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Member Name: masterwolfie
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The Nightingale Casting
 Jul 10 2012, 06:52:07 PM
"You raise a good point -- the next time something like this comes up (and I hope it doesn't), it'd probably be best to include in the original post that attempts to be funny with racist jokes won't really help the situation. (And I do not mean this at all sarcastically.)"
@Lizzie - Was this meant for me? I can still go back and add some sort of disclaimer to the original post, but ironically (considering the topic of the thread) it feels kind of weird that I'd have to do that xD

The Nightingale Casting
 Jul 10 2012, 05:50:47 PM
Wow this thread is moving really fast xD Phyllis Rogers Stone - I see what you mean, and I guess this board probably is not the best medium for what I had in there any way to block new posts or anything?
The Nightingale Casting
 Jul 10 2012, 05:47:53 PM
LizzieCurry - I was aware that jokes would appear in the thread at some point, but I figured it'd still be better to share the post to let people know that this is happening and this is not okay. I mean, one thing that has to change in the Asian American community is the propensity to sit back, stay silent, and do nothing. A serious discussion that has to take place in between other types of posts is still a discussion.
The Nightingale Casting
 Jul 10 2012, 05:38:37 PM
@PhyllisRogersStone - yes, I'm starting to see what you mean xD I guess part of me was kind of hoping that some sort of serious discussion would catch on and get loud enough to make the creative team self-aware, and change their ways in the future, etc but obviously the chances of that were pretty slim in the first place.

@Sally1112 - Please share once you see it!

The Nightingale Casting
 Jul 10 2012, 04:33:04 PM
^Why not? I actually don't frequent this board - I only recently discovered it, actually. Is it some kind of faux pas? xD or does it just result in a lot of flaming?

The Nightingale Casting
 Jul 10 2012, 04:01:28 PM
So, I'm not sure if there's already another topic on this or whether this should even be at this board, considering it's off-broadway, but I wanted to share this blog post on the casting of Duncan Sheik's "The Nightingale":

and its casting of Asian American actors/actresses, or rather the lack of it. Personally, I'm disappointed and angered by this, and I'd love to know how I can let the creative team know this.

More Les Mis Casting
 Mar 21 2012, 04:17:05 PM
Oh thanks - I totally missed that thread xD
More Les Mis Casting
 Mar 21 2012, 02:00:49 PM
Hugh Jackman as JVJ!

 Feb 28 2012, 02:13:47 AM
Oops, double post

 Feb 28 2012, 02:13:31 AM
So Karen can't control her voice, over dances, is inexperienced to the point that she appears to have never been in a musical before, and believes that being an actress means being the center of attention all the time and if the previews are anything to go by, the conclusion is to...make HER Marilyn?

Farewell, Smash. Good luck with the ratings but it'll be Hawaii Five-O or Castle or the 10 o'clock news for me!

 Feb 23 2012, 07:25:31 PM
@Gothampc - I think I see what you mean haha. I'm fine with Hilty though, because she's a decent actress and I think the whispering thing works pretty well for a Marilyn musical. Also Mae West vs. Marilyn is less of an issue for me when for Mcphee it's more like Twiggy vs. Marilyn.

This is old news, considering it's from episode two, but did anyone notice that Julia's husband said that since the adoption would take two years, he'd be 65 by the time the kid graduated high school? Compare

 Feb 22 2012, 08:58:22 PM
@Gothampc - I agree about Mcphee, but I'm not sure what you mean by "butch" when you talk about Hilty? I actually think Hilty makes a great Marilyn and would probably make the better Karen Cartwright, as the series is pushing the idea that Karen deserves the role while Ivy doesn't. Unless Katharine Mcphee's acting drastically improves, I'm going to abandon the series the moment Karen gets any role over Ivy.
 Feb 22 2012, 02:14:30 PM
I feel like Megan Hilty and Katharine Mcphee should switch roles...
Taylor Swift on the Grammys
 Feb 13 2012, 01:21:55 PM
That was probably one of her better live performances, but if you compare her to some of her fellow performers last night, even within her own genre (ie, The Band Perry, The Civil Wars, Carrie Underwood) her performance seemed weak and she was still on the pitchy side. Maybe that's okay for her own concerts and even the Grammys, but musical theatre calls for consistent pitch perfect performances. Also, while "Mean" is a really catchy, well-written song, it's not exactly a challenging song to sin
Samantha Barks to Play Eponine in LES MIS Film
 Feb 4 2012, 03:07:19 PM
@best12bars: I'm not sure which came first, but I think Samantha Barks' facial expressions are a lot better in the 25th anniversary concert. Either way, the beginning of the song is kind of bittersweet, so smiling there is okay (imo).
Samantha Barks to Play Eponine in LES MIS Film
 Feb 1 2012, 01:58:24 AM
There are 9 roles that are considered the leads in Les Mis, and out of the movie cast, one out of the nine leads has played their character before. We'll have the pleasure of seeing 8 of those 9 characters presented in a way we've never seen before, which should be more than enough, and is hardly "safe"

Personally, I thought Samantha Barks' acting was beautiful in the 25th anniversary concert and I find her voice to be a good midpoint on the Ruffelle ---> Salonga spectrum. Thank you, Cam Mack!

Seyfried has a lovely tone and can obviously sing in tune. I still think that she just hasn't really had a chance to sing opera: think Nicole Scherzinger and Phantom!

LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
 Jan 21 2012, 01:44:08 PM
Looking the part is barely a third of it though...
New song for Ellen in Miss Saigon
 Jan 20 2012, 07:09:06 PM
Beautiful! Now I wish they'd add in "Too Much for One Heart"!
Les Miserables Movie Auditions/Casting Info
 Jan 19 2012, 02:58:03 PM
I know it's rude of us to make a fuss over Miss Swift - she's a great songwriter and role model. It's just that most of us have been waiting for this film adaptation for YEARS - we're emotionally invested in "Les Miserables", and we want someone whom we KNOW can nail the role - not someone who MIGHT do well. We all know that Eponine needs to be a broadway belter with a strong voice, which Frances Ruffelle- even with the debate over her voice vs. other Eponines - obviously was. I suppose there is
Les Miserables Movie Auditions/Casting Info
 Jan 18 2012, 02:48:15 PM
I wonder what report is "not true"? If it's casting it seems like it could be Baron Cohen, Bonham Carter, or Swift? Hoping it's that last one that isn't true haha
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