hey! just wondering how the feb 4 auditions for hairspray went in atlanta yesterday. i'm planning on going to one of the other dates and would love to hear all the juicy details....how many people, what went on, anything. thanks so much! :)
I love you Baltimore,
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/13/05
There were quite a few people (I was there 2h early and there were allready people lined up outside.) I am bad at guessing though.
We were all seen, because they apparently had enough time for all of us. We went in in groups of ~20 (in the order we got there and got our numbers), first somebody collected headshots and audition forms, and then we all went in a room where we lined up against the wall and then sang one after another for the casting directors. Some were great, some were pretty bad.
That's it nothing to thrilling....lol.
They then kept some people in each group and explained about today's call-back, the rest went home.
The best part though, was that quite a few girls who cannot possibly have weighed more than 110lbs came to audition for the part as well......lol.
lol- that's hilarious.
thanks for the info! hope you had a good experience!
do they seperate the groups by which character u try out for?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
yessicab, how did it go for you? are you the next tracy? :)
thats exciting, i hope to hear some more audtition stories!
"do they seperate the groups by which character u try out for?"
Okay everybody - fat girls on the left, all the skinny blondes to the right. Thank you!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/20/06
Hey for everyone who needs the info for the audition email me. Doggydog566@aol.com
I have the letter and everything that I recieved from my director at my theatre group.
I have an application as well.
If you dont need this or you think im stupid dont say anything because its kinda rude.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/13/05
No, we were not seperated by characters. The audition was for Little Inez, Seaweed & Tracy, yet a girl asked me in the bathroom if I'm auditioning for Tracy.... I told her no, obviously Seaweed!
Oh and a tip for all of you who are planning on auditioning... They say to prepare 8 bars of Good Morning Baltimore or a similar upbeat Showtune, a lot of people sang other stuff to stand out.....BUT I overheard the casting directors talking and saying that they prefer people actually singing stuff from the show. I think if I had to do it over I'd probably sing "I can hear the bells", just to be a bit different but still show that I'm familiar with show.
lol- I could just see a white girl doing Seaweed's routine in "The Blacker the Berry..." *laughs to self*
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/13/05
I know, I almost started singing it for her right there in the bathroom...
is is 8 bars...like a whole line or eight measures...like 8 beats of four. so you would suggest singing something from the show? thanks for all your helpful information. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/13/05
Yes I would. They seemed to prefer that.
Oh and Break A Leg!
Updated On: 2/5/06 at 10:58 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 6/28/03
They didn't seem to be too strict on 8 bars exactly. A lot of people sang like 16 bars or more and they weren't stopped. But be courteous and don't do that. Just keep it around 8 bars if you can and you are good. I probably sang like 10 of Good Morning Baltimore.
My audition went very well! I got a call back which I didn't expect at all! I think about 30 people were called back, but not many for Tracy. When I came for my callback, they asked me to sing 16 bars of Good Morning Baltimore like 3 times with the piano and then I did the scene they gave me about 3 times as well. They wanted to see how I handled direction and I think I gave it my best shot. I won't know for a couple of months because they have to go Chicago, NYC about the next call back I assume. But the experience was so much fun and I had a great time doing it. It was a whole new experience for me!
that's so awesome! i'm so glad you had such a great audition. i'm so excited to see how this all turns out!
did they say anything about casting ensemble or parts like Penny that haven't been announced? just wondering if a girl's not the perfect Tracy if she has a slight chance at being cast as SOMETHING. ANYTHING. lol. heck, i'd be lil inez if they'd let me! haha!
Break a leg with the outcome!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/28/03
haha thank you so much!
well my mom said they announced that everyone was welcomed to come up to Baltimore and Toronto to be extras at their own expence. One mom said "It ain't that important!" haha! I'm nto sure about roles like Penny and such. I hope they do casting calls for those roles!
yeah, i really hope they do casting calls for the other roles. i'm really not tracy material (i can sing it but just dont have the look) but i think i'm gonna go anyways just because i believe it's always good to put your face out there, ykno?
Broadway Star Joined: 6/28/03
i totally agree! it doesn't hurt to go an try! go for it!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/04
Wow. This is so strange. I actually have an appointment to audition in NYC this Tuesday. I was told to prepare 16 bars of "Good Morning Baltimore" and I was also sent a two page scene to study up on. I am really looking forward to this experience.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/28/03
haha the same thing happened to me. only i thought i was only supposed to come on Saturday and not Sunday so I came Saturday. i know they said I could come Saturday but there was a mistake and they apologized. And they just let me do the open call anyway instead. But it's ok because I got a call back. You'll go through the call back process pretty much. i guess they they depend that on your resume and such.
Generally, for this type of process I would imagine in finding a Tracy...
if you are the proper age, can sing, have a personality, and look the part, they will call you back and then they'll pick through the top ones and call them back for better screen tests.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/15/05
even though i'm white, i almost wanna go and just audition. I wonder if they'd see a white dude for Seaweed? Hm...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/04
It's hard to read sarcasm online like this, but, RentBoy86, I'm hoping you aren't being serious...
how were the guys that auditioned for seaweed? my nephew is auditioning and i wanna kno what he can expect. he's a great singer/actor and im jus curious what kinda guys came out.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/13/05
Of the guys who auditioned with me, none were great singers. So sent him in.......!
And Bright Eyes, even though I made fun of the skinny girls auditioning, you're right go and get your face out there. Who knows maybe they like you so much they'll cast you for something else.