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Member Name: LuckyDipster
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Olympics on my mind: Showtunes that could be theme songs at the 2024 Games
 Jul 23 2024, 07:12:37 AM

For The Dreamers from Back To The Future.

2024 Kennedy Center Honors
 Jul 18 2024, 05:30:53 PM

BrodyFosse123 said: "Ask any non-theater savvy person who Audra McDonald is and they have no idea who she is. Even when you point her out to them."

I am proof of this.  Despite being someone who has been going to the theatre (in the UK) since the early 90s, I did not recognise Audra when she was the guest producer at the final night of Gutenberg! which I attended.  I mentioned it on here and was mocked by a couple of people so I am please

OH, MARY! Previews
 Jul 16 2024, 05:22:14 AM

I'd love to see this on my next NY trip, but that's not until January. 


Broadway Real Estate 2024-25
 Jul 8 2024, 04:01:17 AM

"Tourists are dumb," says the person who misspells Roger.

 Jun 30 2024, 05:43:29 PM

Happy first anniversary to BACK TO THE FUTURE.  

 Jun 29 2024, 05:27:09 AM

inception said: "Anyone who has ever worked in the service industry knows that Brits don't tip."

As a Brit I can concur.  Why are customers expected to supplement a worker's wage so that the employer can make more profit?  Ridiculous.  I've worked retail my whole life and mostly on minimum wage which is far below the average wage in the UK, but at least I can survive on it without hoping for handouts from customers.

Changing Keys for Performers is So Cool
 Jun 29 2024, 05:18:48 AM

BeingAlive44Ever said: "Roger Bart in You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown."

Up or down?

2024 Tony Awards
 Jun 17 2024, 05:48:14 AM

Being in the UK I am relying on clips uploaded on social media, but so far I have been unable to find one that shows Radcliffe's category in full - "...and the nominees are..."  If anyone knows of one, please let me know.

 Jun 11 2024, 12:31:10 PM

We will soon be down to our final OG from Manchester/London.  

2024 Tony Awards
 Jun 8 2024, 02:48:31 PM

dramamama611 said: "I thought you hated it here and we're leaving."

I considered it, but seeing as it's impossible to delete accounts here, I figured I may as well just plough on.

2024 Tony Awards
 Jun 8 2024, 04:44:59 AM

MrJNLong said: "Scenic should be Here Lies Love. 7 nominees here, but none that really were exciting to me besides HLL. Well, except Back to the Future, was too theme parkey for me."

You guys have theme park shows that cost a million dollars a week to stage?  Blimey!  Here in the UK they chuck a few members of park staff and someone in a mascot costume onto a tiny, bare stage and call it a day.


Performances at the 2024 Tony Awards
 Jun 7 2024, 05:26:35 AM

Jonathan Cohen said: "Back to the Future was the one show from the season I was most confused why they made it a musical."

Because the original is a larger than life story and musicals are larger than life.  Plus Bob Gale said he wanted it to feel like an alternate universe telling of the story.  He wanted to give it a different spin.  It's a shame that the new songs aren't popular, but just as with Eurovision, it's almost imp

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 6/2/24
 Jun 4 2024, 07:06:41 PM

pablitonizer said: "BTTF has been below the 1 million figure for the past 5 weeks so I don't give it a long run anymore"

It was over the million mark last week.

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 5/26/24
 May 29 2024, 06:37:30 PM

AKarp2013 said: "Same with Back to the Future.They're not the box office powerhouse they were for a short while there but the summer is going to give them a huge boost. They'll make it through the fall and then go out on a high note during the holiday season."

I hope not.  I just booked another trip for January.  Would they really extend through to April if they were worried about their figures?

Best song in each new musical?
 May 24 2024, 06:14:48 PM

Back To The Future - 21st Century

The Pet Shop Boys are my favourite band and this electro pop song is presented like a Pet Shop Boys gig.

What is the BEST Show You Have Seen on Broadway
 May 24 2024, 06:01:01 AM

BeingAlive44Ever said: "LuckyDipster said: "I have seen four shows on Broadway. I enjoyed them all."

Oh what were they?

In order of how much I enjoyed them:

Back To The Future - It was the reason I made the trip from the UK (to see Roger again) so, from a sentimental viewpoint, it was always going to be my favourite.  Quality of writing or anything else was never going to factor into it.  My h

What is the BEST Show You Have Seen on Broadway
 May 23 2024, 08:09:32 PM

I have seen four shows on Broadway.  I enjoyed them all.

Merrily Standing Room
 May 22 2024, 06:59:31 PM

Dkinny23 said: "I asked if they ever sell anything less than $100 and they told me they have $79 tickets but you have to book them a bit far in advance."

Yes, our tickets were under $100 and we did buy them several months in advance.

What is the worst production you have ever seen on Broadway? What is the worst show?
 May 22 2024, 06:56:46 PM

mikey89 said: "the whole subplot between Marty and his mother was just something else."

You say that like you've never seen the movie.

What is the worst production you have ever seen on Broadway? What is the worst show?
 May 19 2024, 06:08:06 AM

inception said: "Hamilton...Aladdin? Really?"

It's the age old thing of people thinking their own personal taste equates to the quality level of a show which is, of course, daft.  We all have instances of sitting through a show that we are not enjoying, but when it happens to me, I just shrug and think "oh well, it wasn't my jam."  I've only seen four shows on Broadway and I enjoyed them all so I cannot comment on a least

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