Beanie Feldstein Departing FUNNY GIRL on July 31 (Two Months Earlier Than Originally Announced) Jul 14
2022, 08:11:46 PM
David10086 said: "joevitus said: " It's also worth pointing out that, contrary to the haters, nothing suggests she was incompetent. There was a genuine divide here between people who thought her vocals were fine, or she was capable of handling them with a little more practice, and those who thought she was simply abysmal. You don't get such disparate responses if your star is a total failure. ."
And this played out in 1994, when Glenn C
Beanie Feldstein Departing FUNNY GIRL on July 31 (Two Months Earlier Than Originally Announced) Jul 13
2022, 11:28:38 PM
It will be interesting how the chemistry and potential revisions in the show will shift with Lea Michele. Most of the appeal of the original show was that this gawky funny gal had THIS voice, and poor relatively inexperienced Beanie has neither the comic timing nor the singing chops to pull it off. Again, does not have the Voice. Above all, FG is a star vehicle and it collapses without that center.
Now Bigger more established “names&rdquo
Beanie Feldstein Departing FUNNY GIRL on July 31 (Two Months Earlier Than Originally Announced) Jul 12
2022, 10:58:43 AM
OhHiii said: "skies said: "KJisgroovy said: ""While I don’t remember ever making this specific statement and I have never judged others by their background or color of their skin, that’s not really the point. What matters is that I clearly acted in ways which hurt other people...I apologize for my behavior and for any pain which I have caused. We all can grow and change and I have definitely used these past several months to reflect my own shortcomi
Beanie Feldstein Departing FUNNY GIRL on July 31 (Two Months Earlier Than Originally Announced) Jul 12
2022, 08:04:17 AM
KJisgroovy said: ""While I don’t remember ever making this specific statement and I have never judged others by their background or color of their skin, that’s not really the point. What matters is that I clearly acted in ways which hurt other people...I apologize for my behavior and for any pain which I have caused. We all can grow and change and I have definitely used these past several months to reflect my own shortcomings...listened to these criticisms and I am l
Daniel Radcliffe in HOW TO SUCCEED Mar 23
2022, 10:44:45 AM
Radcliffe I find to be hard working and above competent, but none of the stage performances I’ve seen of him has he soared. That’s not a knock just that overall I can see why he wasn’t singled out for a nom for HTS. I am looking forward to him in Merrily.
Netflix's THE PROM trailer premieres 10/22 Dec 2
2020, 02:10:41 PM
Straight actors playing gay is many times award bait, as is, for example, younger white actresses using prosthetics to make themselves unattractive for a "daring" or "courageous" role.
We get it: It's acting, so it shouldn't matter. (It's the role, not the person, yada, yada, yada)
The disconnect is that straight (per public perception) male actors get most of the roles available regardless.
It's the
Jerry Seinfeld: So You Think New York Is ‘Dead’ Aug 25
2020, 03:22:45 PM
singer234 said: "Yikes. Broadway can be CLOSED and you’ll still find people bitching and fighting on BWW. It’s actually kinda nice how some things never change."
Bitchiness never dies.
Jerry Seinfeld: So You Think New York Is ‘Dead’ Aug 25
2020, 12:35:12 AM
SouthernCakes said: "Lived here for 8 years. And I’m still at a loss as to why people think it’s the greatest city in the world! I love aspects of It, but greatest? Not to me. I think London got it right. "
I love London but for vibrant raw energy give me Mexico City.
Seinfeld’s point is well taken: major cities have ebbs and flows; London survived the Bubonic plague in the 1600’s that killed off a quarter of the po
Unpopular theatre opinions Jun 24
2020, 06:31:08 PM
Yes, "Newsies" has impressive choreography, but the show was incredibly dated and tired from it's premiere. Book and score are by the numbers.
Is Jordan Roth the most successful theatre owner? Jun 20
2020, 07:05:11 PM
The answer is no. Jordan Roth is not the most successful theatre owner.
Am I Racist for Liking King and I Jun 19
2020, 07:07:53 PM
Who gets to decide?
Even today, I will find myself singing along to "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah", does that mean I don't find the actual film it came from Disney's "Song of the South" offensive or at the least problematic? Some can't detach it from the movie it came from, so yes I can understand their visceral negative reaction.
"The King and I " has one of, if not the best score/numbers of
Broadway Musicals that Deserve Film Adaptations or Remakes? Jun 18
2020, 11:45:27 PM
Would kill for a move adaptation of "City of Angels"
What Broadway Play Do You Regret Not Seeing? Jun 13
2020, 02:09:12 AM
As a teenager in NY, whose mom did let him go see Musicals on his own, and that was when the area was really sketchy, the original Pippin with Ben Vereen and Jill Clayburgh, and Mack and Mabel with Bernadette Peters.
DEAR EVAN HANSEN Film In The Works Jun 13
2020, 02:02:42 AM
I don't think Platt is too old, just that I find his acting woefully unsubtle.
Unpopular theatre opinions Jun 12
2020, 11:26:11 PM
AADA81 said: "Sondheim's later scores, starting with Sunday in the Park With George, are overwritten, too obviously clever and over-reliant on rhyming patterns."
Listen, Sondheim can be too clever, and sometimes a song's melody get's lost the maze and never gets out.
Unpopular theatre opinions Jun 12
2020, 09:36:49 PM
joevitus said: "I may be the only person who agrees with you about Hello, Dolly!"
Wow, there are three of us.
Unpopular theatre opinions Jun 10
2020, 11:40:02 PM
Alex Kulak2 said: "I don't want to click through 44 pages.
Andrew Lloyd Webber plagiarizes half his music and the other half sounds as complex as nursery rhymes.
That doesn't really qualify as an unpopular opinion.
Most Surprising Broadway Actor Jun 9
2020, 03:02:07 PM
Not so much Broadway, as Broadway musicals but Anthony (Pyscho) Perkins was in two musicals, Sondheim’s Evening Primrose and Frank Loesser’s Greenwillow.
I have the Greenewillow cast album, not bad actually....
Lea Michele- diva reputation? Jun 5
2020, 02:57:54 PM
imeldasturn said: ""
So not established racist but transphobic? Wow, not a good week for Lea.
Lea Michele Twitter Jun 4
2020, 01:59:46 PM
JGPR2 said: "" Her. Career. Is. Over. "
So she stays at home and raises her child with her husband with millions of dollars in the bank, tough life -lol. She waits 4-5 years after the child is older and then does an "apology" tour and many people will let it go. You have professional athletes who commit a felony and all is forgiven."
Forget professional athletes, there are many male actors that have done far worse and come back and