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Member Name: megaraa
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Daniel Radcliffe Will Return to the Stage This Summer in PRIVACY at The Public Theater!
 Apr 12 2016, 05:57:43 PM

Taryn said: "They send you a physical welcome letter that obviously takes a few days, but you'll have online access and be added to the members email list immediately.



Thank you!!! :)

Daniel Radcliffe Will Return to the Stage This Summer in PRIVACY at The Public Theater!
 Apr 12 2016, 05:15:57 PM

Been considering becoming a member of the Public to secure tickets and with this announcement, maybe it's time to. Does anyone know how long it takes to become one? Like, if I registered/paid for a membership today, would it be effective immediately, i.e. in time for when tickets for this go on sale for members? 


Fun Home Stage Door
 Jun 16 2015, 10:07:55 AM

I was there this past Saturday and the stage door wasn't that crowded at all, though probably more so than before the Tonys. They had the rope up in the lobby for everyone to wait behind and there were quite a few people who were waiting outside next to the door. I think they had some type of rope or barricade up outside as well. Everyone was able to get their stuff signed and take pictures with the cast though. I did make the mistake of going to the bathroom after the show and by the time I

John Cameron Mitchell Tony intro?
 Jun 11 2015, 04:04:52 PM

Someone kindly filmed the whole thing and uploaded it here:

I thought it was a lovely introduction and wish they were able to air the whole segment.

Who Is This Tony Awards Dancer?
 May 16 2015, 11:55:48 AM

I think he might have been part of the "How to Succeed..." ensemble, but I'm not positive. Think I recognize him from that.

Fun Home: Cheap Tickets?
 May 11 2015, 04:31:01 PM

How many lotto tickets do they give out for each show? Also, has anyone else tried SRO? How late have they had them still available? Want to try for Thursday but don't know how early I can get down there.

Official JCM as Hedwig (2015 Edition) Thread
 Mar 29 2015, 01:05:07 PM
Haven't done it myself, but I've heard he usually gets to the theatre around 4/4:30 for 7 pm shows so maybe 5/5:30 for 8 pm show days?
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