Scherzinger in SUNSET BLVD. Previews Sep 29
2024, 10:43:06 AM
Is there anything about this production that I would miss from the $69 rear balcony seats? I'm eyeing a spur-of the-moment trip to see this but I'd need to do it on the cheap.
OH, MARY! Reviews Aug 3
2024, 09:54:20 PM
Jarethan said: "Have a question. I have sat in the second balcony of the Lyceum a few times, and I thought that the seats were prettygood, because it is such a small theatre. I decided that I was going to get second balcony seats for this, since it doesn'tseem like a show that will suffer from cheaper seats. Going onto Telecharge, they are saying that a number of the second balcony seats are partial view due to a rail in front of the first row. Is that a real issue? Idon't remember there being an issue previously, but I realize that the last time i sat there was for The Nance, which must be over a decade ago.
I just don't feel like paying $200 for an 80 minute non-musical, and remember previously hating seats in the more reasonably pricedrear of the first balcony, due to an insufficient slope (I remember struggling to see a lot of the stage if the person in front of me was more than 5'6" (and I am 5'11').
Any feedback appreciated."
This was my view from Left Balcony Row B Seat 1:

I didn't think it was going to be too bad, but anything that happens downstage center (which turned out to be quite a lot) was behind that square bar that juts out. Also, there's a sofa on stage left where a fair amount takes place, and it was smack dab behind the head of the person in front of me. Every time they moved I had to move to see around them. The rest of the stage was perfectly fine.
Boy George in MR Feb 10
2024, 07:01:03 PM
ggersten said: "D'Amboise as Zidler?"
THAT would get me back in the theater.
Les Misérables Arena Spectacular Jul 11
2023, 09:39:46 AM
I’m holding out for ice skates.
Jesus Christ Superstar Back On Broadway? Jun 19
2023, 03:31:17 PM
And that revival of Aspects of Love? Skates.
Jesus Christ Superstar Back On Broadway? Jun 19
2023, 03:22:47 PM
Yes, but this time it’s set in a junkyard and the story is told entirely by feral cats.
Iconic Costumes Nov 1
2022, 11:22:33 AM
Loretta Swit in Evita.
Can tonsillitis be contagious? Jul 17
2022, 06:56:52 PM
quizking101 said:
a known moist spot where bacteria thrive well
I have a name.
1776 Broadway revival cast for 2021 May 23
2022, 12:36:42 PM
pjc1 said: "From what I’ve seen in the past, those are seats that are the front row of the rear section and are at the same level as the seats in the rear row of the front section and are often designated as partial view. Also, I’m pretty sure those seats aren’t the “screwed into the ground” type, but are free-standing and sort of placed in front of the usual front row - I could be wrong about that.
Anyway, I wouldn’t sweat the partial view designation. As long as you and the people in the row in front of you don’t have a large height differential, you should be fine. (I tend to sit in row C or D on the aisle in that section because my wife likes to make a quick getaway at intermission out the exit door that’s right there.)
Please let me know if I was even close to being right!
Thanks for your input! Like I said, I've never had a bad sightline in that space, so I was more curious than worried. I couldn't imagine those seats being all that obstructed unless they were doing something really wild with the set design, and it doesn't sound like that's the case.
And I don't blame your wife one bit for wanting to sit near those doors. The restrooms during intermission are always a total clusterf*ck under the best of circumstances.
1776 Broadway revival cast for 2021 May 19
2022, 09:41:21 AM
I just picked up a couple of the $25 seats - A 4&5 - for next Sunday's matinee, and they're listed as partial view. There are seats in front of that selling for full price. I've sat just about everywhere a person can sit in the Loeb Drama Center (including the stage and literally the floor) and never had a bad seat, so I'm curious what makes these partial view. I'd love to hear from anyone who's seen the show or is otherwise familiar with this production.
NBC will present ANNIE LIVE! for 2021 holiday seaosn May 14
2021, 04:25:25 PM
Personally, I'm hoping for a trauma-informed production directed by either Daniel Fish or Ivo van Hove.
Traveling between Boston and NYC for shows Oct 9
2019, 10:21:27 PM
I've recently moved to the Greater(ish) Boston area for work. I've enjoyed being able to get into Boston to see some tours and pre-Broadway tryouts, but I'd love to branch out and make day trips to NYC for shows as well.
I know from the posts here that quite a few of you travel from New York to Boston for matinees, and I would assume there is also a fair amount of people traveling from Boston to NYC for the same purposes. I would love to hear anything and everything about y
2019, 09:07:02 PM
BrodyFosse123 said: "“The producers of ‘Tea at Five’ announced today that they have terminated their relationship with Faye Dunaway,” spokesman Rick Miramontez said in a statement. “Plans are in development to have its West End debut early next year with a new actress to play the role of Katharine Hepburn.”
Keep those Boston Playbills, folks. These are now collectibles."
Now I wish I had been ballsy enough to gr
Favorite Short Lived Musicals? Jul 23
2019, 03:44:57 PM
I still can't listen to the cast recording of [title of show] without crying.
Playbill Binder Sleeves Jul 15
2019, 06:43:24 AM
These are much less expensive and easier to find:
BWW Boston Review: TEA AT FIVE Jul 7
2019, 12:01:59 AM
I can't deny that any of all of this is true, but I still feel warmly about my whole experience today. I certainly never got bored. I have a feeling it'll be one of those performances I continue to talk about for years to come.
Playwright Matthew Lombardo talks Dunaway and Jun 28
2019, 10:58:00 PM
Before this thread reaches the fifth page can someone, ANYONE, give us an update on the things that really matter? What is the show curtain, merch, and stage door like for this show?
Asking because I'm a SERIOUS theater aficionado.
Too raunchy to wear for a show? Apr 28
2019, 09:11:08 PM
JSquared2 said: "If you have to ask a bunch of strangers if your outfit is inappropriate, then it probably is."
If you're uptight enough to ask a bunch of strangers if your outfit is inappropriate, then it probably isn't.
Fascinating NERDS article in THR Apr 12
2019, 05:55:40 PM
"There was one glitch in Levin's plan to bring Nerds to the Great White Way, however: The rights to the play belonged to Vicki Halmos, a Palm Beach socialite who mounted Waiting for Guffman-like productions of Miss Saigon and other shows in South Florida."
I would give several internal organs to see that.
The night a baby skunk stopped HELLO, DOLLY! Apr 3
2019, 06:18:04 PM
Thank you for sharing this. That was a delightful read!