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Chicago the Musical Appreciation Thread
 May 13 2014, 01:14:02 AM
No rocks being thrown. Honestly. I dont do that.

just dont want to be part of this board any more. It;s turned into something I no longer wish to participate in.
Thats all.
Good luck to you all and your life on the boards.

Chicago the Musical Appreciation Thread
 May 12 2014, 02:48:54 PM
This board is painful to read and many a times just mean.


The 1st national tour had some of the best reviews and box office sales in recent years on the last tour.
Broadway is still selling at almost full capacity with a wonderful cast that are selling out the show.
The touring cast was dubbed by critics of the leading national papers as an "A list" all around knockout cast.

The broadway cast is FANTASTIC and no one on that stage is there by accident. The Weissler's keep people around who they want to work with and who have longevity. Also they don't get cast without final approval from the top.

Bianca Marroquin, Terra C Macleod got great reviews as a pair during the last tour. As did the other principles.
Check this one out. From the CHICAGO TRIBUNE...a tough city to please and this show and cast got a raving review.,0,1818810.column


For your insight: latest reviews...and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Chicago national tour
 Jul 3 2013, 08:15:07 PM
terra's website

Chicago national tour
 Jul 3 2013, 08:12:51 PM
Just love how everyone here thinks they know whats going with the tour....

How is the Current Chicago Cast?
 Jul 6 2010, 09:51:31 PM
I have to speak up here.
The show right now is in great shape. All the leads are wonderful as are the ensemble members. I saw Sharron Moore when she was on..she is funny and so great in her cell block monologue.
There is no celebrity casting at the moment ,and you have real Broadway actors on that stage. All Veterans who own that stage.
As for the comments that are negative towards anyone in the show no matter who it is..come on people.
And in defense of Terra who I have kno

Anyone see Terri White & Ruthie Henshall in Chicago last night??
 Apr 30 2010, 01:31:04 PM
I can assure you in all the years Terra has been singing this song not once has she changed that lyric.
"I simply cannot do it alone" is a fundamental joke within the story telling and to compromise the lyric would ruin the joke that is scripted.
7 year and counting..not once has that line been changed

Anyone see Terri White & Ruthie Henshall in Chicago last night??
 Apr 27 2010, 07:29:09 PM
Terra Macleod is a Canadian who has spent the majority of her career in the USA.
Accent? The woman is from North America. Not even remotely close to anything like Ute.
When Ruthie returned to the West End Terra was sent over to be her "Velma" and now will be returning to Broadway May 10th to reunite with Ruthie. That in itself says a lot.
They are a great pair and have great chemistry together.

Kiss of the Spider Woman LA, Terra C Macleod
 Sep 3 2008, 02:39:35 PM
Terra C Macleod is The Spider Woman.
If you get a chance catch this Production.
here is the web site

here are a couple of articles from playbill and theatre mania

PAJAMA GAME a couple of reviews
 Nov 5 2007, 01:42:47 PM
Has anynone had the chance to see this production? here are a couple of reviews. More to come.

Pajama Game info In LA (Long beach)
 Oct 29 2007, 01:32:13 PM
For all those in the LA sure to check out this production.

re: Worst performances you've seen
 Aug 9 2007, 11:53:17 PM
wow..this is one mean dont have to like the show...but the tearing people apart...come on guys!!!
did it ever occur to you that there are several actors who do go to this site and see what is written? especially people from the broadway community.
I dont know just seems that this is no longer a forum but a negative posting board and it will deter people from wanting to join and be part of what is supposed to be a forum about broadway and the shows. To rip people apart and the

re: Brief Chicago Tour Review--Dallas
 Jun 20 2007, 03:12:17 PM
Recent review of the Touring company in Tulsa...
Most definetely does not lack what has previously been said on this board!

We can't speak to the temperature of any libations, but the Tulsa Performing Arts Center's Chapman Music Hall is the site of all sorts of theatrical whoopee, thanks to the Broadway touring production of "Chicago."

Unfortunately, the show's limited run ends with the performance that begins at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday — tonight, for those who have trouble remembering what day it is.

And that's really too bad, because this is easily the best production of this Bob Fosse-John Kander-Fred Ebb show to shimmy its way onto a Tulsa stage. So if you want see "Chicago" done right, call the PAC ticket offi ce at 596-7111 or go to www. MyTicketOffi right now.

Don't worry. I won't say anything else until you get back.

... La dee dah, dah dah de dum dum daaaah ... and all that ja —

Back so soon? Good. Let's continue.

"Chicago" is a musical about shamelessness. When a show begins with a leggy young lady clad only in skimpy black underwear and full-body fi shnet sashays onto the
stage to announce that we're about to be regaled with a story of "murder, greed, corruption, violence, exploitation, adultery and treachery — all those things we hold dear to our hearts" ... well, let's just say decorum isn't the word for the da y, if ya know what I'm saying.

So if you're going to be shameless, then heavens to Murgatroyd you might as well give it everything you got.

That's exactly what this cast does. Fosse's slink y, hipthrusting, lubricious choreography is performed with a kind of exuberant menace by the buff — and at times barely clothed — ensemble. They seem to be having a grand old time embodying the people about whom Mother warned us.

The cartoonish characters Fosse and Ebb created are done up here in luridly colorful shades of black and white, with only the coppery coiffure of Roxie Hart (Michelle deJean) breaking the scheme.

But then Roxie breaks a lot of things. Hearts, mostly. First, it's her boyfriend Fred (Kevin Neil McCready), although it takes Roxie three bullets to do the job properly. Then it's the heart of her long-suffering husband Amos (Eric Leviton), who keeps trying to stand by his woman, even though she'd gladly push him in front of a train if it meant one more second in the spotlight.

DeJean's Roxie is a creature of the moment, although you get glimpses of her calculating nature in the way DeJean's voice slews from high-speed Kewpie-doll burble to a luxurious, legit mezzo voice. Roxie may not be smart, but she defi nitely has some sharp edges below the wide-eyed surface.

Velma Kelly (Terra C. Mac- Leod), on the other hand, is exactly what you see: as slick as her brilliantined hair, as focused as her burning black eyes, as worldly wise as her husky voice.

And they're both trying to get the undivided attention of lawyer Billy Flynn (Tom Wopat), who has a knack for getting pistol-packin' mamas acquitted of murder. Just let Billy give 'em the old "Razzle Dazzle" and everything works out for the best.

DeJean and MacLeod have done these roles on Broadway as well as on tour, and they are both supremely comfortable in the duo's scantily clad skins. MacLeod gets Velma's increasing desperation down perfectly, as she watches her star as Chicago's most notorious man-killer slowly fade. And she nails songs like "I Can't Do it Alone" and "When Velma Takes the Stand" while engaging in some of the most athletic choreography of the evening.

And deJean absolutely revels in Roxie's heedless pursuit of fame, from seeing her name in the papers in Roxie" to imagining her life on the stage with "Me and My Baby."

Wopat's Billy Flynn is the relatively calm center around which all this whirls, and he makes the most out of a minimum of movement. Even his songs aren't showy, but Wopat delivers them in a sly way that makes the seeming sincerity of "All I Care About" and "Razzle Dazzle" even more cynical.

Carol Woods is a great Matron "Mama" Morton, R. Bean is a deliriously over the top Mary Sunshine, and Leviton is wonderful as the put-upon Amos, whose exit got almost as much applause as his fi ne rendition of "Mr. Cellophane."

Remember — one night only. If you like your musicals with a heaping helping of cynical humor, and songs that gently mock just about every musical theater tradition you can think of, then "Chicago's" a town you should toddle off to, pronto.

re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
 Jun 20 2007, 03:07:40 PM
expect to be pleasantly surprised because she naturally has spunk and charisma and it reads on stage and she knows how to use what she has!!
She got as far as she did with dancing with the stars because she knew how to work with her abilities, she does the same here.

Some Dallas press

"Answering the big question: Yes, soap diva Rinna is a credible song-and-dance performer. She warms to the Fosse dance numbers while bringing a fey, girlish quality to Roxie Hart, the aspiring

re: How are Lisa and Harry in CHICAGO?
 Jun 20 2007, 02:51:24 PM
In all fairness to Lisa, when she joined the tour she had never set foot on stage before in her life nor had she worked with the touring company prior to a 2 hour rehearsal with them. So I was informed.
In Dallas the tour got great reviews and she really came into her own.
Lisa is truly a beautiful woman who adds spunk, individuality and her own sense of humor to the role. She's grown alot and is quite funny.
Which is what makes these roles work, To not replicate what others hav

re: Rinna, Hamlin Join CHICAGO June 19
 Mar 29 2007, 03:52:10 PM
I think Terra and Miss Rinna will make a great pair for those who will get to see the tour. Two femme fatales...genial!!!
re: Chicago tour in tokyo
 Feb 20 2007, 12:12:07 PM
How is this illegal?

Chicago tour in tokyo
 Feb 20 2007, 10:05:25 AM
For those interested.
Youtube: type in kevin Ric**** Newsbird interview

Chicago Tokyo
 Feb 20 2007, 10:03:57 AM
For those interested.
Youtube: type in kevin Ric**** Newsbird interview

re: who are the Broadwayworld Critics?
 Jan 7 2007, 05:22:23 PM
good true!!but I would like to believe not all.

re: who are the Broadwayworld Critics?
 Jan 7 2007, 05:12:41 PM
I know most do...but are they legit is what I am asking. Can one truly go by what they say?? or are they biased? also are they fans of certain shows and performers?
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