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Member Name: Discogaud
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re: Is Jersey Boys good?
 Aug 27 2008, 08:04:13 PM
I've never quite gotten the bad rap this show has among some people. I can understand not liking it, but I don't think it compares that unfavorably to other musicals. A lot of musicals aren't exactly heavyweight material, even ones that aren't the jukebox type. A lot of popular music once came from musicals, so I'm not sure what's so different about already-popular music being used as musical material. I also think it's sort of a hybrid between a play with music (when they perform the big ear
Vegas TV news item
 May 19 2008, 03:28:47 AM
The Chad Jones article that Leanna linked to was in today's print version of the Contra Costa Times, with a color photo of the four main guys, on the front of the Travel section. A very orange photo, but nice (and they don't do color photos in the papers very often these days).
Erich Bergen in another onstage accidnet
 May 10 2008, 03:39:31 AM
That's some bad luck. Hope he's okay.
re: Micky Dolenz an d Broadway!
 Feb 6 2008, 11:03:29 PM
Was Micky your favorite Monkee? I just thought I'd ask.
re: Will Ferrell singing a song from Phantom
 Jan 4 2008, 09:52:43 PM
I prefer Sammy Davis, Jr.'s MDA telethon rendition, also on YouTube. It's just a tad campy.
re: Live animals on stage
 Nov 16 2007, 11:43:00 PM
Do they have people that watch over animals in productions? Y'know, like humane societies check out major film productions to make sure no animals are hurt. I wonder how well the animal trainers are paid, too. They're there every night. Do they have a union? What's the pay scale?
re: Happy Opening Young Frankenstein!
 Nov 8 2007, 09:24:18 PM
I'm also including the reviews people posted from Seattle, which were also mostly bad. But I'd say mixed because the reviews themselves mention some positives, such as some of the performances. It's hard to say how the public will take it. But maybe they should have read the Seattle reviews more closely, because it seems they didn't make enough changes along the way.
re: Happy Opening Young Frankenstein!
 Nov 8 2007, 09:13:53 PM
Anyone think this will have a long run and maybe a road show? The reviews seem mixed. But good luck, I hope it makes it, if it's any good.
Well here's the rest of the cast.
 Nov 8 2007, 09:09:43 PM
How are the first and second casts doing these days? I don't see anyone from Chicago or the other towns posting (or maybe they're lurkers like me). Are they not making much of an impression, or does no one care? Or maybe they don't like this board? I just wonder how and if the actors and the crews keep their energy up after doing the same show for that many months. Maybe San Fran is better off getting first crack at the casts, 'cause I do think shows are fresher when they first start.
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