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Member Name: KristenF
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re: Ashley Spencer is fantastic in 'Grease!'
 Oct 22 2008, 07:46:26 PM
Whatever! You guys are a real riot! Ashley deserves the praise, and I don't resent giving it to her. Argue all you want--I know the truth, and you will never convince me otherwise.
re: Ashley Spencer is fantastic in 'Grease!'
 Oct 22 2008, 07:00:04 PM
That was why I started the thread. If you didn't want to read it, I'm not sure why you made the decision to do so. The thread was clearly going to be about Ashley. And since she has one of the lead roles in a Broadway play, I see no reason why the thread would be off topic. Ashley is a big part of the theater scene. And because I am a fan of hers, I've had the chance to experience two great Broadway shows--"Hairspray" and "Grease."
re: Ashley Spencer is fantastic in 'Grease!'
 Oct 22 2008, 06:45:32 PM
At least my reasons for being on here are valid, which is more than I can say for some others, who choose to spread negativity no matter which board they are on. And my praise for Ashley is based on her talent. I didn't know her before the TV show, so my interest in her career was based solely on her talent. Clearly the decision to bring her into the show as "Sandy" was also based on her talent. And everyone at the show was blown away by her talent, not just myself. I am recommending the show
re: Ashley Spencer is fantastic in 'Grease!'
 Oct 21 2008, 03:46:26 PM
I would like to clarify that I had never met Ashley until she was in "Hairspray." I became a fan when she was on the "Grease" TV show, and I continue to be a huge fan of hers because she is a huge talent. I know that there are some people who liked Laura better, but I disagree. I'm not saying that Laura was bad--I preferred Ashley. To me and many others, Ashley had all that it took to be "Sandy." And she has been proving it since July. Ashley was awesome in "Hairspray" as well--I'll give y
Ashley Spencer is fantastic in "Grease!"
 Oct 21 2008, 05:44:22 AM
I was able to see Ashley Spencer perform in "Grease" this past weekend! She was just perfect as "Sandy!!!" She is so talented--her solos were just great! Her singing, dancing, and acting were all top notch! The end scenes of the show in which Ashley is "Sexy Sandy" were just amazing! Ashley lights up the stage! She stood out in every scene in which she was in! What an amazingly talented actress she is! It is clear that Broadway has found a star!!! The role of "Sandy" is in the right hands!!!!
re: BWW Radio presents Seth's Broadway Chatterbox - GREASE: Keeling and Spencer
 Oct 4 2008, 12:27:53 AM
I loved the show! They are both so talented! And genuinely sweet people! :)
re: BWW Radio presents Seth's Broadway Chatterbox - GREASE: Keeling and Spencer
 Sep 30 2008, 08:39:53 AM
Thanks, I can't wait to listen! :)
re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
 Sep 24 2008, 08:07:17 PM
I thought Derek was great! Loved his "Sandy!"
re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
 Sep 21 2008, 07:17:48 PM
Thanks for sharing your comments, hmpeterson! Loved them!
re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
 Sep 20 2008, 09:01:12 PM
I think that the show is doing pretty well now, and they couldn't have picked two better leads! They are amazing in their roles! I know that with Ashley and Derek on board, the show will continue to do well!
re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
 Sep 13 2008, 11:22:30 AM
That's wonderful to hear that Ashley and Derek are getting the praise that they so truly deserve! From fans, as well as the person who wrote the show!

re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
 Sep 13 2008, 11:11:44 AM
This was a direct quote from Laura's mom on the "Grease" message boards--

Max and Laura had year contracts that are now over. They were both offered touring roles, and both turned it down perhaps for different reasons. They were not offered an extended Broadway contract but they had a spectacular year, tickets sales were great and I am certain everyone is and was happy. It is time for change.

re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
 Sep 13 2008, 07:55:58 AM
I've heard a different message about Max and Laura. I'd recheck your facts. Ashley and Derek were the top choices to move into the roles, and with good reason. They are excellent! Derek is adorable and I didn't notice him stop and wait for the audience's reaction. I thought he was great in the role. He was perfect. His singing was fantastic--loved his "Sandy." And I don't think anyone else has ever described Ashley's singing as flat. She is doing wonderfully in the role. She's got an ama
re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
 Sep 12 2008, 06:47:54 PM
I'm just so confused by the statement by someone who was afraid of Ashley Spencer as "Sandy." Ashley is a great actress, and she plays "Sandy" so well! She was born to play the part! There's no way that you could watch her perform and be scared of "Sandy!" And as for her singing, she's been flawless every time I've watched her perform. She's so talented and is fantastic in every part that she plays!
re: GREASE - Ashley and Derek's First Performance - 7/22/08
 Jul 23 2008, 09:02:30 AM
I'm glad to hear that they did so well! I had no doubts! I just love Ashley and Derek, and I can't wait to see them perform! And Ashley is a triple threat--anyone, personal friend or not, would be able to tell that a 23-year-old who has already been on TV and in two Broadway roles is a triple threat! Ashley is extremely talented and is going to continue to be successful!
re: Ashley Spencer and Derek Keeling Open Tonight in Grease
 Jul 22 2008, 11:19:22 AM
They are going to be an awesome "Sandy" and "Danny!" They'll do great tonight! I can't wait to see the show!!! :)
re: Britney Spears As Sandy
 Jul 14 2008, 08:45:20 AM
Ashley Spencer is going to be a wonderful "Sandy!" Britney Spears doesn't even compare to her! Ashley can do it all--sing, dance, and act! She is a fantastic performer! Plus she can outdo Britney anytime with being consistent--it was very rare for her to miss any performances in "Hairspray." She is going to be amazing in "Grease!"
 Jun 26 2008, 06:44:21 AM
I know that Ashley and Derek are going to be great! They will bring something different to the show, which will help keep it going. I can't wait to see them perform!
re: Hairspray Review 05/18
 May 21 2008, 10:21:08 PM
I just loved Ashley Spencer's portrayal of Amber when I saw the show! I thought that she did a great job. I have not seen Karen Mason perform, but I've seen Ashley in the show twice, and she was wonderful both times.
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