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Plays4Days, a new Broadway Tumblr about lesser known plays
 Sep 6 2016, 10:57:31 AM

Hi all, I wanted to let you know about a new Tumblr I'm working on called Plays4Days that chronicles lesser known Broadway plays. The first entry is up, it's Bobbi Boland. Check it out! You do not need to be a Tumblr user to read along, but if you are feel free to like it or follow the page!

re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
 Aug 18 2009, 05:03:53 PM
My Fringe Report Card

VOTE! was awful. Awful. It made no sense. Deidre Goodwin did the best she could w/ a horribly written role.

A show I've seen no one mention, HISTORY OF COBBLING had me rolling in the aisles. Hysterically funny.

AMERICA'S NEXT TOP BOTTOM was cute. I laughed. It was inappropriate at many times, but I laughed. If it went on for ten more minutes it would have begun to be tedious, like...

CITIZEN RUTH. It started off really strong and

re: Hilarious (and Gay) Tony Award Play-By-Play, Minute-By-Minute
 Jun 11 2007, 03:25:05 PM
I read this and thought it was rather dull.
re: Jersey Boy's Suspending Student Rush?
 Jun 11 2007, 03:17:12 PM
Thats a damn shame. I'm glad I saw it early on.

The rush will return when sales dwindle. Shows where the box office swore there would NEVER be rush tickets:

Magical Thinking

All had it by the end.

re: Requesting Autographs through the mail
 Jun 11 2007, 03:14:33 PM
None of these should be hard to get. I used to collect and usually Broadway actors were the BEST signers. I used to look to see when TV stars/film actors where on stage, because it was always easier. Theres a lot less people/staff involved. Think if you sent a letter to David Hyde Pierce c/o Fraiser versuses c/o Curtains, you'd definately have a better chance of it getting to him.

Anyway, I've heard Plummer is bad at the stage door, but he's signed a few Sound of Music photos for me

re: What is the scariest show you've ever seen?
 Oct 31 2006, 05:26:46 PM
I have to agree on Pillowman. I felt nacreous after that show. It was very well done, but terrifying when you thought about it.
re: lestat cast cd
 Oct 31 2006, 03:49:37 PM
As hysterical as this post is, Bryan you should know that it hasn't been released, so you can quit running around looking for it. It was recorded and I assume will one day surface. I don't know why they don't release it through iTunes or something, so they don't have to actually make CDs that will probably never move, but who knows.

Also look on eBay, the link below has someone who is selling a demo CD.

And I for one, would enjoy a Lennon CD.

re: Albums That Would Make Great Stage Musicals?
 Oct 31 2006, 03:36:33 PM
Madonna: The Immaculate Collection
Michael Jackson: Number Ones
Harry Chapin: Greatest Stories Live

Yes they're all greatest hits albums but they;d be amazing.

re: Caution: The first few rows may get wet! (RENT- 4/15)
 May 19 2006, 10:44:38 AM
I went to "Rent" as part of the 10th anniversay $20 seats and it had been years since I had seen it.

I was similary shocked at the age of the people in the theater. I overheard a kid probably around 10 say during intermission "I like it they curse a lot." I was kind of flawed at how badly he was missing the points of the show and how much more I appreciated "Rent" when I was just a few years older then him (the first time I saw it).

Even more strange was the teen who downed

re: Wicked Lottery
 May 19 2006, 10:38:51 AM
100% agree. I have done the Wicked lotto like 20 times over the past two years and I've never won. The one time my name was called it was for ONE ticket and my Wicked-lotto partner and I agreed we'd sell it and try again to see it together. I did keep the button they gave me which I keep as a memento. It's very annoying and the people who jump up and are like "yay #9" make me want to scream.

I've done all the other lotteries and won. When I went to Hairspray my seats were in the ba

re: random star spotting
 May 5 2006, 10:08:56 AM
Hmmm, my brain is dead. I'm excluding events were it was obvious I'd see a celebrity, to keep it random (ie. I met Carroll O'Connor at a booksigning for his book :))

On the streets
*Mike Wallace eating a hotdog down the street from the "Spamalot" opener.
*Jon Bon Jovi crossing the street to go to the Rent10 event
*Redman (the rapper) buying a blunt at a bodega before my friends and I went to see "Sweet Charity." (Redman did not come along).
*Cynthia Nixon near Central

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