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Member Name: Cugirl
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re: Aaron Tveit Returns To Broadway's NEXT TO NORMAL September 7
 Sep 5 2009, 07:03:55 PM
*fans herself*. Thank you Skywalker for making my day.
re: Broadway Abridged: Next to Normal
 Jun 23 2009, 03:26:15 AM

Hahahaha...I LOL'd on that one.

(FTR, I am obsessed with N2N, but still find this funny.)

re: Alice Ripley and Tom Kitt on Center Stage on Radio @ 7pm
 Feb 26 2008, 11:14:04 PM
Where do I see this episode?
re: NEXT TO NORMAL opening night video
 Feb 21 2008, 02:25:42 AM
I noticed that under Alice and Brian's name, it says that they play "Diana Brown" and "Dan Brown" respectively. Have they reverted it back to "Brown" instead of "Goodman"?
re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
 Jan 20 2008, 02:32:47 AM
emcee -- agreed, I didn't mean that he had a mental illness to the extent that Diana had, but he certainly had demons of his own.
re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
 Jan 19 2008, 12:44:22 AM
Hugging removed?! YES!! Can somebody describe the new ending for me? Does Diana come back now and everything peachy keen or is it the more powerful "full circle" kind of ending from FE?

joniray -- No, they didn't remove it. It's still there, thank god. I just thought that the impact that Dan was having his own mental problems was more highlighted in the FE ending than the N2N ending I saw on the first preview night.

Two nights after the show, and I still have the songs st

re: Anyone seen NEXT TO NORMAL tonite?
 Jan 17 2008, 11:38:37 PM
I watched this last night and I thought it was fantastic.

I agree that the ending certainly wasn't as powerful as Feeling Electric and I also agree that all that hugging was really confusing. I'm on the fence though whether I think they should completely keep the ending as it was in FE. I always thought the ending of FE, while powerful, was a little too dark and heavy. I never had any use for Natalie's suicide attempt and Dr. Madden's big boring speech to her. I was quite disappoi

 Dec 20 2005, 02:03:14 PM

Haha, I did imagine him sorta confused in front of his computer, but I didn't imagine him with no shirt on. Perhaps I should from now on....hehehe.

Anthony's site is back!
 Dec 17 2005, 05:28:30 AM
Hey, did you know that Anthony's old site is still up?

Ode to Scarf/Athony AIM
 Dec 13 2005, 01:27:40 AM
Okay, I've been gone for a few days (I have no idea how I managed it!), and whoa are there many posts!

I'm totally loving the Ode to the Scarf. I can't believe there's an LJ for the Sisterhood. I really should get an LJ account.

I'm also ecstatic to hear that Anthony will be on the Rent DVD commentary. All the more reason to see it!

Oh, and I watched Rent again on Friday. But I couldn't see the Mark sandwich!!! ARGH!

Rent Attendance Anecdotes
 Dec 10 2005, 12:54:21 PM
Went to the 3:30 yesterday (Friday). There were about 30 in the theatre. There were a lot of responses from the audience and I noticed about half the people stayed during the credits. An overall good crowd.
Too late for a introduction?
 Dec 9 2005, 12:25:27 PM
Oh man, I'm so happy/jealous for/of all of you!! Med school, Mark sweater, and Anthony guest speaking.
I need to finish my OWN film!!! (I QUIT!)
 Dec 7 2005, 02:51:04 PM
First of all, I'm done my midterm. I barely got through with my studying given the huge amounts of procrastination I did this weekend, but I think I did adequately. Yay Christmas Holidays!!

I'm so happy that his websites back up, even if it's just partially.

That icon is AMAZING. It just makes me smile.

I love Anthony. But I think you all knew that.

 Dec 6 2005, 11:40:40 PM
I want to write a letter to Anthony's book's publishers asking them if Anthony could come to T.O. for book signing (I know it's a long shot, but it's worth a try). What should I write? I'm so bad at this kind of stuff.
re: The RENT movie date...
 Dec 6 2005, 09:21:55 PM
Hi Fredi,

I'm just popping in to say hi. I missed you last week, and I'm sad that I can't stay on BWW long tonight either. I have a big midterm tomorrow morning, and I'm panicking!!!

I didn't get to see you perform on stage, but gosh, you sound amazing in the Rent OBCR. I wish I have a big voice like yours!

Take care!

re: Rent Drops 54 Percent in 2nd Week
 Dec 5 2005, 09:14:04 PM
"Most of the more artsy type of movies rarely are big box office draws."

RENT is an artsy type movie?

Let me clarify. My idea of an artsy movie was basically not a mindless movie solely for box office draw. I consider Rent to be an "artsy" movie, because it didn't have a very big budget, it didn't have a big name cast, it dealt with several sensitive social issues, and it did expect some kind of awards buzz.

That's why I say that those who are simply looking a

re: Rent Drops 54 Percent in 2nd Week
 Dec 5 2005, 04:16:47 PM
Aeon Flux is a flop, because it is an action hero film (usually big box office draws) with no competing new film and has an Oscar-winning starring actress wearing really skimpy clothing. A movie such as this is clearly just crying out for box office tickets rather than any critical acclaim or recognition.

Rent, on the other hand, a) is a musical, b) stars a cast full of Hollywood/movie unknowns except for a starlet who hasn't had real big break, and c) talks about AIDS, poverty, gays

re: Rent Drops 54 Percent in 2nd Week
 Dec 5 2005, 11:49:40 AM
It's weird. In terms of ranking, Rent does much better during weekdays than weekends. Last week (on weekdays), it consistently averaged around 3rd and 4th.
We're not gonna pay (and can't afford to, anyway)
 Dec 4 2005, 02:38:14 PM
study? chat? study? chat? oh dear......

There aren't actually 38 songs in Act I of FE. A lot of the tracks there are only less than a minute because it's just dialogue.

We're not gonna pay (and can't afford to, anyway)
 Dec 4 2005, 02:23:22 PM
AIM chat rocks. That is all.
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