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Member Name: Thetruth
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Profile: Deena! Deena! DEENA! DEENA!

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Dreamgirls Revival Taking Shape - Hudson to Reprise Effie?
 Jan 28 2007, 05:31:46 PM
Deena = Sasha Allen
re: The Color Purple - Friday 9/29
 Oct 2 2006, 03:24:00 PM
I was there, and I thought it was irritating. A lot of church folks who loved the movie were there. I guess they were mad they couldn't fast forward.
re: USA Today Article on Dreamgirls
 Mar 2 2006, 04:04:34 PM
"it was singer Faith Evans in what amounted to little more than a cameo, who was the impressive one. "

Faith Evans sounded like she was reading off of a cue card. This comment is laughable.

re: Jennifer Holliday - Best Singer in the World?
 Dec 24 2005, 10:33:01 AM
In regard to Jennifer's performance on Broadway's Leading Ladies, it was a concert, so of course you're not going to get the fire and the buildup of having a whole first act before that. It's never going to have the same effect when someone just comes out and sings that song versus when you hear it in the context of the play.

Whether Jen is the best singer in the world is a matter of opinion. It just depends on taste. Now, it doesn't seem like she's interested in being an artist, and mo

re: DREAMGIRLS - - - In Concert
 Dec 11 2005, 10:50:54 AM
Are you admitting to owning a boot?
re: DREAMGIRLS - - - In Concert
 Dec 10 2005, 05:58:33 PM
Isn't Fatima doing the choreo?

Also, a question about the Dreamgirls recording. I've been trying to figure out what Audra (atleast I think it was Audra maybe Heather) says during the part where Curtis tells them that they are going to have their own act.I've listed to it over and over and it sounds like "Zudd zukka" to me. Anybody know what I'm talking about?

re: Tamara Tunie
 Nov 17 2005, 05:22:50 PM
ice cream.
re: Tamara Tunie
 Nov 17 2005, 05:09:41 PM
Taste my...
re: Tamara Tunie
 Nov 17 2005, 03:25:08 PM
I have to agree w/ Margo. Though, I did enjoy her on As The World Turns. Her best work is when she does voiceovers.

To answer the question, I think her look gets her over and she's probably a very very nice woman.

re: Lets Put This Whole Dreamgirls Business To Rest
 Nov 17 2005, 11:17:39 AM
Silent, a lot of people outside broadway don't know Sheryl Lee played the role. Sheryl Lee has found other mainstream success that she's recognized for. Is she still going around singing "Dreamgirls" everywhere? Jennifer Holiday has owned the role in the original production and has played it numerous times since (last in ATL 2002). EVvvvvERYBODY knows Jennifer's version of AITY. Beyonce has some shoes to fill, but the heat is on Jennifer.

LOL. I'm not a "damn hater." I just weigh both s

re: Lets Put This Whole Dreamgirls Business To Rest
 Nov 16 2005, 11:27:02 PM
I just hope they get control of Jen Hudson's bug-eye thing she does when singing. And the choreographer will have to whip her into line b/c she doesn't move well. She's got her work cut out for her alongside Beyonce and Anika.
re: Lets Put This Whole Dreamgirls Business To Rest
 Nov 16 2005, 11:18:14 PM
Would you rather have Whitney singin all the songs like she wanted?
re: Lets Put This Whole Dreamgirls Business To Rest
 Nov 16 2005, 11:11:08 PM
I wasn't talking about acting either. I was talking about STAR POWER. We all know Beyonce has that. If she outshines Jennifer, that throws the balance off. Obviously, the show is centered around Effie, but a great Deena could steal the show, especially since Hudson will be fighting against the ghost of Jennifer Holiday.
re: Lets Put This Whole Dreamgirls Business To Rest
 Nov 16 2005, 05:29:23 PM
All this searching and they end up picking Jennifer anyway? Can she hold up against Beyonce (I'm not talking about vocally)?
re: Lets Put This Whole Dreamgirls Business To Rest
 Nov 16 2005, 04:57:42 PM
Color of the skin has nothing to do with being able to understand/judge gospel music. HOWEVER, growing up in that setting does. It's just a matter of how much actual experience you have with the form. Yes, there is a such thing as a "gospel scream" or "squall." It's very similar to a "rocker scream."

Just to put the issue to rest. Fantasia is not screaming. Do any of you who claim she's screaching/screaming think that she could actually sing like that if she was screaming? Jennifer Huds

re: Dreamgirls: Sharon Leal 'unofficially' announced as Michelle
 Nov 13 2005, 07:32:33 PM
Best12, I'm liking the idea. Deena is one of those roles that looks much easier to play than it is...I agree that Act 2 needs work. AITY takes it to a level that's hard to come close to.
re: Dreamgirls: Sharon Leal 'unofficially' announced as Michelle
 Nov 13 2005, 01:50:11 PM

Best12, Yeah, Deena's version of "Move" has that Supremes feel w/the Vegas treatment. I've said it before, but I think they should put that back into the medley. It's kinda cool, to see how far they've come since Apollo. I always wondered, did they record Deena's version of "Move" after Effie left or before?

Also, about the Deena abortion. I actually like the idea. It makes their stories even more parallel. The only problem would be that it would make Curtis even

re: Dreamgirls: Sharon Leal 'unofficially' announced as Michelle
 Nov 13 2005, 12:36:08 PM
Paradox, are you Ljay's cousin, brother, braider of the hair below his navel, what? Jump off his sack. While you're at it, jump off mine too.

Kavana, I'm black now?

Best12, I'd have to say "Dreamgirls" is my top number sung by Deena. I actually like her version of "Move" when they had it in the Act 2 Medley. Not really a song, but I love the exchange between Effie and Deena at the end of Act 2. "Believe me, Effie, I never knew what Curtis was doing to you..."

re: Dreamgirls: Sharon Leal 'unofficially' announced as Michelle
 Nov 13 2005, 02:36:41 AM
Best12, now the question is what's your favorite of Deena's numbers?
re: Dreamgirls: Sharon Leal 'unofficially' announced as Michelle
 Nov 12 2005, 07:06:33 PM
Lizzie, Do I care about your grammar lessons?

How was that?

I left the question mark off b/c I meant it more as a statement. Not a question. I know how old she is.

GhettoBway, we won't even talk about your multitude of sites/screenames, etc.

Jas, Beyonce can definitly hold her own in the talent a beauty department. None of the females can touch her in the beauty department. Talent wise, Deena is not supposed to be a powerhouse vocalist. All the girls have dif

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