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Member Name: SpaceOpera
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So does Neil just drop the accent when he sings?
 Jul 8 2014, 10:48:06 PM
Saw the show first. Later listened to the cast recording and was very disappointed. The show has an immense amount of energy that is simply not there in the CR. Does he drop his accent in the show? Sort of? But you notice it less when in the Belasco than you do at home with your ipod. In short: The 2014 CR is a massive disappointment, but the associated show is phenomenal.
Book of Mormon tour cast
 Jun 19 2013, 11:14:17 AM
Platt is an amazing Cunningham, but he just plays the role differently than some of the other Cunningham actors. Instead of being fat, nasally, and schlubby, Platt's performance is more awkward and socially stunted. I could see how people wouldn't be into it, though. Regardless, the 1NT is also a treat so you're good to go, OP.
Neil Patrick Harris To Return As Emmy Host
 May 29 2013, 10:13:31 PM
Neil Patrick Harris: Fallback awards show host.

That aside, speaking of network affiliated hosts, they could have used freaking Craig Ferguson, right? He's amazing.

What do most posters on BWW do for living?
 Mar 13 2013, 10:53:37 PM
I bought facebook stock and am living off the profits.
What shows would you love to see turned into movies?
 Jan 15 2013, 02:23:34 AM
Wicked. But with Russell Crowe as Galinda.
The Book of Mormon - Chicago company
 Jan 1 2013, 05:41:04 PM
Scooped 'em all by a week!
Anne Hathaway Owes Me $14
 Dec 31 2012, 02:59:41 AM
Susan Boyle was better than Anne Hathaway.

Wait what are we talking about?

Book of Mormon Standing Room?
 Dec 30 2012, 12:20:18 PM
Considering Gertner is being moved to his third company (and second opening), I'm sure you're not alone in that opinion.
Les Miserables lines at Movies?
 Dec 30 2012, 12:48:57 AM
Nah. Haven't seen anything bad. However, my local theater, despite being in the center of the city, never sells out for anything, so my experience is skewed.
The Book of Mormon - Chicago company opening night reviews
 Dec 23 2012, 11:58:22 PM
A little birdie has me informed that the production could very well be 9 months (so basically what you've stated). All I know for absolute certain is that the cast is well aware that the June date is tentative, but they are unable to speak aloud about how long they'll actually be there (though that doesn't mean that those who know them are keeping the same secrets).
WICKED film to enter development
 Dec 16 2012, 02:24:27 PM
I find it interesting that the point was made that the upcoming Oz film would negatively affect the release of a Wicked film. If Oz is successful, I foresee that jumpstarting production on a Wicked film adaptation. If Universal thinks that Wizard of Oz films are making money, they'll want to cash in on that while it's hot.

That said, a film version of Wicked actually has TWO sources to draw from. They can adapt both the stage musical as well as the novel from which the musical is b

Disney's FROZEN
 Dec 14 2012, 10:43:47 AM
I'm on the fence over this. I have complete faith that Disney can make a decent film, but looking at the concept art reminds me way too much of Tangled. The characters look almost exactly like the main characters in that movie. Knowing all the folks involved in Frozen, I really hope it doesn't end up being Disney trying to straight up duplicate their own success, but rather push themselves to create something even better than their previous films.
Book of Mormon - Chicago Reviews
 Dec 13 2012, 12:25:57 AM
I agree with everyone about Ben Platt. He was an extremely strong performer at Tuesday's show. He played the role of Cunningham in a way that I haven't seen before. James Vincent Meredith also stood out to me. The rest of the cast, especially the Ugandans, all shone as expected. Shame about the microphone error in the opening number, though!
Book of Mormon and Joseph Kony
 Aug 20 2012, 12:09:27 PM
Trey and Matt's opinion on the Kony issue have been addressed in an episode of South Park. The B-F-N joke works very well, even with those who are not familiar with the reference. Why would they change something that is proven to work with audiences to reference a controversial and ridiculous topic like Kony 2012?
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