Tony Award for Lyrics? Apr 26
2023, 12:22:52 PM
So at the 25th Tony Awards they split the score award into Lyrics and Music, and the Drama Desk Awards also have this distinction.
So my question is have there been any best score tony winners that would've only won one of the two awards?
Personally I think that last year if there was that spilt in the Tony award for score that Six would've won Music but A Strange Loop would've won Lyrics.
What do you guys think?
The 76th Annual Tony Award Nominations (2023) Apr 18
2023, 10:27:36 AM
I know they both opened (and closed) early in this season but I really hope that The Kite Runner and Cost of Living get some well-deserved nominations because I thought that both of those shows were wonderful.
2023 Olivier Awards Discussion Mar 30
2023, 11:05:58 AM
I think that there might be a sweep in many of the creative categories with My Neighbor Totoro winning Comedy play, Theatre Choreography, Scenic Design, Lighting and sound design. I think that Standing at the Sky's Edge will win new musical, and Oklahoma will win revival. I think that the fact that Streetcar opened recently will help it win revival and possible best actor. Also actor in a supporting role will probably go to the ensemble of For Black Boys.
WAY TOO EARLY 2023 Tony Award Predictions Mar 29
2023, 03:03:12 PM
I think that Carolee will be nominated for Bad Cinderella as one of the few nominations that BC will get. (Along with maybe lighting and costumes)
What nominations do you think that shows that flopped will get?
Do we think that 1776 will get a costumes nomination, and was K-pops lighting or choreo good enough for a nomination, and will Almost Famous get anything?
Shakespeare in Different Eras Feb 10
2023, 02:45:46 PM
I saw a great production of The Taming of The Shrew set in 1950's America, and I was wondering if any of you guys had seen good Shakespeare productions set in unconventional time periods?
Musicals that should've won the Pulitzer Jan 9
2023, 08:41:36 PM
I'm not sure whether this topic has been brought up before, but I was thinking about how few musicals have won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, and I was wondering if there are any musicals that you guys think should've won the Pulitzer? (Even if they weren't shortlisted)
I personally think that Company does such a good job analyzing relationships that I think it is worthy of at least being a finalist.