Boycott SueleenGay! Nov 21
2007, 10:50:03 AM
I never said they shouldn't be allowed. I said they won't want to. And why should they? (Phyllis - are you 7 or 8 years old? Been promised this for the last couple of months? People are resilient. The kids will get over it. Many kids in this world have had to deal with worse things than missing a Broadway show. But I'm surprised by your first advice, Mamie. And adult's job at this point should be to make it easier for the children to understand and deal with what's happ
re: League's Open Letter to Actors & Stage Managers Nov 21
2007, 02:10:05 AM
I'm not an actor. But I saw the letters (there's another, more general one for 'Employees'), and I thought the letter to actors were quite clever in the way it says, "Your Equity leadership is lying to you, and if things go wrong next summer, it'll be their fault." Whatever their intention was, to this reader it came across a little creepy.
re: The Strike May Get Worse Nov 21
2007, 01:40:39 AM
I sent that letter to a friend and his feeling is it's bogus and that someone did it as satire. Really, that's the only thing that would make sense, because it's completely inane. If that's true, then someone need to tell them because they need to be worried about 2 things: 1. Someone is posting false letters under their name 2. And posting them on their official website, which means it's being hacked into. ETA: I think they're rea
re: The Strike May Get Worse Nov 20
2007, 10:01:27 PM
Has anyone verified it? Not really. But is their official website, is it not? And the links to those letters are posted on the home page. So unless some hacker decided to have a go at them... Some of those numbers really doesn't make sense. The other letter was more of an "emotional appeal" to actors. Like I said... PR campaign.
re: The Strike May Get Worse Nov 20
2007, 06:35:10 PM
Found the links. Open letter to employees: Open letter to actors & stage managers: If nothing else, you'd have to admit that League is doing a better PR campaign.
re: The Strike May Get Worse Nov 20
2007, 06:27:24 PM
BroadwayBen, could you provide a link to the site?
re: Local One union boss blew the deal says The NY POST Nov 20
2007, 10:53:13 AM
Why impact the entire city of NY just to prove a point? Is that what's happening? They're just "proving a point?" And just as JAG said, everything you described about your work place is the reason some workers organized into a union. By the way, the following article might be of interest to some. 'These aren’t strikes to explore new territory, but rather to protect past gains — to prevent deterioration in working conditions and job security,” said Gar
re: Producers to LOCK OUT the Grinch Nov 19
2007, 08:39:50 PM
Taka, maybe you want to read a bit more slowly. Producers and Theatre Owners aren't interchangeable. The Grinch producers aren't members of the League. The owner of St. James, Jujamcyn, is. Read Margo's post in the middle of page 2.
re: Local 1's Nov 13
2007, 08:20:54 PM
I'm not part of any of this, I'm just digesting what I've been reading and trying to understand it. Not every performer who is asked to do a charity event for free does it. If I'm not mistaken, Jamie's point is that with Local1, the organizer doesn't even have the flexibility to ask, ie., he was told by the rep that he wasn't allowed to invite Local1 members to donate their time. Instead, the members have to be paid first, and *then* if some members choose to donate back
re: BWW Wishes CEO Robert Diamond A Happy Birthday Oct 31
2007, 09:47:02 PM
Happy Birthday, Rob!
re: Complaints about Michael Ball missing HAIRSPRAY performances (wink) Oct 29
2007, 10:01:55 PM
Anthony Warlow told of a similar story in an interview. I forgot what role he was referring to - but people were complaining to the box office at intermission asking for their money back. When the box office people asked "Are you sure?" they'd say, "Yeah, Anthony Warlow's bald, and this guy has a full head of hair..." You'd think both of these performers can be recognized by just their voices...
re: Mister Choi And Madame G Jul 29
2006, 09:35:18 PM
Did Celia sing "Anytime" in that production, Singingbackup? I know that question wasn't directed at me, but yes, she did sing 'Anytime' in that production :). And she did a great job with it.
re: COMPANY in Cincinnati Review Mar 24
2006, 01:57:21 AM
you have to wonder why they felt the need to put the new scene in that hints about some bisexual experimentation. I can't remember where I read this, since it's been years. It might have been on an article on But anyway, I read that the little scene was put in *because* there were questions regarding Bobby's sexuality. People were wondering if the reason he couldn't commit was because he was gay, and so they added that scene -- I guess to show that it was somethi
re: A Little Night Music Revival Mar 14
2006, 08:40:52 PM
I'd love to see Marc Kudisch as Carl-Magnus again. But I guess he's done it, what, twice or three times already? And Annette Bening would be lovely. :)
re: Performers Who Just Can't Dance Mar 7
2006, 02:28:33 AM
I saw Plum being the last poster, and for some reason I imagined she was going to say something along the lines of, "Well, I don't know... but Hugh Jackman CAN dance." And Em - I guess Adam should have tried that method for the high note in the Enchantment Passing Through...
re: Bernarda Alba Reviews NOW IN Mar 6
2006, 08:19:32 PM
Perhaps; and my previous post certainly wasn't made in the spirit of trying to see who quoted better. On a separate note, I do hope they will make a recording of this.
re: Bernarda Alba Reviews NOW IN Mar 6
2006, 08:07:37 PM
Brantley was also quoted 2 posts above you, Margo . I think we should have a link to yours, though.
re: Bernarda Alba Reviews NOW IN Mar 6
2006, 07:57:15 PM
New York Times gave it a mixed review. "The music, though superbly orchestrated (by Michael Starobin) and played (by a finely coordinated ensemble led by Deborah Abramson), goes places that singers used to hard-sell Broadway pizazz cannot follow. The punctuating yelps; the wavering sustained notes in minor keys; the labyrinthine interior musical paths; the eruptions into antimelodic harshness — these are all more the stuff of mid-20th-century chamber operas than conventional show tunes
re: 'Miscast' benefit--what exactly do they do Mar 5
2006, 05:26:24 PM
I think I heard somewhere that one year Adam Pascal did a song from A Chorus Line. I think he sang 'What I Did for Love.'
re: COMPANY 1996 London Revival Cast Recording... Mar 4
2006, 05:59:52 PM
I got it for pretty cheap, but that was years ago. I'd get the original first, but if you already have, I'd say this is worth having. Like others have said, interesting for comparison. I actually really really like Adrien Lester in the role; I can't say the same for the rest of the cast, but Lester was good.