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Profile for Jackie810

Member Name: Jackie810
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Extremist Christian Analysis of American Culture on RENT
 Nov 28 2005, 09:54:19 PM
"Anyone who knows the Bible knows that the outcasts of society are the people Jesus chose to hang out with. In Jesus' time, those folks were prostitutes and tax collectors and lepers. In modern times, those people would be the strippers, the herion addicts and those dying of AIDS. Jesus would've been there at the Life Support meetings, offering hugs, hot chocolate and love. But unfortunately, people miss that..."

Excellent point CM. I try to bring that up when I'm defending my religion

re: One question, Yes or No answer (about RENT)
 Nov 28 2005, 04:44:47 PM
re: Anthony Rapp...'Take Me or Leave Me'
 Nov 27 2005, 08:50:16 PM
Me too, if possible :)
re: Thank You, Anthony Rapp
 Nov 27 2005, 08:43:10 PM
Thank you, for everything :)
re: Emcee on the RENT movie
 Nov 15 2005, 04:18:51 PM
Thank you thank you thank you. I saw the movie on Saturday and you said it better than I ever could have. Perfect :)
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