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Member Name: Ellski
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Casting director questions, help?
 Mar 27 2011, 03:08:37 PM
Thank you guys for all the advice, I really appreciate it :)
Casting director questions, help?
 Mar 27 2011, 12:02:57 AM
So I'm a sophomore in high school and I've been interested in theatre and have wanted to be an actress my whole life. Just recently, though I've tried to start looking into other aspects of theatre besides just acting, considering it's so hard to get a job as an actor. Recently I've thought about being a casting director, but I don't know exactly what a casting director does, just the general idea. So my question is, 1. What exactly does being a casting director entail, 2. What kind of steps do
Bring it On first preview blog...
 Feb 6 2011, 12:08:42 AM
I saw it in Atlanta, and I definitely have some mixed feelings. The video screens were occasionally very effective, but it was definitely overused. I, too, thought the first part was slow and that it only picked up when the second high school entered. I only liked a few of the songs and the book wasn't very good either in my opinion. The interpretation of how high school kids talk was pretty off. The audience, however, seemed to love it. At the talk back there was a lot of positive review of the
Bring it On first preview blog...
 Feb 6 2011, 12:08:22 AM
I saw it in Atlanta, and I definitely have some mixed feelings. The video screens were occasionally very effective, but it was definitely overused. I, too, thought the first part was slow and that it only picked up when the second high school entered. I only liked a few of the songs and the book wasn't very good either in my opinion. The interpretation of how high school kids talk was pretty off. The audience, however, seemed to love it. At the talk back there was a lot of positive review of the
Ways to spread school musical spirit
 Feb 5 2011, 11:50:24 PM
Are the musicals free? If they aren't, the having the people in the play sell the tickets is a good way to let people know about the musical. It's hard to say no when your friend ask you if you want to buy a ticket, and when you've already spent money on the ticket it's not as likely you'll just forget about it. That's what my theatre department does, and the tickets are a dollar cheaper if you buy your ticket in advance.
Most Irritating Scenes/Songs in Musical Theatre
 Jan 23 2011, 06:30:44 PM
I Will Never Leave You from Sideshow. It almost seems like a bad joke to me.
Broadway Rehearsals
 Dec 13 2010, 04:48:03 PM
For a show with a one month rehearsal time, on average, how many hours of rehearsal does it have?
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