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Member Name: AttendTheTale2
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re: Tony Award Boo Boos
 Aug 21 2006, 08:56:48 PM
In my opinion, one of the BIGGEST Tony award mistakes was Manoel Felciano's not winning Featured Actor in a Musical. That just upset me. =/
re: What Actor Was So Good They Made You Cry?
 Aug 9 2006, 12:37:15 PM
Hugh Panaro as the Phantom

Manoel Felciano as Tobias

*thinks* Yeah, I think that's it.

re: Bizarre production stories
 Aug 8 2006, 01:20:37 PM
Recently in a show that I was in, it was the Saturday before we opened (we opened that Wednesday), and our lead didn't know a single line off-script. The directors actually replaced her with such little time before opening. The new lead girl did an amazing job, though. She managed to learn the 300+ lines in a few short days.
 Aug 8 2006, 01:07:42 PM
Aida - The final time I saw it, about a month before it closed, was when I cried the hardest. It was a mix of my favorite show at the time closing and getting to see Adam Pascal in person.

RENT - Everytime I see the show or the movie, I bawl at the I'll Cover You reprise, Your Eyes, and Finale B.

The Phantom of the Opera - Everytime you feel bad for the Phantom is usually when the tears start flowing. You just want to get up on stage and give the poor guy a hug.


re: Sweeney - The Programs are in!
 Aug 1 2006, 11:59:18 PM
Geh! I wanted to get one of the programs so badly before the show closed. I was planning to go back to NYC (for the reason of seeing my family, but Sweeney was my motivating for actually going). It's a shame the show is closing so soon...

Anyway, I hope I can get one. Maybe a family member will be kind for once...*crosses fingers and prays*

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