Travesties/TodayTIX Lotto Apr 25
2018, 05:12:10 PM
Has anyone ever won the Travesties Today Tix lottery? just wonder how your seats were and how often you entered until you won
THE PRESENT Previews Dec 29
2016, 11:38:41 AM
neonlightsxo said: "To be's the busiest week of the year for NYC tourism.
You're right. Maybe I should try again in a couple of weeks or in February.
THE PRESENT Previews Dec 29
2016, 11:01:29 AM
Went to rush this morning. Was in about 6th in line by 8am. They only had 4 rush tickets available. Bummed out, especially concederning that it is cold and raining. Maybe it's smart to just buy a full price ticket
Fences Movie Thread Sep 28
2016, 11:05:36 AM
east side story said: "I see that Viola still hasn't kicked that runny nose she's had since Doubt.
Haha well Viola is an authentic actress. One can't control the way you cry if you're being real
Fences Movie Thread Sep 28
2016, 11:03:19 AM
QueenAlice said: "The trailer seems to indicate that her role is more supporting, but of course that doesn't mean much.
Viola Davis will be campaigned for lead. The trailer is the Denzel show of course but I think the character of Rose is for sure the second lead and one of the great roles in the American theatre canon.
The Taming of the Shrew- Shakespeare in the Park Jun 8
2016, 06:54:56 PM
Does anyone have an approximate runtime of the last couple performances ?
THE CRUCIBLE Reviews Apr 1
2016, 03:20:28 AM
Fantod said: "Interesting reviews. Was not expecting them to be this positive, especially for Okenedo's performance.
I can't understand how anyone couldn't see how powerful this production is. Okonedo and Whishaw were just stellar.
The Crucible previews Mar 12
2016, 02:41:03 PM
I rushed. Got there 50 mins before box office opened and was 5th in line. I was seated in row C house left and didn't miss anything. I thought the production was haunting and powerful. I don't have any complaints . I have seen about a dozen productions of The Crucible so it was a bit of a pleasant surprise for me. I felt like okonedo and winshaw gave incredibly unique and inspiring performance. Exactly what I look for in work that has been d
Mother Courage at CSC Jan 10
2016, 12:53:24 PM
I think Ms Pinkins is a product of our culture and power structure. I don't think anyone would argue that women with strong opinions make a lot of people uncomfortable. Some on this bored want to ignore history and act like women of color have an equal voice in the arts. It's really not the case. We can see that from what gets produced and who produces it and who directs it. The woman of color has the least representation or prospective out there. I just
Color Purple Rush? Dec 29
2015, 11:32:57 AM
Has anyone else Rushed this lately. How early and how were the seats? Thanks
Uzo Aduba - Shuffle Along Dec 6
2015, 07:32:42 AM
RippedMan said: "But that doesn't mean the character in Shuffle Along is the same type. By your deductions LaChanze, Headly, and Miller should all kill at "Lady's Day." " Well the question was: "In what world would LaChanze, Heather Headly or Patina be right for a role in which Audra is cast?"
Uzo Aduba - Shuffle Along Dec 6
2015, 01:52:58 AM
Wilmingtom said: "In what world would LaChanze, Heather Headly or Patina be right for a role in which Audra is cast? Their voices are nothing alike nor is their type. Uzo seems like a much more realistic replacement, IMHO. " Heather Headley, LaChanze, Patina and Audra have all played the part of Sarah in Ragtime actually . Lol
Audra McDonald will be out of Shuffle Along for almost the ENTIRE summer Sep 15
2015, 04:22:07 PM
3 months ... ? Maybe She's shooting a film?
Sienna Miller offered HALF a male co-star... Sep 15
2015, 04:14:25 PM
Unfortunately the problem isn't helped by people who automatically want to turn on her for speaking out about something she thinks wasn't fair. People do this about race, gender and sexuality all the time. She feels wronged, she spoke out about it, and didn't even call out people's names. Why is everyone so quick to jump on her and say she is wrong? The majority of time people don't just make up that they feet discriminated against. It's re
Crucible Revival Aug 7
2015, 01:07:51 PM
LarryD2, the point I am making is situations are specific and that the possibilities shouldn't be limited by "this would never happen!" and the argument that because of the time period the casting of a black woman isn't realistic. I'll stop speaking on the subject because I have said enough… (sigh)
Crucible Revival Aug 7
2015, 12:26:36 PM
"Well, if you want to get really technical and talk about history, Massachusetts was one of the first non-Southern colonies to enact an anti-miscegenation law. So a realistic production would not have a mixed-race couple as John and Elizabeth Proctor. But as others have surmised, this production is either utilizing color blind casting (in which race is not a factor) or a specific production concept in which Elizabeth Proctor's race is important."
Crucible Revival Aug 7
2015, 12:20:48 PM
"the black Elizabeth Proctor thing is a huge issue, especially because JOHN PROCTOR OWNS A f**kING SLAVE!!! " You do know that slave owners had sex with black women and that even some free black people owned slaves…? This is a real question. Sometimes this message board makes me extremely nervous about how history is being taught in schools and how little people read.
Crucible Revival Aug 7
2015, 11:56:52 AM
Sometimes it is great to read before saying things didn't happen or couldn't be true... The African American Experience in Salem As slaves, as free men, as soldiers, and as activists, African Americans have been an integral part of Salem’s culture and economy since the founding of the city in 1626.
Crucible Revival Aug 7
2015, 11:50:49 AM
"In a realistic, period-appropriate production of the show, perhaps colorblind casting might be seen as out of place. But I highly doubt Van Hove will be doing a realistic, period-appropriate production. And if that's the case, then, frankly, as long as the actor is fantastic, who cares? Aside from morons, of course."
I just wrote this message in another post because I didn't see this but
I would
Crucible Revival for Early 2016? Aug 7
2015, 11:43:07 AM
""If Sophie Okenedo is playing Elizabeth (great choice, btw), might we see an actor of color as John, as well?" I I adore her, but that's just weird casting for 17th century Pilgrims. " Now that the cast is official I would love to comment on this. Black people did exist in the 17th century. There is even a character in this play named Tituba who is black. The idea of Elizabeth proctor being a black woman married