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Profile for QMAN032

Member Name: QMAN032
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 May 23 2014, 09:53:04 AM
I've seen a lot of people on here trying to figure out if LADY DAY was ever going to offer rush tickets. I've been wondering the same thing for a while now, and since I was walking past the box office last night, I thought I'd stop to ask ONE MORE TIME if they had a better idea of when rush tickets were to become available. And wouldn't you know it - they're apparently going to offer rush tickets THIS WEEKEND for tonight's performance, both performances tomorrow, AND Sunday's matinee. Audra, her
The Realistic Joneses
 Mar 15 2014, 11:37:21 PM
I definitely wouldn't sell your ticket based on just these reviews. I saw the show last night and personally loved it. It's rare for a show to be both legitimately funny and profound. I don't deny that Eno's work isn't for everyone. Some people will definitely not be on board, but I bet many will fall for it too. You really won't know unless you see it, and I think Eno is a playwright whose work is always worth seeing. You may end up loving it like I did.
O'Hara & Pasquale lead 'The Bridges of Madison County' on Broadway
 Aug 12 2013, 02:41:08 PM
I’m a bit baffled by all this skepticism regarding Kelli. To those bemoaning her being cast in too many musicals: perhaps she’s cast in so many because she’s just that talented. Has anyone ever actually been disappointed by one of her performances? There’s a reason she has four Tony nominations to her name. After such an impressive career, I think Ms. O’Hara deserves the benefit of the doubt until we can actually see her in the role.
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