The Fantasticks tickets Oct 3
2015, 05:52:30 PM
I have 2 tickets for "The Fantasticks" for sale. I can't make it and if you can make me an offer or you can go to my eBay auction and place a bid for the tickets. Not asking for much but I just don't want them to go to waste. 4th row Orch
4 tickets for Million Dollar Quartet for tonight at 8:00. $100 all four Mar 26
2010, 12:45:58 PM
I got four tickets for Million Dollar Quartet tonight at 8:00. Selling all four for $100. They are in Mezz Row NN. I will be in the city around 4:00, we can meet up.
FS- 4 tkts - Million Dollar Quartet $113 for 4 TKTS or $56.00 for 2 TKTS Mar 16
2010, 08:00:54 AM
Can't go because of personal reasons. 4 tickets available for The Million Dollar Quartet March 26th at 8:00pm. Rear Mezz Row NN. You can buy 2 tickets or all 4. We can arrange a way to get the tickets in your hands.
FS- 4 tkts - Million Dollar Quartet $113 for 4 TKTS or $56.00 for 2 TKTS Mar 13
2010, 05:31:32 PM
4 Tickets are still available.
FS- 4 tkts - Million Dollar Quartet $113 for 4 TKTS or $56.00 for 2 TKTS Mar 13
2010, 05:00:10 PM
Can't go because of personal reasons. 4 tickets available for The Million Dollar Quartet March 26th at 8:00pm. Rear Mezz Row NN. You can buy 2 tickets or all 4. We can arrange a way to get the tickets in your hands.
Million Dollare Quartat Tickets for Sale Jan 11
2010, 12:47:10 PM
I have 4 tickets for the Million Dollar Quartet for sale. I can't go on the date I purchased them for and will sell them for the same amount I paid for them. 4 tickets Million Dollar Quartet Friday March 26th 8:00pm RMEZ C NN 101 $110.44 total Don't have the tickets on hand yet and will not get them til mid February. message me if you are interested.
TDF web site slow? Apr 18
2007, 03:10:30 PM
Is it just me or is TDF web site really slow???
March 4th Spelling Bee Adult Theme Night Cancelled! Feb 21
2007, 11:19:22 AM
Hey Everyone, Not sure if anyone else around here bought tickets for March 4th Spelling Bee but I got a phone call telling me that the show is going on but it will not be a Adult Theme Night.. Any ideas why? Brian
The History Boys movie question Nov 23
2006, 10:54:51 AM
I went to see the movie yesterday and really enjoyed it but I was wondering one thing... Every student knew what Hector was doing to them on his motorcycle. How come they allowed it? From I understood he was gay and some of the students were also but how come Posner wanted to get a ride so badly. understand my question?
2006, 02:12:30 PM
All of you guys are being ridiculous. she asked a question, why is it so hard now a days to ask a question on a forum? Forums are there you ask questions and get in touch with other people. I just think people feel this is a good why to get their angry out since the person is not in front of you and after you can just walk away from it. Calm down, answer the question and let it be.
re: Question about Anthony Rapp's Book Feb 15
2006, 12:44:40 PM
ok, thanks for answering my question!
re: Question about Anthony Rapp's Book Feb 14
2006, 09:28:34 AM
Sorry for the double post.. the computer was lagging and I pressed post twice
re: Question about Anthony Rapp's Book Feb 14
2006, 09:28:10 AM
Sorry for the double post.. the computer was lagging and I pressed post twice
Question about Anthony Rapp's Book Feb 14
2006, 09:26:50 AM
I know there is alot of topics about the book but I did not want to read any of them since I have not finished the book. I just finished the chapter about Opening Night of Rent and His mom went up to her hotel room to get rest and skipped the party. Well I noticed when He showed him mom the article in The Advocate he said he came out to his mom already. Did I miss something? How did he come out to her and where did it say it in the book? Thanks!
Question about Anthony Rapp's Book Feb 14
2006, 09:26:41 AM
I know there is alot of topics about the book but I did not want to read any of them since I have not finished the book. I just finished the chapter about Opening Night of Rent and His mom went up to her hotel room to get rest and skipped the party. Well I noticed when He showed him mom the article in The Advocate he said he came out to his mom already. Did I miss something? How did he come out to her and where did it say it in the book? Thanks!
Premium Seating? Jan 18
2006, 11:02:10 AM
Does anyone know the reason almost every show has all their good seats at $200 Premium Seating? Just went to see how tickets for Rent looked and only left and right Orch. are available at regular price. Any reason why telecharge and ticketmaster is turning into a bunch of ticket scalpers?
Cast of Rent at Pre-Jingle Ball show Dec 16
2005, 09:27:33 AM
It was just announced that the Cast Of Rent will go on stage at Hammerstein BallRoom Today at 4:45.
re: Sean Hayes in Avenue Q Dec 8
2005, 11:48:42 AM
Evil? Why do you say that?
Sean Hayes in Avenue Q Dec 8
2005, 11:01:18 AM
Well he is not, but I could see him playing Rod. Anyone else?
re: Feeling Electric Question Dec 7
2005, 11:44:05 AM
I asked Anthony Rapp at a Rent Screening and he said there is talk about a New York Production 2006-2007. He also said if he is free he would love to do it.