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Profile for BarrettBean

Member Name: BarrettBean
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re: Altar Boyz: New Cast Member
 Aug 1 2005, 08:01:22 AM
I think Altar Boyz is one of those shows that can stand cast changes. I saw it a couple of weeks ago with the new Mark and Luke, and they did a fantastic job, and the rest of the guys made sure they were part of the team.

I liked the CD, but now that I've seen the show, I really love it. I got front row (side) tickets at TKTS and high-fived Mark and Luke at the end :)

My mini-review:

re: Defying Gravity
 Jul 25 2005, 06:46:23 PM
Thanks everyone for the info. The fact that she didn't fly didn't affect my take on the show very much. It wasn't till after the show I said "hey wait a minute, wasn't she supposed to fly?" But I got the impact of the song from the performance. I still have mixed feelings on the show, but as I've listened to it 74 times over the past week, I'm coming around. :)
Defying Gravity
 Jul 24 2005, 10:14:29 PM
So, I saw Wicked for the first time last weekend, and liked it (I have a brief review on my blog at, but one question I had: at the end of the first act, Elphaba didn't actually fly. I know when I saw the song done on the Tony's last year she took off, so has that been cut from the show, or was it just a problem the evening I saw it. Thanks
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