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Member Name: koolaid mustache
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re: [tos] tour?
 Oct 14 2008, 10:32:28 PM
while I agree it isn;t the best move for them

most touring houses are sold by subscriptions, so a show such as [tos] could easily slide into a package season full of old hits, and could find some exposure. I don't think it would be the most succesful show to tour, but IMHO it would find new fans and some more traction.

Again, I don't think it is a good option for them, as I am sure they are going to have good careers in NYC, it could happen.

re: Cancelled Shows Hypothetical Questions...
 Oct 14 2008, 10:27:55 PM
Well I am a little bitter, I am sure at some point I will see the show.

As a producer or FOH manager though, I would have run tonight a little differently.

The line for the box office was over an hour long, and no-one was there to give any information about what was happening.

While I have also had tickets for shows that have closed, That is a different circumstance, as you are told before the 8PM curtain.

An added performance could be possible in the preview

re: Best Conversation Starters at Shows?
 Oct 14 2008, 10:11:40 PM
i don't start convos
but i smile

and if then they usually ask me if I have seen it

and then they ask me if I'm an actor, apparently I look like one, or just gay so they then I tell them my life story, cause who doesn't wanna hear all about ME? I feel bad for people sitting next to me.

Cancelled Shows Hypothetical Questions...
 Oct 14 2008, 10:03:38 PM

So after being in my seat for Billy Elliot tonight, and the cancelling of the show, I have been wondering to myself about some questions, about what to do in this circumstance, and I wanna know your opinions!

Should There Be another performance booked? Since it is a near sold out show, exchanging tickets for people with good seats, will take months to get those seats again.

Should You be offered a Ticket for whichever night you choose, regardless of the price? I a

re: My thoughts on some shows...
 Oct 13 2008, 07:37:40 PM
if i would have known before 7:38 I would have gone

but i am EXAUSTED from shopping, it all got to heavy, and i needed to come back without completing it!!

re: My thoughts on some shows...
 Oct 13 2008, 07:15:26 PM

i just have NO interest in it
and I saw IN the Heights in second night of previews, from the back
so i wanna see it now that it has been running, and right up front!!

who knows though, a few shows have been switched!

re: My thoughts on some shows...
 Oct 13 2008, 09:42:08 AM
I've been trying to see a well rounded amount of shows!

that and I have already seen Chicago, Hairspray, Wicked, Lion King, Xanadu, In the Heights, Spring Awakening, Spamalot, Mamma Mia, Legally Blonde, Avenue Q on other trips, so I had limited choices on Broadway!

and yes, the three show days have been long, and all of this theatre has started to make my brain go a little crazy!! But it has been a wonderful trip, and I can't wait until May when I come again!! TONYS!!

re: My thoughts on some shows...
 Oct 13 2008, 12:31:01 AM
I kinda wanna
but alas i have run outa time

i have decided not to see a show tomorrow, as i found out equus doesnt have monday nights anymore, and nothing else appeals to me...

and Tuesday I have a ticket for Billy Elliot, and I HAVE to see August:Osage County on Wednesdsay matinee, and I really wanna see In the Heights on Wednesday, but if I don;t win the lotto I'll se TOTC!

re: [Title of Show] Closing Performance
 Oct 12 2008, 11:28:01 PM
Parks, where were u sitting?
re: My thoughts on some shows...
 Oct 12 2008, 11:24:17 PM
I have already seen Spring Awakening on another trip (along with lots of other long running shows)

HEY ALL! A few more days have passed, and a few more shows have been seen!

I have 3 days left! WHAT A JOURNEY it has been!

here are more of my reviews/thoughts, again sorry about the grammar, AND there may be SPOILERS!?

Jersey Boys
Date: Oct.9 @ 8:00
Theatre: August Wilson
Price: $27 (SRO)

Quality, just not my cup of tea. The pro

re: [Title of Show] Closing Performance
 Oct 12 2008, 10:54:56 PM

i cried, i laughed

and stood up three times, those standing ovations were incredible!


re: My thoughts on some shows...
 Oct 9 2008, 11:44:45 AM
Neither of those are on the list

I am not really interested in the seagull...

...and tale of two cities...I think I have seen enough bad musicals

(it's like [tos] when I'm juding a show before I see it)

re: My thoughts on some shows...
 Oct 8 2008, 11:32:09 PM
Yes, it has been a fantabulous trip, a lot to think about each night while falling asleep!

Ya, it was a prop phone, at the end, a backstage guy came out and asked if anyone had it, I gave it to him, and he made sure I didn't get injured by it, I should have pretended I did, and milked it for free tickets or something!

thanks for the [tos] info!

25 shows, 14 Days
 Oct 8 2008, 11:19:22 PM
Hey All!

I have been in New York for six days, and seen thirteen shows!

Here are some short reviews, thoughts, etc...

Please forgive the spelling and grammar, I wrote them all late at night!

AND...I am here for another 8 days, and I will attach the planned theatre schedule after the reviews, so if you wanna join, private message me, and COME ALONG!

NYC Reviews

Giant Shark Killer: The Musical
Date: O

Kristin Chenoweth, a lovely way to spend christmas
 Oct 7 2008, 04:16:23 PM
hey all!

I got an exclusive pre-release through some connection today!

and i LOVE IT!

sing list:

1. I'll be home for Christmas
2. Christmas Island
3. The Christmas Waltz
4. Do you Hear What I Hear?
5. Sleigh Ride/ Marshmellow World (with John Pizzarelli)
6. Sing
7. Silver Bells
8. Come on Ring Those Bells
9. What Child Is Thig
10. Home on Christmas Day
11. Born on Christmas Day
12. Sleep Well Little Children/ What a

this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
 Oct 7 2008, 11:33:56 AM
and i have officially become a [tos]er

I finnaly got down here from the great white north, AKA Canada...and saw the show last night, and it was incredible!

I got me a signed windowcard and two t-shirts, which are on sale 2 for $40!

I also adopted an international [tos]er and got him a pencil and playbill!

the stagedoor was busy, but they took time to see everyone, they are super sweet! It took them like an HOUR to get outa the theatre, they were getting "not

Battery's Down Episode 9
 Oct 1 2008, 02:43:17 PM
I thought it was the best episode to date!

Although i am not the biggest fan, I thought this one was well done!


re: Shrek Download - I Know It's Today
 Sep 29 2008, 04:47:57 PM
it is a great musical theatre song...

1. It continues the story, and introduces us to the character of Fiona

2. It makes some cute jokes, that get a good reaction from the audience, and sets up some foreshadowing

3. It is a catchy tune, that I sang as I walked out of the theatre

4. It is inventive by having all three sing at once, instead of just having sutton belt out a song about her "want"

what else do you want?

re: Shrek Download - I Know It's Today
 Sep 29 2008, 04:37:42 PM
i dunno what all the hate is for...

it sounds cute, and having seen it live, it works as a wonderful song within the show, one of it's many highlights!


re: Drowsy Chaperone rights?
 Sep 28 2008, 09:19:42 PM
the rights might be out...

Vancouver Playhouse is performing it in November, right after the Seattle tour stop ends...i don't believe this is an extension of the tour...different cast and such!

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