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Member Name: Flippancy
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 Jul 24 2008, 02:04:36 PM
I hear Autumn is going on for Bailey tonight, since Bailey blew out her voice.

:) Kidding, just kidding.

re: Bailey's first without the 6 pages ragging on her Bio...
 Jul 24 2008, 09:32:23 AM
Thank you, rupe. A clear concise and level-headed opinion.

This is what I wonder -- and I'm not bashing li'l Bailey AT ALL -- but do you think she's thought about where she goes from here? She is so young, and thrust into all this hoopla. I hope she's not buying into the hype hook, line, and sinker. Back when I was in the the business, I was always thinking 2 or 3 steps ahead in terms of career.

re: How the BLONDE casting plays out (aka: the also-rans who also got cast)
 Jul 23 2008, 08:58:02 AM
Yikes, I just watched the full performances on MTV, and for my ticket money, I'd chew glass if I had to watch Bailey for 2.5 hours. Let's hope they sent her to a vocal coach that worked on her pitch problems.
re: Is Gavvy Creel Going To Grow His Hair Out Again For Jesus?
 Jul 22 2008, 10:34:13 AM
If it is going to be long, let's hope the producers put "shampoo" in the line item budget.

Just sayin'....

 Jul 22 2008, 10:31:57 AM
I think that even though it's cost effective to have the chorus cover numerous tracks, thereby entailing performing numerous roles, it does increase the wig budget exponentially.
 Jul 22 2008, 08:56:56 AM
What is it with this "track" crap? Don't people have roles anymore? I understand the use of "track" when referring to something like LES MISERABLES, wherein multiple roles are played by the cast. In the Godspell thread, though, someone said DeGarmo is doing the "Sonia track". Uh, no, that's noooooot quite right. It's not a TRACK, it's a ROLE.

Sorry for the rant. I haven't had my coffee this morning.

re: Winner of 'Search for Elle Woods' Contract
 Jul 22 2008, 08:53:13 AM
Oh, she's so very young, isn't she? Bless her heart. She'd better move past wanting to do all the blonde cute roles. If she wants to have a career, that means her only option down the road will be the Jayne Mansfield role in WILL SUCCESS SPOIL ROCK HUNTER? -- at the Far Rockaway Dinner Theatre in Squeedunk, Missitucky.
re: Understudies who are better then the main
 Jul 18 2008, 10:59:44 AM
Anyone who went on for Wanda Richert in the ACL tour way back when. Sheesh, she stunk.
re: Understudies who are better then the main
 Jul 18 2008, 09:27:36 AM
Merle Louise was better than Lane Bradbury in the original GYPSY, at least according to Merman. After Merle Louise went on for Bradbury, Merman had Bradbury fired and Merle Louise assumed the role. OUCH!
PIPPIN and my iPod
 Jul 18 2008, 09:25:33 AM
Guys, I had the strangest thing happen yesterday. I recently ripped the PIPPIN cast album to my iPod.

[Background: PIPPIN was the first B'way show I ever saw, and I absolutely loved it. When I got home, I got the cast album (an actual record album, LOL) and memorized the whole thing.]

I haven't listened to PIPPIN in years...I mean, YEARS. But yesterday, sitting at my desk, Irene Ryan starts her rendition of "No Time At All", and I, like a big ol' goober, start to cry. FREAK

re: The Search for the Next Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 15 2008, 10:49:15 AM
Adam, I completely agree with your comments. It DOESN'T make her more qualified, or talented, or entitled. She does, however, have a better take on the realities of someone in NYC pursuing a career in theatre than the other three girls.
re: The new Elle Woods will release her own 'So Much Better' single..
 Jul 15 2008, 10:05:00 AM
"So Much Better" - the most difficult "power ballad" currently being sung on B'way?!?!?!?!?! Let me queue up to get THIS one. *snort*
re: The Search for the Next Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 15 2008, 09:08:04 AM
Re: Autumn and her perceived sense of entitlement: you've go to remember, all this footage is filtered through an editing process. The editors can make her comments come across however they want.

But I do think that Autumn's comments re: the girls' B'way dreams at the dinner table were RIGHT ON. She's 28, she's been in the city for a while, she's slogged through the audition mill, been told "no" more times than "yes", and has experienced the life of a performer in NYC. You're never

re: Awkward Stage Door Moments
 Jun 24 2008, 11:21:29 AM
I'm far too aged to do stage doors anymore, but back in the day:

Maggie Smith after LETTICE AND LOVAGE. Absolutely down to earth and charming and gracious and every other adjective you can think of.

THE RINK stage door. Come out of the show and there's a veritable swarm of people buzzing around someone at the stage door. Being the curious soul I was -- and somewhat of a starf**er -- I elbowed my way in. Only to see Connie Stevens. I elbowed my way back out and went to get

re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
 Jun 24 2008, 11:07:14 AM
I'm ashamed to say that I've gotten hooked on this show. Geez.

Anyway, regarding Cassie S.: True, she may not have gotten the best edit, but she also gave them the material to allow a bad edit. She's young, that's all. And not undifferent than a gazillion other girls out there that are talented, full of themselves, and don't think before they speak. With apologies to Sondheim, Sweeney and Anthony: "She will leeeeeaaaarnnnnnn..."

re: Hoff is PAL JOEY with Channing and Plimpton
 Jun 20 2008, 12:16:06 PM
Good lord -- does this mean we have hear S. Channing sing again?
re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS!
 Jun 11 2008, 09:30:40 AM
Is Cassie S. the young one, the 19 year old? If so, wowie kazowie. She reminds me so much of a girl I did theatre with 'back in the day'. While talented, she is just.... too much. I hee-hawed at the teaser for next week, wherein she throws her other contestants under the bus by telling the judges that they pulled back when she did her "Elle gets the dress" scene.

Also, isn't she one that was like "OMG, Jerry Mitchell is like this legendary broadway director...OMG"? My, my, my --

re: Tyne Daly's Rose: An Appreciation
 Jun 11 2008, 09:26:30 AM
Count me as a rider on the Tyne/Rose bandwagon, too. I saw her do the role twice in NY, and each time she was f'ing brilliant. I've gotta say: she scared me to death during "Roses". I have never seen a mad scene like that, before or since.

I also saw Linda Lavin when she replaced Daly. OMG... that was painful -- I almost walked. One of the odd things about her (and there were many) is she kept slipping in and out of accents! One scene she'd sound irish, the next she'd be lower ea

re: Anna Marie Alberghetti question
 May 20 2008, 10:00:11 AM
Roscoe, I did a spit take when I read your entry. I thought I was the only one who remembered that line from the MTM show!

CARNIVAL does have a great score; the original cast album is one of my favorites. However, it's like CAMELOT -- if all the elements aren't perfection, it just doesn't work. Kind of like divinity candy.

On another note, I know that Liza Minnelli starred in CARNIVAL in stock (Westbury Music Fair, maybe? I don't remember) back in the early 60s. Even a you

re: Legally Blonde understudies
 May 20 2008, 08:49:17 AM
"Flippancy, only 3 of those roles were principles...."

Okay, I stand corrected. 3 principals [sic] were out. THREE LEADS OUT FOR ONE PERFORMANCE? Where's David Merrick when you need him?

Oh, yeah. Dead. :)

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