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'Swept Away’ to Close on Broadway December 15
 Dec 6 2024, 08:29:52 PM

My thoughts exactly. I deeply feel for people like Josh & Raymond J Lee (going from Heart of Rock & Roll to Swept Away & Tammy Faye), I can't imagine how stressful and frustrating it is. Swept Away is such a specific show, and I am an Avett Brothers fan. I don't regret seeing it, and that I got to tell John Gallagher Jr that I felt like we'd grown up together because I'm the same age as most of the Spring Awakening cast. He couldn't have been more gracious. Did

Nick Jonas and Adrienne Warren to star in THE LAST FIVE YEARS Broadway Revival
 Jun 16 2024, 10:01:56 AM

thank you Jordan for the reminder to go back & listen to Jonathan/Samantha Barks on YouTube. I never got to see the original, but I did see Adam & Betsy in 2013 and it was so so special. I agree that this music could fit Nick's voice a lot better than Les Mis did. And Adrienne singing Still Hurting?? COME ON. This 2025 Best Actress in a Musical race has truly turned into one for the history books.

SUFFS Previews
 Mar 27 2024, 12:20:23 AM

I was at the 1st preview tonight, merch was a sash and a sticker. Started maybe 8-10 minutes late, not sure whether it was because of technical issues or seating people. I was in the last row of the mezz and about 8 seats directly in front of me were empty so it wasn't a full house. Jenn Colella got a huge ovation when the curtain came up, it didn't seem like she expected it, sweet moment. Almost every major character got entrance applause which was A. confusing (I didn't see the show at The Public) and B. distracting because some of the actors didn't totally know how to handle it. 

I'd have to agree with the poster who said the show is juggling a LOT of characters and trying to cram them all in (and give them all a "moment" makes the show feel bloated and longer than it needs to be. I wanted to spend less time with Alice & Carrie and more time with Ida B. Wells and Mary Church Terrell (sidenote: I love Anastacia McCluskey so much). Emily Skinner is chewing the scenery as Ava Belmont & Phoebe Burn (her song at the end was a highlight for me, she's a force). So is Grace McLean as Woodrow Wilson. I hope the team takes the preview period to trim the show, it wants to be so many things and that unfocused tone takes away from what are some really powerful stories. Keep Marching ends the show on a high note, not all the songs work but that one is a winner for me.

They brought out all the swings/stage management/dressers/behind the scenes folks after the bows. They also called forward everyone making their Broadway debut (about half the cast, very cool). They clearly are passionate about the show and it was sobering to hear them on the 1st night of previews say "tell your friends, tell them to tell their friends," didn't give me a ton of faith for the selling power of the show but I'm glad I was there.

THE NOTEBOOK Opening Night Critics’ Reviews
 Mar 16 2024, 01:10:51 PM

I've been reading all the feedback here and I was curious to see what the reviews had been of Waitress (I wasn't living in the city when it opened and obviously there's a "songwriter comes to musical theatre" thru line with Sara Bareilles/Ingrid Michaelson). Given that it ran for 4 years, they were more mixed than I'd realized. They mostly all praised Jessie Mueller (as most have praised Joy Woods) and gave a ton of kudos to Chris Fitzgerald. There were negative

THE NOTEBOOK Opening Night Critics’ Reviews
 Mar 14 2024, 09:41:26 PM

MemorableUserName said: "The Wrap is mostly negative

‘The Notebook’ Broadway Review: Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams Are Sorely Missed

This new musical featuring songs by Ingrid Michaelson is merely lukewarm when it needs to boil over with body heat

"On stage, Maryann Plunkett delivers an Allie who’s a very confused and troubled senior living out her last days in a nursing home, and her uncompromising performance is supported immeasurably by Dorian Harewood’s sympathetic Noah. When these two veteran actors are on stage together, “The Notebook” is the moving, unabashed, heartfelt tearjerker it’s needs to be.

The four actors playing Allie and Noah’s younger selves are another story. Book writer Bekah Brunstetter — or perhaps it was directors Michael Greif and Schele Williams? — has decided to use two couples to play the roles that McAdams and Gosling handled all alone. On stage, we get the younger Allie and Noah (Jordan Tyson and John Cardoza) and the middle Allie and Noah (Joy Woods and Ryan Vasquez), with Plunkett and Harewood being the older Allie and Noah.

If that’s not confusing enough, imagine how you’ll feel when the middle Noah first shows up to sing a song about renovating the dream house for the middle Allie. I had no idea who this guy was, and had to wonder if maybe the younger Noah had hired an enterprising realtor to do the house makeover for him.

Playing the two youngish Noahs, Cardoza and Vasquez share the same reserved style of lovemaking. Needless to say, unlike Gosling, neither of them is going to make People’s sexiest man alive cover. But at least they’re operating on the same chaste page.

Regarding the two youngish Allies, it’s difficult to believe Tyson and Woods were ever in the same rehearsal room together. Tyson exhibits a spunky tomboy spirit. Woods appears to be auditioning for the next “Bachelorette.” When the middle Allie and Noah reconnect after a decade apart, their love scene in the renovated house plays like a fantasy suite episode gone completely awry. Neither of them deserves the rose."

Wow, that line about Ryan Vasquez and John Cardoza not being on People's sexiest man alive cover is...something. 

I don't disagree with most of the feedback I'm seeing. The music is eh and nor memorable, Harwood/Plunkett anchor the show (I thought they were marvelous), Joy Woods is a freaking star, and we didn't get any clarity about why Allie goes back to Noah. That whole scene felt like a throwaway moment. I know they wanted to make their own entity, separate from the movie, but part of why the movie works is because that scene, and her coming back to Noah, lands the plane. It's like the 2nd act of the musical was on 2x speed, that they had to get through SO many moments to get to the end that we missed all the parts that tied the full story together and made the love believable.

Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
 Feb 26 2023, 07:37:01 PM

barcelona20 said: "RippedMan said: "Donica sounds...fine. You could throw a rock down 8th Ave and hit 100x singers who would sing it just like that. He's just not exciting. And the design seems King and I minimal. Eh. Curious to hear thoughts, but didn't love the Sorkin Mockingbird."

While watching the video, I kept picturing Joshua Henry and wondering how he would have been.

I saw the opening tour cast of Hamilton in 2017, with

THE NOTEBOOK musical world premiere in Chicago this fall; Grief directing
 Sep 7 2022, 11:03:21 PM

How was Ryan Vasquez? I saw him twice in The Wrong Man and in Waitress, his voice and presence were just incredible, it's really cool to see him get this chance to shine in the lead role. 

MJ Previews
 Feb 5 2022, 12:37:10 PM

I was there last night, Myles is out this weekend and Aramie Payton was on. I thought he was FABULOUS. And the cheers he got from the rest of the cast at the end were absolutely incredible. That's a beast of a role and he was incredible. The dancing in general is unlike anything I've ever seen, and it's FULL OUT the whole time. 

I'm seeing all these posts about the audiences, and I have to agree. It was really horrible last night, people having full conversations,

Spring Awakening Reunion?
 Nov 16 2021, 01:45:12 AM

what an incredible night. truly. what a gift to have been there. to have the whole original cast AND original band? amazing they were able to make it happen. ticketing was definitely nuts, sounded like there may have been a printing issue? people weren't mad in the line, we were just confused because no one was updating us, we were just standing in the cold. anyway, everyone sounded incredible, I'll second the person who said Skylar's vocals, Touch Me was a WOW. they all so easily

Spring Awakening Reunion?
 Nov 1 2021, 01:04:23 PM

and now the system is "undergoing maintenance," that's what happens when you release tickets 2 weeks ago. this was the 1st broadway show I ever saw, keeping my fingers crossed I can get in to see this!

Bad Theater Behavior
 Mar 5 2020, 12:02:28 AM

I'm laughing/cringing that this thread popped up tonight because I was going to post on it after coming from evening show of A Soldier's Play. I've lived in NY almost 3 years and I love theatre. Tonight's audience was awful, full stop. People taking pictures (including 2 using the flash RIGHT as the scene went black at the end of the show), 3 separate phones went off and the guy next to me unwrapping what I think were individual KitKat bars for about 10 mins. I

THE BOYS IN THE BAND (2018) Previews
 May 1 2018, 12:07:37 AM

100% agree with Whizzer, I knew nothing about the play coming in and it didn't feel dated at all. I was laughing way more than I thought I would, then suddenly pulled into these heartbreaking moments. I could see the really beautiful chemistry that Bomer & Parsons have from having worked together on The Normal Heart. They have a cool two-hander really during the first 1/4 of the show, and I thought they played off each other well. Bomer's character does fade into the background a

Bad Theater Behavior
 Mar 28 2016, 12:19:31 AM

I, too, had a bad audience behavior incident at Fiddler, mine happened Saturday night, sitting in the mezz. There's almost no legroom to begin with, but I somehow ended up between two large men (different parties), who spoke no English, had no concern for personal space & spent most of the show exhaling, opening & closing their water bottles & trying to explain to the people they were with what was going on in their native language. Additionally, the couple in front of me was

Who's Seeing Lindsay & Derek in WICKED?
 May 28 2013, 11:25:38 PM
I'd kill to see the video, but the Tumblr audio of "As Long as You're Mine" was RIDICULOUS. The harmonies gave me goosebumps, sounds like it was a fantastic 1st show for them!
Arthur Darvill, of Doctor Who, is now playing Guy in Once?
 Apr 22 2013, 11:45:49 AM
Re: the poster about the kid from Matilda who came over from the London cast, I remember reading something about one of his parents securing a job transfer within his company, that's how he was able to come to the states with the show
Aaron Tveit One-Man Show
 Apr 3 2013, 02:44:14 PM
My friend and I were hoping to get into the 5/10 show, and I started trying to put in the promo code before 9am, and by 5 after 9 (I'm in CA) all the tickets were gone. I think 54 Below handled it the best they could, but it was still kind of a mess.
Steve Kazee addresses
 Mar 25 2013, 06:11:08 PM
While I was disappointed that I missed him both times I saw the show (1st the weekend his mom died 2nd when he was on vacation), his explanation for why he "disappeared" makes complete sense. I can't imagine how disappointed he was not to be able to continue with the show, but Ben Hope has stepped in admirably and done a great job, he has had the chance to really make the role his own. I wish Steve the best of luck in whatever he does next.
NBC's SMASH, Season 2 -- Discussion
 Jan 15 2013, 12:08:29 AM

NBC's SMASH, Season 2 -- Discussion
 Jan 15 2013, 12:08:23 AM
they did keep "created by Theresa Rebeck" it just wasn't in the opening. I was really impressed with the opening hour. They quickly handled the departure of Dev & Michael, probably better to have both of those handled off screen. Poor Brian D'Arcy James, he deserved so much better than the character of Frank, glad he's had the success of Giant. Ending the first hr with Jeremy Jordan was awesome, and he killed Broadway, Here I Come.

Cinderella rehearsal photos up
 Jan 8 2013, 02:05:12 PM
Doug Carter Beane has said repeatedly in interviews that he wanted to cast a guy as the prince who you wouldn't necessarily think of right off the bat. he's supposed to be quirky & a little neurotic. Santino has a really nice voice & it looks like they're all having loads of fun.
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