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Profile for JesstifyMyLove

Member Name: JesstifyMyLove
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re: Sunday in the Park with George
 Feb 14 2006, 11:23:49 PM
This show, to me is fantastic, but I know many people who can't stand it who are professionals in theatre. So like someone said before to each their own.

But really you can't just see the show once on DVD. Watch it again.
You'll see and hear things that will move you more than the first time. Even now I notice things that I haven't thought about.

"Move On" is a song that touches me everytime.
I'm a senior in high school and this year for my final show I sang "Move on

 Feb 8 2006, 10:32:40 PM
Bwaybaby109 im pretty sure we met there u look so familar and i think we're friends on myspace? hahah lol
and i dont think that they did call backs for Jan.

re: Greatest Female Character
 Feb 7 2006, 10:27:18 PM
The Witch- Into the woods
Mamma Rose
Ruth- Pirates

 Feb 7 2006, 09:18:40 PM
i know im late in the convo but I'm going to the open call on saturday too. I went to one last year too. I think I met you there Bwaybaby109...i could be wrong though lol. Anyway I also went to the Boston open call for wicked, hairspray, and rent. I got a call-back for maureen. It was fun but in the end I was too young haha i lied and said i was 18 and not but i will be in like 17 days haha. Anyway I can't wait I love auditions. and I'm not really like extremely thin but I'm not trace
re: Mystery of Edwin Drood-Need Info!
 Feb 7 2006, 09:11:40 PM
yes i would say rosa bud would be the part for you. You should use the song "moonfall" as an audition peice. In the show when Rosa sings this song she is terrified because Jasper has written her this song and it's kind of creepy stalkerish hahaha so I don't know if you want to act freaked out or not during your audition but i thought i would let you know
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