re: Hugh Panaro! Feb 16
2007, 07:12:17 PM
Thank you, Wayman. And kudos for the excellent job you did with The Leading Men II concert. Being there meant taking the afternoon off at work on short notice and risking hypothermia, but the entire show was worth it.
re: Hugh Panaro! Feb 16
2007, 06:15:18 PM
My goodness, some of you do enjoy beating a dead horse. If clubbing equine corpses ever becomes an Olympic event, BWW will have more than its share of gold medalists. I knew this thread would go this way and I refrained from commenting earlier becaue I didn't want a migraine at work. But I have a couple of comments. First of all, it's 2007. The SF run of Lestat ended over a year ago. The Broadway production ended about ten months ago. Even for those of us who did l
re: Most Precious Broadway Possession Jan 27
2007, 09:43:17 PM
"Oh and to Gingersnap, That Jacker is AWESOME! Hey,don't you own the Hugh Panaro site? I reconize your username. I'm on there too. *hangs head* but I haven't been on. I've been REALLY busy." Yes, that's me...guilty as charged.
re: Most Precious Broadway Pocession Jan 27
2007, 11:30:26 AM
Much of my little collection is Phantom-related and most pieces are special because they have a lot of great memories associated with them. But the most precious one is my leather jacket signed by Hugh Panaro...three times so far and we've joked he'll eventually write on the entire thing.
Do you cry . . . Jan 27
2007, 10:15:06 AM
Les Miserables was the first musical that made me actually cry (as opposed to just getting a little misty-eyed) and I cried each time I saw it. Fantine's death always gets me, A Little Fall of Rain often does (depends on the cast), Bring Him Home (depends on the Valjean), Empty Chairs At Empty Tables (defintely depends on the Marius), and Valjean's final scene all get me crying. One Day More is a great scene, but it's never made me cry in the least.
re: Speaking to actors- first name/Mr./Mrs./Ms.? Jan 17
2007, 08:51:29 AM
I guess I was raised in that "different time." When I was about four, I got scolded by my foster-mother for addressing my seventy-five year old neighbor as "Tony." Never mind I was just repeating what I'd been hearing from others, included my playmate. But I think it's also about respect...regardless of which form of address. You can address someone as Mrs. or Mr. So-and-So and say it in such a way that it's snide. Or you can address them by their first name with sincere respect.
re: The Understudy Curse Jan 4
2007, 06:52:59 PM
When I saw DRS in July 05, Joe Cassidy was on for Norbert and I didn't feel like I was missing out. I hadn't seen Norbert so there was nothing to judge by, but Joe was fine. Saw Stephen Buntrock go on as the Phantom, but I knew Hugh was on vacation that week so it was no big deal. And, of course, Drew when on as Lestat during the final weekend when Hugh was out sick. Other than that, it's only been minor characters or...way back...Bob Cuccioli goig on as Lancelot in t
The unheard (but not undead) CD Jan 4
2007, 12:08:29 PM
TechEverlasting - they recorded the entire thing in one day. I had been in NYC a lot that week for unrelated reasons and caught the show a few times while I was there. Hugh told me on May 21 that they'd be recording the next day. He was concerned with the complete lack of PR from the day of the premiere on and said, "We could record on Monday and get the closing notice on Tuesday." Which is what happened. I went back on Wednesday and he said they'd finished recording and he said they had fin
re: Company--Tick Tock Dec 20
2006, 12:16:00 PM
The recent Seattle production had the sufficient stage room (and the full, wonderful orchestrations) for the number and Anna Lauris, who played the part, was the show's dance I was rather let down that they didn't include it...mainly out of curiousity because I've never seen the scene with the dance included. Looking back, I wish I'd asked David Armstrong about that when I had the brief chance to talk with him...I'm going to blame hunge and jet lag.
re: Norm Lewis Dec 15
2006, 01:01:02 AM
A solo CD from Norm would make me extremely happy. There's always "Side Show." His "You Should Be Loved" is amazing.
re: What Act I ending made you cry the most? Nov 26
2006, 06:26:43 PM
Just came home from seeing AIDA on the tour. "The Gods Love Nubia" had me crying.
re: Thoughts on Marie Christine OBC Recording Nov 23
2006, 10:06:13 PM
I absolutely love it. I was already familiar with "Bernarda Alba" at time and one or two other LaChiusa pieces. I heard "Miracles and Mysteries" on BWW Radio and just loved it. Enough to hunt for the CD here.
re: MySpace Nov 20
2006, 12:13:16 PM
Hugh Panaro - it's run by a friend for him (NOT me...I just do some of the graphics and supply S. with some material for it)
re: Guy-Girl-Girl Song Nov 15
2006, 05:58:55 PM
One Plus One Equals Three - Side Show Might not suit you, but it's Buddy, Daisy, and Violet.
re: The Good/The Bad...Worst stagedoor experiences Nov 15
2006, 08:25:53 AM
Oh, and Deborah S. Craig was too cute and was SUPER nice and told me to get a scarf because it was cold, and Sarah Saltzburg was amazing as well! **** That reminds me of two little incident. Stagedooring at Sweeney Todd back on a brutally, brutally cold day in February. My friend has curly hair which she just sprays and sprays and sprays until it's solid (Hugh Panaro calls it's "crunchy candy apple hair" because it's so crisp). Well, Lauren Molina came out, saw my fr
re: The Good/The Bad...Worst stagedoor experiences Nov 14
2006, 10:54:46 AM
"Before I get to my stories, I have to agree with what some of you have said about how it is more of the stage door fans than it is the actor." In all honesty, I've never really had a "bad" stage door experience. Some have been good, some better. I'm referring to the actors. I've seen plenty of bad fan behavior. "What really irritates me is when people don't take the time to call the actor by their real name only referring them to their character name." The only tim
re: Brief thoughts on COMPANY Nov 14
2006, 10:00:18 AM
"I saw Company in Seattle with Hugh Panaro, Kendra Kassebaum & Shelly Burch. I'll be seeing this version later on this month. It'll make for an interesting comparison, if nothing else." (First of all...ChecksinTheMayo, I love your username) I'm hoping to see Company on my next trip down to the city - if I can talk my friend out of dragging me to Hairspray. But I want to see it for comparison's sake, mainly. I've never cared for Raul Esparza...he's one of those people
re: Address help Nov 12
2006, 10:08:17 PM
*looks at the date of the thread* *shrugs* It also helps to spell the actor's name right.
re: What Actor Was So Good They Made You Cry? Nov 12
2006, 10:06:28 PM
Hugh Panaro in Company when he sang Being Alive. I think I was the only one around me crying. Lol. You're not the only one, Racetrack. I'd heard him sing it in a cabaret back in September and it was touching. But when he sang it in Seattle, I was sitting there in the second row thinking, "Not gonna cry...not gonna cry." And I lost that battle. And got a cute apology after.
re: Nudity in Company? Nov 5
2006, 07:46:00 PM
In the recent Seattle production, April did get topless, but not until they were in the bed...between the blocking and the lighting, you never saw bare breasts. Bobby stripped down to briefs and socks. His briefs came off after he was under the covers. So, you didn't see anything...except if you were in the first few rows during the blackout between Barcelona and the next scene.