London Palladium in 2025 Jan 9
2025, 06:16:16 AM
singer234 said: "I can't imagine it succeeding with Ariana (DeBose, not Grande-she'd be fabulous). And I'm a big fan of Ariana-this is not her role."
DeBose simply doesn't sing well enough.
Grande has said in an interview (when asked what she will do next) that she is going to explore different art forms, not pop concerts, not recording albums and not film. So basically the only thing left is theatre?
Lloyd's gimmick is obsessin
Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread Dec 28
2024, 07:39:52 PM
BrodyFosse123 said: "Unless WICKED closes would a revival most likely incorporate the film songs into the show. Those examples you included (GREASE and EVITA), the film’s songs were incorporated into subsequent revivals. The original Broadway run of GREASE was still going strong when the film version was released in 1978 and the film’s songs weren’t incorporated into the show until after it closed and the revivals started."
Yes, that's true.
Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread Dec 28
2024, 07:14:18 PM
I am wondering if the stage show will adapt things from the movie eventually. We see this happen a lot with stage shows that turned into movies, such as with Grease. Hopelessly devoted was not in the stage show, and after the movie came out, every stage production adapted it. Same goes for Evita and "You must love me", etc.
Maybe the new song from act 2 that Erivo co-wrote. Or maybe not even full songs, but the extra instrumental touches in "The wizard and I" or the
Jon M. Chu will direct a movie-musical adaptation of JOSEPH...DREAMCOAT for Amazon Dec 26
2024, 05:51:41 PM
TheatreFan4 said: "I mean, Joseph only has like... 2 roles that actually need to singers.
Also, I dont think anyone actually cares Joseph enough where this beats the Movie Musical odds. Especially if it's his next movie coming off Wicked with how much expansion Joseph would actually need compared to Wicked."
That's what I meant, for the lead roles, the ones with big songs.
I wish he would do another project instead of Joseph, like Aida
Jon M. Chu will direct a movie-musical adaptation of JOSEPH...DREAMCOAT for Amazon Dec 26
2024, 09:25:01 AM
KevinKlawitter said: "ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "Who should play Joseph?"
My movie groupchat says Tom Holland."
Chu understands the necessity of extremely good singers for the lead roles who understand the art form of telling a story through song. A note is an actor too. So I think it's unlikely that this will happen.
Musicals You'd Like to See Jon M. Chu Adapt for Film Dec 15
2024, 09:39:27 AM
I'd love Jon M. Chu to direct the Miss Saigon film. He seems to understand the importance of letting the songs soar and let them do their work and does not shy away from the non-literal world that this art form on screen needs. He seems to have a good eye for the real story behind characters, their emotions and what drives them. He will understand how important it is to tell their story, what kind of fighters these women were, and not only that, also for the kids that were
Shoshana Bean/Cynthia Erivo fall out? Dec 9
2024, 05:52:55 PM
DramaTeach said: "their performances at the Apollo, their “When You Believe” duet, etc. Now silence...."
This is how it all started, Shoshana suggested that she'd like to sing the Whitney part and Cynthia felt utterly devastated and erased. They never spoke again.
Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread Dec 9
2024, 05:27:44 PM
Jeffrey Karasarides said: "Wicked just received 4 Golden Globe nominations in the following categories:
Best Actress in a Motion Picture-Comedy/Musical (Cynthia Erivo) Best Supporting Actress in any Motion Picture (Ariana Grande)"
Glinda is a lead role. Nessa, Boq, Fiyero are supporting.
And why is there a special musical actress award? It feels a bit like they are handing out the nominations in strategic and creative way so th
Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread Dec 9
2024, 05:21:13 PM
uncageg said: "I totally agree and have been trying to come up with the word for Erivo's performance. Safe. It hit me during "The Wizard and I".
I feel this also has something to do with the crazy amount of editing and autotune on her voice. It sounds really "tinny", it sucks the life out of it a bit. They didn't do nearly as much on Ariana's voice. It makes it sound a bit robotic, contained and safe.
The contrast betwe
Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread Dec 6
2024, 04:55:54 PM
I watched this movie yesterday. I deliberately stayed a way from listening to any soundtrack or interview clips in advance. It is not very often you get the chance to experience a movie like this for the first time, so I wanted to be surprised.
Overall I loved it, the audience was very respectful and quiet too.
I wish they had used a different rendering/look for the colors. Like the technicolor look in the West Side Story remake. More filmic and authentic. Now it looked
SUNSET BLVD. Reviews Nov 10
2024, 09:33:49 AM
Welcome to reality.
SUNSET BLVD. Reviews Nov 10
2024, 09:10:20 AM
The Scorpion said: "Explain to me which laws since you said everything was corroborated by facts. You also said Britain was lost--again, explain."
I live half of my time in the UK too so I am very aware what is going on. I feel sorry for you that you are not aware of these facts. The list of demonstrable facts is endless but here is a tip of the iceberg.
Praying in the streets. Prohibited. Except for Muslims. Christians are actually being arrested for it.
SUNSET BLVD. Reviews Nov 10
2024, 07:28:14 AM
chernjam said: "The last rumor was that this cast might be heading to LA for a short run next summer. Not sure if that is to gauge more interest from Paramount/Hollywood."
That's interesting!
Although I do not like the concept of this revival at all, I do think there are lots of creative possibilities for filming this. This concept lends itself particularly well for that. It breaks the 4th wall all the time anyway. The show could be filmed in
Nicole Scherzinger Nov 10
2024, 06:48:39 AM
mshalo18 said: "Aninteresting and nuanced takefrom Perez Hilton. Long, but worth a listen."
I see people everywhere making the same journey that he has gone through, from radical dazed left in 2016 to neutral, stable, right in 2024.
I am convinced that "the left" is a phase of naivety, ignorance, a kind of striving for a better world based on a misplaced, unworldly idea that anyone wo agrees with them has good will. And that sooner or later everyone will move towards reality, to neutral right.
SUNSET BLVD. Reviews Nov 9
2024, 08:07:21 PM
Is there any news about the possible filming of this show? Someone on here said that Jamie Lloyd was interested in that.
Personally I think that Tom and Nicole deserve to be in a better, more sincere production of Sunset, either on stage or an actual feature film (if she can act it).
Nicole Scherzinger Nov 9
2024, 08:00:20 PM
Oh look, it's tomorrow!
What other roles would the people on here like to see her in?